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1 Ch 10. Modals 2 정샘 영어 Academy Understanding and Using English Grammar.

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1 1 Ch 10. Modals 2 정샘 영어 Academy Understanding and Using English Grammar

2 2 2 Context Making Requests with I as the subject with You as the subject Imperative request Expressing Necessity ( 당위성의 표현 ) Necessity: Must, have to Lacking of Necessity: don’t have to, don’t need to Prohibition: must not Expressing Expectation Be supposed to Appendix Summary of Will vs. Would Summary of Can vs. Could Summary of Must Summary of Should 조동사 + have PP 의 의미 Modal Auxiliaries: Meaning What is Mood? Verbs forms in Mood Expressing Degree of Certainty Expressing Advisability: Should, ought to, had better Expressing Suggestion Let’s, Why don’t we, shall I/we Could vs. Should Hindsight Advisability &Suggestion - should have + PP - could have + PP Expressing Degree of Certainty Present time Present time negative Past time Past time negative Future time Future time negative Expressing Possibility and Ability: Can, Could Expressing Habitual Expressing Preference Part IIPart I

3 3 1. Making Requests: with I as the subject May I Could I (a) May I (please) borrow your pen?  Yes, certainly.  Yes, of course.  Sure. (informal)  OK, no problem.  Sorry. (b) Could I borrow your pen? (c) Might I borrow your pen? (very formal) May I, Could I 는 상대에게 permission 을 요청하는 문장. 모두 공 손한 표현 Can I Can I borrow your pen? // 허락을 상대방에게 요청할 때 You can have 10 minute break now. // 허락해줄때 You can use my car if you need. // = permission Can I 주로 잘 아는 친한 관계에게 permission 을 요청하는 경우. May I 보다 덜 공손한 표현 Can 이 평서문에 사용되면 ability 외에 허락 (permission) 을 의미 = I allow you to have 10 min break = I allow you to use my car May I Might I Could I Can I

4 4 2. Making Requests: with you as the subject Would you Will you (a) Would you pass the sugar (please)?  Yes, I’d happy to. Yes, I’d be glad to.  Certainly. Sure. ( Informal)  I’d like to, but ~ ( 부정적인 답변시 ) (b) Will you (please) pass me the salt? Would you, will you 는 상대에 게 polite 하게 요청하는 문장. Would you 와 Could you 는 동일 한 의미. but Would you = Do you want to do this please? Could you = Do you want to do this please, and is it possible for you to do this? Could you Could you pass the sugar? Can youCan you pass the sugar? (informal) 덜 공손한 표현 Would you Would you mind Will you Could you Can you

5 5 2. Making Requests: with you as the subject (Cont.) Would you mind if I + 동 사의 과거형 : 상 대에게 나의 행 위에 대해 허락 을 구할 때 Would you mind if I closed the window? = Would you mind my closing the window? = Is it ok for you if I close the window?  No, not at all / No, of course not.  No that would be fine. / OK. No problem.  Yes, I do. // 창문 닫지 말아라. 내가 싫다 ( 거절시 ) would you mind if I+ simple past = would you mind my + ing 폼 제가 ~ 하면 꺼려하십니까 ? No 로 대답하면 꺼려하지 않 는다는 의미 Yes 로 대답하면 꺼려한다는 의미 Would you mind + ( 소유격 ) + ing : 상대에게 무엇인가를 요청 할때 또는 소유 격의 행위에 대 해 상대방에게 허락을 구할 때 Would you mind closing the window? = Would you please close the window? = Would you mind your closing the window?  No. I’d be happy to. / No. Not at all. I’d be glad to. would you mind + ing = would you mind your + ing = 당신이 ~ 해주시면 꺼려하 십니까 ? No 로 대답하면 꺼려하지 않 는다는 의미 Yes 로 대답하면 꺼려한다는 의미

