Theology (1) Lecture Part IV: The Work of God Chapter 14 Creation ( )

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1 Theology (1) Lecture Part IV: The Work of God Chapter 14 Creation (129-136)
Jintae Kim, PhD Alliance Theological Seminary Nyack, NY 10960 (845) Website:

2 Chap. 14 God's Originating Work: Creation 하나님 역사의 근원 : 창조

3 Reasons for studying the Doctrine of Creation 왜 창조론을 배워야 하는가?
(1) The Bible places great significance upon it.  성경은 창조를 매우 중요하게 여기고 있다.     - The very first statement (Gen 1:1) and the Gospel of John (Jn 1:1) (2) The doctrine of creation has been a significant part of the church faith; it has been a highly important aspect of its teaching and preaching.        창조 교리는 우리 믿음의 중요한 부분이다.

4  (3) Our understanding of the creation is important because it affects our understanding of other doctrines.  창조에 대하여 어떻게 이해하는가는 다른 교리에 영향을 준다. (4) The doctrine of creation helps differentiate Christianity from other religions and world-views.  창조 교리는 다른 종교 및 세계관과 기독교를 현격히 구별하는데 도움을 준다.

5 (5) The study of the doctrine of creation is one point of potential dialogue between Christianity and natural sciences.  창조의 연구는 기독교와 자연과학 사이에 대화의 여지를 준다. (6) There needs to be a careful understanding of the doctrine of creation because there sometimes have been sharp disagreements within Christian circles.       기독교인들 간에도 창조에 대해서 현격한 이견을 보이기 때문에 주의하여 연구할 필요가 있다.

6 Elements of the Biblical Teaching on Creation 창조론의 5 요소 (131-132)
(1) Creation out of Nothing (무에서 유를 창조)     - The "ex nihilo" creation - creation "out of nothing" 현존하는 전세계는 하나님이 존재케 하심으로 시작되었다.  하나님은 독자적으로 존재하는 어떤 것을 재료로 사용하여 우주를 만드신 것이 아니다.  하나님은 무에서 우주를 창조하셨다.   There was no pre-existent matter.

7 (2) Its All-Inclusive Nature (만물을 창조하심) 포괄성.
    - The entirety of reality has come into being through His act of creation.  The whole universe came into being through this act of God.    이 세상에 존재하는 모든 것은 하나님의 창조로부터 나온 것이다.

8 (3) Rejection of Dualism (이원론의 배제)
    - The Creator is unique:  하나님은 독존하신다.         He is the only one who has brought reality into being.  There is no neutral segment of the creation devoid of spiritual significance.  Thus the idea of an inherent evil segment of creation, which takes its origin from some powerful evil being, such as the devil, is rejected. 하나님이 창조하지 않으신 것은 아무 것도 존재하지 않는다.

9 (4) The work of the Triune God (삼위일체 하나님의 작품)
It appears from Scripture that it was the Father who brought the created universe into existence. But it was the Spirit and the Son who fashioned it, who carried out the details of the design.  Although the creation is from the Father, it is through the Son and the Holy Spirit. 창조의 주역은 성부이시지만, 성부께서 계획하신 대로 세부적인 창조를 수행하신 이는 성자와 성령인 것을 보인다. 창조는 곧 삼위의 공동작품이다.

10 (5) Its Purpose: God's Glory 하나님의 영광을 위해서 창조.
He had a purpose in bringing reality into being.  And the creation fulfills that purpose of God.  The creation glorifies God by carrying out His will.  The inanimate creation glorifies Him (Ps. 19:1)  하나님은 뚜렷한 목적을 가지고 만물을 창조하셨다. 만물은 하나님의 뜻을 성취함으로서 하나님께 영광을 돌린다. Man alone is capable of obeying God consciously and willingly and glorifies most fully. 인간은 만물 가운데 유일하게 자유의지를 사용해서 하나님을 가장 영화롭게 하는 존재이다.

