SCORE research exchange

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Presentation on theme: "SCORE research exchange"— Presentation transcript:

1 SCORE research exchange
M1 이유정

2 SCORE ? - IFMSA International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations 전세계 의대생 연합 SCORE Standing Committee on Research Exchange

3 SCORE 지원하기 1. KMSA(의대협)에 지원서 제출 & confirmation

4 SCORE 지원하기 * 국가별, 영역별, 날짜별 database화 -> 검색 후 3지망 선택

5 SCORE 지원하기 2. e-AF 이용한 Application form 작성

6 SCORE 지원하기 3. 첨부 파일 제출 & card of acceptance

7 Denmark

8 Denmark

9 Denmark

10 Denmark

11 Denmark

12 Research project at DRCMR
Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance (Center for Functional and Diagnostic Imaging and Research) Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre

13 Research project at DRCMR
Personal -연구 주제 ContAct (Control of Actions): Investigating the ability of the human brain to flexibly integrate relevant contextual dimensions into appropriate actions /1~7/26 (4 weeks, Mon~Friday)

14 Research project at DRCMR
출근 : (시간은 자유) Hvidovre hospital 9:30~ : Conference meeting& Lecture (Monday) Method meeting (every Tuesday) ~ 12:00 : Reading papers 점심시간 : Hospital canteen ~15:00 : Hands on experience (Lab-TMS, EEG, fMRI) participating others’ project (피실험자……….)

15 Research project at DRCMR
TMS ( transcranial magnetic stimulation) “Hands-on experience”

16 Research project at DRCMR
EEG (Electroencephalogram) “Hands on experience”

17 Research project at DRCMR

18 Tips





23 Social program


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