6 6 3. Making Requests: Imperative Requests (a) Shut the door.  (You) shut the door. (b) Be on time.  (You) be on time. (c) Don’t shut the door.  You don’t shut the door. (d) Don’t be late. 명령문의 경우 주어가 이미 의미를 이 해했기 때문에 주어를 생략. (e) Turn right at the second lights. 상대방에게 방향등을 알려줄때 명령문 사용 (f) Please shut the door. // 공손한 표현 (g) Shut the door, please. 명령문에 please 를 더하면 공손한 표현 이 됨 (h) Have a seat, won’t you ? (i) Shut the door, would you ? // formal situation (j) Shut the door, could you ? // formal situation 명령문에 tag question 을 더하면 공손한 표현이 됨

7 7 4. Expressing Necessity( 필수, 필요성 ) Present /Future Drivers must acquire drive license to drive on the road. Drivers have to acquire drive license to drive on the road. must, have to 는 necessity ( 필수성 ) 을 표현 have to 가 must 보다 더 일반적으로 사용되며, must 가 좀 더 강한 의미. I have got to leave now. (informal) = I have to leave now. = I’ve gotta go = I gotta go have got to 는 have to 와 동일한 의미 got to 의 축임은 ‘gotta’ PastHe had to leave soon. I had to leave soon. 과거형은 had to

8 8 5. Expressing Necessity: Lack of Necessity and Prohibition Lack of Necessity Tomorrow is holiday. You don’t have to go to school. = You don’t need to go to school. = You need not to go to school. // British English 부정문에서 must 와 have to 는 다른의미 don’t have to 는 lack of necessity 의 의미 ProhibitionYou must not tell the secret to anybody. You mustn’t use illegal drugs.//must not 의 축약 must not 은 prohibition 의 의미

9 9 6. Expressing Expectation ( 기대 ) Present/ Future (a) The game starts at 10:00 (b) The game will start at 10:00 (c) The game is supposed to start at 10:00 //10 시에 시작하기로 되어있다. = I expect the game to begin at 10:00 (d) The game is to start at 10:00 Someone 이 something 이 일어나기를 원할때 쓰는 표 현. Is supposed to 와 is to 는 예정된 사건이나 정확한 진 행이 일어나기를 기대 할때 사용하는 표현. c 와 d 는 같은 의미 비교 I should go to the meeting now. = It is good idea for me to go to the meeting. I am supposed to go to the meeting now // 미팅에 가야 되. = someone expects (requires) me to go to the meeting. I must go to the meeting. The meeting cannot occur without me. I’m the only one who has the information. // necessity 표현 I am to go to the meeting. My boss ordered me to be there. He will accept no excuse. // expectation 표현 Is supposed to 와 is to 는 또한 누군가가 어떤 사건이 나 행위를 기대할때 사용 Be to 는 strong expectation 의미. Order 나 demand 수준

10 10 Appendix 1. Will vs. Would : summary 현재 / 미래과거 1. 단순미 래 (futurity) ~ 할것이다 ~ 될것이다 Anna is 26 years old. She will be 27 next year. The bank will be closed tomorrow. This time tomorrow I will be sitting on the beach. By this time tomorrow, he will have arrived in NY. Anna was 26 years old last year. She would be 27 next year. // 과거에서의 단순미래 I never realized that someday I would be living in Canada. 직접인용문 : I will call you on Sunday.  간접보고문 : He said he would call me on Sunday. 직접인용문 : It will rain Tomorrow.  간접보고문 : The forecaster said it would rain the next day. 2. 추측 또 는 확실성 (certaint y or sureness) ~ 일것이다 // will: 강한 (100%) 의미의 확실성 Someone is at the door. That will be Jim. Jim will be at home by now. Let’s go and see him. // would 는 will 보다 약한 ( 또는 부드러운 ) 의미의 추측 This hall would seat 500 people. // 현재의 추측 I don’t know what it would be. // 현재의 추측 This sofa would cost at least $600.// 현재의 추측 I would imagine the journey will take about an hour. // will: 좀전에 완료된 행위에 대한 강한 확실성 : will have PP Don’t call Jim now. He will have gone to bed. I think He will not have gone to bed yet. // 과거 추측 : would have PP The murder would have killed her while she was sleeping. // 과거상황 반대에 추측 : would have PP  가정법 If I had her phone number, I would have called her. 3. 소망 (wish) 또 는 상상 (imaginat ion): 가정 법용도 ~ 할것이다 ~ 하고싶다 // 현재사실의 반대 소망 또는 상상 : would + 동사 원형 I would love to live by sea. // 해변에 살고싶다 I would call Anna but I don’t have her phone number. (= If I had Anna’s phone number, I would call her.) If I had the time now, I would go. // 갈려고 했다. (= I don’t have time to go to the movie, so I cannot go) // 과거사실의 반대 소망 또는 상상 : would have PP I would have called Anna but I didn’t have her phone number. (So I could not call her) (= If I had had Anna’s phone number, I would have called her.) I would have liked to see [or have seen] him. // 그를 만나 고 싶었었다 ( 만나지 못했음 ).