11 God's Later Creative Work
God did originally created matter from nothing, and then in His subsequent creative activity, He fashioned everything from the atoms which He has created.  The various species produced at that later time would be just as much God's doing as was the origin of matter. 창조는 두 단계로 이루어졌다. 하나님은 먼저 무에서 원자를 창조하시고, 먼저 만드신 원자를 사용하셔서 만물을 빚으셨다. 그러므로 2차적으로 재료를 사용하셔서 만드신 온갖 종류의 피조물들도 최초에 만드신 원자 못지 않게 중요하다.

12 The Theological Meaning of the Doctrine. 창조론의 신학적 의미 (133-134)

13 (1) The doctrine of creation is first and rather obviously a statement that everything that is not God has derived its existence from him.       창조 교리를 한 마디로 말한다면, 하나님이 아닌 것은 다 그로 말미암아 창조되었다는 것이다.

14 (2) The original act of divine creation is unique.
      God needed no materials. Therefore, his purposes, unlike those of human creator, will not be frustrated by any inherent qualities of material with which he must work.       하나님은 무에서 모든 것을 만드셨고, 어떠한 재료도 사용하지 않으셨으며, 어떠한 방해나 제약도 받지 않으셨다.

15 (3) The doctrine of creation also means that nothing made is intrinsically evil.
      Everything has come from God, and the creation narrative says five times that he saw that it was good.       어떠한 것도 그 자체로 악한 것은 없다.  모든 것은 하나님이 “보시기에 좋았더라.”

16 (4) The doctrine of creation also thrusts a responsibility upon man. 
      He cannot justify his evil behavior by blaming the evil realm of the material.      창조 교리는 또한 인간에게 책임을 부여한다.  인간은 자신의 악한 행위에 대하여 악한 세상을 핑게할 수 없다.

17 (5) The doctrine of creation also guards against depreciating the incarnation of Christ.
      If the material world were somehow inherently evil, it would be very difficult to accept the fact that the Second Person of the Trinity took on a physical body.       창조 교리는 예수 그리스도의 성육신의 가치를 떨어뜨리는 것을 막는다. 

18 (6) The doctrine of creation also restrains us from asceticism. 
      Believing that the physical nature is evil has led some to shun the human body and any type of physical satisfaction.  Spirit, being more divine, is the proper realm of the good and the godly.       창조 교리는 우리를 금욕주의의 위험으로부터 막아 준다.

19 (7) If all of creation has been made by God, there are a connection and an affinity among the various parts of it.  God loves and cares for all of his creation.  It is his and it matters to him, just as we do.       만일 모든 만물이 하나님이 만드신 것이라면 그 개체 사이에 어떤 관련성이나 유사점이 있을 터이다. 

20 (8) While the doctrine of creation excludes any dualism, it also excludes the type of monoism that regards the world as an emanation from God.        창조 교리가 이원론을 배격하는 반면, 또한 세계가 하나님 자신의 발산이나 현현이라는 일종의 일원론적 개념도 배제되어야 한다.       The individual elements of the world are genuine creatures dependent upon God their Creator; clearly separate from him.  They are finite dependent creatures.

21 (9) Further, the doctrine of creation points out the inherent limitations of creaturehood.
나아가서, 창조 교리는 피조물의 원초적인 한계성을 지적해 준다.       No creature or combination of creatures can ever be equated with God.  God is the only object of worship, praise, and obedience.  All other existence are to be subjects to him.

22 The Creation Doctrine and Its Relation to Science (134-136)
( 창세기 관련 난해문제 연구 3건 (

23 Implication of the Doctrine of Creation (136)
(1) Everything that is has value.      우주만물 가운데 소중하지 않은 것은 하나도 없다.       Everything that is, while it is not God, has been made by him.  He made it because he was pleased to do so.  and it was good in his sight.

24 (2) Development of the universe was included in God's creation.
 우주의 발전과 변화는 하나님의 창조에 포함된 것이다.       God's creative activity includes not only the initial creative activity, but also his later indirect workings. Creation does not preclude development within the world; it includes it.

25 (3) Nothing other than God is self-sufficient or eternal.
 하나님 외에 어떠한 것도 자족하거나 스스로 영원한 것은 없다.        Although we will highly respect the creation, since it has been made by him, we will always maintain a clear distinction between God and it.

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