11 11 Appendix 1. Will vs. Would : summary (cont.) 현재 / 미래과거 4. 의지 & 거절 // 즉각적인 의지 : will, 거절 : will not Someone please answer the phone. -- I will get it. Give me a kiss. – No I won’t The car will not start. // 일반적인 의지 ( = want 의 개념 ): would If you would understand a nation, you must know its language. What would you do if she doesn’t like you? // 일반적인 의지 : would, 거절 : would not He was sick yesterday, but he would go to the party. // 기어코가려고 했다 The car wouldn’t start yesterday. // = the car refused to start I asked him very politely, but he wouldn't tell me the truth. //= refused to tell He was so obstinate that he would not listen to my advice 5. 반복적 (regular) 또는 전형 적인 행위 / 패턴 (typical behavior/ pattern) Every day Jim will come home from work and turn on the TV. // 규칙적인 행위 When something break down and you kick it, it will often start again. // 전형적인 행위 Accidents will happen. // 반복적패턴 When I was a child, my father would read me a story book at night. =When I was a child, my father used to read me a story book at night. // 구체적 시점에서의 구체적인 행위는 would 사용 불가 I had a car accident, and my father solved it. (O) I had a car accident, and my father would solve it. (X) I would live in NY. (X) // 상태인 경우 would 사용불가 I used to live in NY. (O) 6. 요청, 권 유 ( request, offer) Will you open the door? // 명령에 가까운 요청 Will you have some more food? // 상대에게 권유할때 Will you pass me the salt, please? // will 에 please 를 붙이면 부드러운 요청이 됨 Would you (please) pass me the salt? // 상대에게 요청할때 ( 공손한 ) Would you like tea? // 상대의 wish 를 물어볼때 Would you mind if I closed the window? // 나의 행동에 대한 허락을 요청 = Would you mind my closing the window? // 나의 행동에 대한 허락을 요청 Would you mind closing the window? // 상대에게 행위를 요청할때

12 12 Appendix 1. Will vs. Would: summary (cont...) 7. Preference X 를 Y 보다 선호한다. He would rather go to class tomorrow. = He prefer going to class tomorrow. I would rather go to a movie than study English grammar tonight. = I prefer going to movie to studyin g English grammar tonight. I’ d rather study math than ( study) biology. = I prefer studying math to (studying) biology. would rather + 동사원형 would rather X than Y = prefer X-ing to Y-ing X,Y 는 동사 would rather 동사원형 + X than Y = prefer V-ing X to Y X,Y 는 명사 I would rather that you call me tomorrow. // 동사원형 -Subjunctive We would rather that he take this train. // 동사원형 -Subjunctive S1+ would rather that + S2 + simple form : S1 은 S2 가 ~ 하기 를 ( 이기를 ) 원한다. (a) He would rather that his girl friend worked in the same department. // untrue 가정법 현재 = He’s girl friend doesn’t work in the same department. (b) Jane would rather that it were winter now. = It is not winter now. = He wishes it were winter now. (c) He would rather that Anna had gone to class yesterday. // 가정법과거 = Anna didn’t go to class yesterday. S1+ would rather that + S2 + past form : S1 은 S2 가 ~ 이기를 ( 하기를 ) 원하지만 현실은 그 반대 would rather that 에서 that 다음에 반드시 주어가 존재해야함. He would rather not go to class tomorrow. (= He wants not to go class tomorrow) He would rather not have gone to class yesterday. (=He wanted not to go to class yesterday) He would rather that you not call me tomorrow. // would rather 의 부정형

13 13 Appendix 2. Can vs. Could: summary 현재 / 미래과거 1. 능력, 역량 Ability, capabi lity I will be able to speak Chinese next year. // 미래의 능력 I can speak Chinese. I cannot speak Chinese. I can meet you tomorrow. (= There is nobody to stop me to meet you) I could run fast when I was young. // 과거시점에서의 일반적인 능력 We could reach the top of Mt. Everest yesterday. (X) We were able to reach the top of Mt. Everest yesterday. (O) // 과거 특정시점에는 be able to 만 가능 They could not reach the top of Mt. Everest yesterday. (O) // 부정문시 could 사용가능 2. 요구, 요청, 제 안, 허락, 금지 reques t, offer, permis sion, prohib ition // 주어가 I : 나의 행위에 허락을 요청하는 경우 Could I borrow your pen? // formal Can I borrow your pen? // informal, 친구간에 -- Yes, of course you can. // 주어가 You: 상대에게 어떤 행위를 요청시 Can you turn on the light for me? // 요청 Could you (please) pass me the salt? // 공손한 요청 N/A Can I help you?// 제안 Offer What shall we do tonight? -- We could go to a movie. // 부드러운 제안 -- We can go to a movie. // 강한 제안 N/A // cannot 부정형시 금지 ( Prohibition ) 의 의미 You cannot enter here without a ticket. // 금지 I cannot let you in without a permission. When I was a teenager, I couldn't stay out as late as I wanted.

14 14 Appendix 2. Can vs. Could: summary (cont.) 현재 / 미래과거 3. 가능성 또는 확실성 (possibility or sureness) // can: Very strong possibility, Realistic possibility // could: Less Possibility (50%), Unrealistic possibility You can/could stay at my house when you are in Seoul. -- can: 강한 제안 / 허락의 의미, very strong possibility -- could: 약한 제안 / 허락의 의미, 가능성중의 하나 one of the possibilities What shall we do tomorrow night? -- we can go to a movie. // very strong possibility -- we could go to a movie. // one of the possibilities The car can/could be expensive. -- can: It may be and it sometimes is expensive -- could: If we had one, it may be or may not be expensive. When is good time for you to meet me? -- I can meet you tomorrow. I cannot meet you today. (O) -- I could meet you tomorrow. Or I could meet you today. (O) // 부정문시 : cannot/couldn’t ( 현재 : impossibility, 미래 : impossibility) Jin cannot/ couldn’t be hungry. // 99% sure, impossibility 의미 // 과거발생한 사실의 possibility or sureness: could have PP I guess it could have been Anna who called me yesterday. // 추측 50% = may have been, might have been // 부정문 : cannot / couldn’t have PP 추측 (impossibility, 99%sure) Yesterday, I played soccer with Jim. He cannot have been/ couldn’t have been sick. Jim couldn’t have gone anywhere yesterday because his leg was broken. // 99% 가능성 (impossibility) // 과거발생한 것의 반대상황의 possibility: could have PP  가정법 Why did you stay at a hotel when you were in Seoul? You could have stayed at my house. // 내집에 머무눌수 있었는 데 머물지 않았다. 실제 : I failed the exam. I could have passed the exam if I'd really studied hard. // 가정법 과거 // Unrealistic /Unfulfilled possibility  could 만 가능 I am so hungry that I could eat a horse. The situation is bad, but it could go worse. // 더나빠지지 않았음. 실제 : I don’t have a million dollars. If I had a million dollars, I could buy a house. // 가정법 현재 // Unrealistic / Unfulfilled possibility  could 만 가능 가정법적인 용도 I was so hungry that I could have eaten a horse. The situation was bad, but it could have gone to worse.

15 15 Appendix 3. Must : summary Strong Necessity = Ought to = Obligation 상황 : John didn't show up for work. ---- He must be fired. // 당위성 (= ought to) (because John didn't show up for work, John ought to be fired. ) I must finish the assignment by noon. = I have to finish Today is holiday. You don’t have to go to class. // lack of necessity Present Certainty (95%) 상황 : Why John isn’t in class?  He must be sick. // 95% 확실성 또는 합리적 결론 (= certainty) 부정형 : He must not be hungry. // 95% sure Past Certainty (95%) 상황 : John didn't show up for work.  He must have been sick // 95% sure (otherwise John would have shown up for work.) 부정형 ; He must not have been hungry. // 95% sure Prohibition (negative) You must not smoke in this room.

16 16 Appendix 4. Should : summary Advisability ( 현재, 미래 ) 상황 : I’m having a headache now. What should I do?  You should see a doctor now.// definite advice 비교 : I’m having a headache now. What should I do?  You could see a doctor. // suggestion or possibility Hindsight advisability ( 과거시제 ) 상황 : I failed the math exam.  You should have asked to your math teacher. = You had a chance to talk to your math teacher. It was very important for you to talk to your math teacher. But you didn’t. You made a mistake. = You was supposed to ask to your teacher. Sureness (90%): 현재, 미래, 과거 Future: He should do well on the test. // 90% sure He should be here in 10 minutes. // 90%of probability The level test shouldn’t be that much difficult. // 90% sure Past: He should have done well on the test // 과거 추측 (90%) = I expected you did well on the test but you failed. Something is not normal or Something I expect to happen I wonder why Anna isn’t here. She should be here soon. (= She isn’t here yet. It is not normal. So I expect she will be here soon) The price of this item is wrong. It should be $25, not $250.

17 17 Appendix 4. Should : summary (cont.) True 가정법 에서의 Should (90% 의 certainty) // If Anna should call = If Anna calls : Anna 가 전화하면 (90% 의 certainty) // If there should be(90%) // if there were (100%) If Anna should call, tell her I’ll be back around six. If there should be another world war, the future of mankind would be in jeopardy. // 가정법에서의 If 생략시 Should Anna call, tell her I will call her back soon. = ( If Anna should call, ~) Subjunctive 에서의 Should It ~ That Demand, insist, They insisted that we ( should) have dinner with them. // should 생략가능 = They insisted that we have dinner with them. I demanded that he ( should) apologize. = I demanded that he apologize. It is essential that all the children should be given equal education opportunity. = It is essential that all the children be given equal education opportunity. Suggest 주의 What do you suggest we (should) do? What do you suggest us to do? (X) Anna suggested that I should buy a car. Anna suggested me to buy a car. (X)

18 18 Appendix 5. 조동사 + have PP 의 의미 may have PP might have PP 과거 추측 (50%): ~ 이었을 것이다 I am familiar with his name. I may have met him before. 과거 반대 추측 : ~ 할 수도 있었는데 그렇게 하지 않았다 You may have stayed at my home but you didn’t. must have PP 과거 추측 (95%): ~ 이었음이 틀림없다. He must have been sick. 부정형 : 과거 추측 (95% sure) He must not have been sick. could have PP 과거 추측 (50%): ~ 이었을 것이다 It could have been Anna who called me yesterday 과거 반대 추측 (50%)I could have passed the test. // 결국 실패했다 부정형 (99% sure, impossibility) He couldn’t have been sick. can have PP 과거 : X X 부정형 : 과거 (99% sure, impossibility) He cannot have been sick. will have PP 좀전에 완료된것에 대한 추측 : ~ 했을 것이다 (100% sure) 부정형 : 아직 ~ 하지 않앗을 것이다 Jim will have gone to bed by this time. Jim will not have gone to bed yet. 미래완료 : 미래 어느 시점에 완료될 행위에 대한 언급 By next month, he will have worked at this company for 10 years. would have PP 과거 추측 (95% sure): ~ 했을 것이다 The murder would have killed the victim while she was sleeping. 과거 반대 추측 : ~ 할 뻔했다, ~ 하려고 했다 ( 결국 하지 못했다 ) I would have called her, but I didn’t have her phone number. should have PP ought to have PP 과거 추측 : 90% sure Check the oven. The bread should have been baked. 과거반대 추축 : 후회, 늦은 조언 I failed the test. I should have studied. ( ought to have studied.)

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