최근 보건산업 벤처기업 투자동향과 투자유치전략 June 2003 Young-Guk CHO (Woori Technology Investment Co., Ltd.)


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Presentation transcript:

최근 보건산업 벤처기업 투자동향과 투자유치전략 June 2003 Young-Guk CHO (Woori Technology Investment Co., Ltd.)

2 Contents - Recent trends of Venture Capital Investment - Bio investment trends : VC, Bio L.P., Bio company - Investment outlook - Need of investment - Biotech Investors’ tendency - Investors’ Checking Point - VC investment Process

3 Number of VC Firms by year Year Number of VC Source : Korean Venture Capital Association,2002

4 Year Number of L.P Amount756381, Organization of Limited Partnerships by year Source : Korean Venture Capital Association, 2002 (Unit: million €)

5 Year VC firm1,5822,3263,2254,1394,867 L.P ,4173,1733,441 Total amount 2,0743,2455,6427,3128,308 Breakdown of fund raised(o/s) Source : Korean Venture Capital Association, 2002 (Unit: million €)

6 Year Total investment (VC firm+L.P) 4051,0943,3654,1024,177 (Unit:million €) Total Investment by VC firms and L.P.s(o/s) Source : Korean Venture Capital Association, 2002

7 Historical trend of venture capital investment ▪ Sharp shrinkage since 2000 Annual Investment U.S(Unit: Billion US$) Korea(Unit: million € ) 1990 ‘91 ‘92 ‘93 ‘94 ‘95 ‘96 ‘97 ‘98 ‘99 ‘00 ‘01 Source: Korean Venture Capital Association

8 Investments by industrial sectors Source : Korean Venture Capital Association (Unit: million €) Entertainment Materials (parts)

9 Investments by industrial sectors Entertainment Materials (parts) Investment by Industry (2001) Industry US Korea Source: PWC, SOFTBANK Research

10 Investments by industrial sectors(2002, USA) Sectors Raised % of TotalNumber of DealsTotal Amount Information Technology 31%274 $4,152.0 Software 30%458 $4,124.5 Biotechnology 18%162 $2,411.8 Healthcare 10% 90 $1,317.1 Telecommunications 8% 79 $1,125.4 Business Services 4% 64 $531.6 Consumer 3%46 $464.8 Media 2%23 $246.6 Energy 2% 20 $207.9 Industrial & Manufacturing 1% 11 $182.6 Financial 1% 21 $133.2 Diversified Services 1% 6 $94.1 Basic Materials 0%3 $12.8 Biotechology & healthcare growing up ($M, IPO.com)

11 Investment types breakdown (Unit: million €)

12  Bio venture L.P. raised(as of Aug, 2002) Number of L.P.s: 15 Total amount raised : million €  Number of investments executed Number of deals: total 137 (30~40 invested companies) Total invested amount:65.6 million € Average investment amount per one investment: 0.47 million €  Investment resource : 200 million € (VC firms+L.P.s) Investment executed by Bio venture L.P.

13 Name of VC firms Name of L.P.sSize Date of Formation No. of Invested company Invested amount HVICHD Biotech Fund #1 HD Biotech Fund # WTICWTIC Fund #5 WTIC Fund #6 WTIC Fund # HMTICHTIC- Biotech Fund Muhan Investment MH Medical Fund SK-MH LifeScience Fund MH AgroBio Fund UTC VentureUTC BioVenture Fund GCBIBiotech Fund # KBIC VentureKBIC Biotech Fund #1 KBIC Biotech Fund #2 KBIC Agrobio fund KTICMOST #4 Venture Fund Total (Unit: million €)

14 Major Biotech VC firms ( 5 investments  ) KMVC, GCBI, Dasan Venture, Muhan Investment, MIRAE Asset VC, KDB Capital, SVIC, WTIC, Hansol Capital, KBIC, HVIC, KTIC, Hanmi VC, Hallim Investment, Hmtic, ADL Partners, KTB, TG Venture, UTC Venture (19 companies) Source : SK Venture Investment Team

15 Biotech Investment by listed pharmaceutical companies  22 listed pharmaceutical companies invested in Bio venture companies  54 investment deals (49 venture businesses)  Total 30 million € invested (average investment amount per deal:0.5 million €)  Major investment rationale - Strategic alliance for distributorship & co-development - Continuous investment in aspect of hedging risk related to new drug development and R&D efficiency Source : ‘The Health and Social Daily News’ /8

16 InvestorInvesteesStakes (%) Amount invested R&D Activity Dong-A Pharmaceut ical Co., Ltd TG BioTech Seoulin Bio Science Cangen Progen Newcleogen Viromed Genexine Pangenomix Obesity medicine Protein catalyst Genetheraphy GSH Kit for genetics Genetheraphy AIDS Vaccine Genomics Green Cross Corp Microgen IDgene Genexine Viromed Nexgen Dynona Therapiagene Becmer Genomics Genetic kit AIDS Vaccine Genetheraphy GMO kit Cancer diagnostics,Ab NewDrug Cancer Vaccinne (Unit: million €)

17 InvestorInvesteeStakes (%) Amount invested R&D activity Daewoong Pharmaceutica l Co., Ltd Bioalpha Peptron Genechem Biobud Genexine Medical device Peptide production Anticancer gene Cardiovascular medicine AIDS Vaccine Chong Kun Dang Pharmaceutica l Corp MBiotech Rexan IDR IrumBiotech Glucose detector New Drug Bio Informatiics Diagnostics Chong Kun Dang Bio Cellbiotech Aminogene Xeniss Life Science Lacto bacillus food BioFood Drug development Hanmi pharmaceutica l Co., Ltd Imagene Medirux Drug development Bloodflowmeter Others (16 companies) 22 companies11.12 (Unit: million €)

18 Summary of Biotech Investment by Investors group Investors groupNumber of Deals Amount invested remark VC firm, Conglomerates million euro per deal Pharm. Company (listed, 22) million euro per deal Bio venture company 3318 Total (Unit: million €) Source : SK Venture Investment Team

19 Biotech Investment performance & outlook  Biotech Investment performance : - Amount invested : about 250million € - Investment deals: over 500  Available resource for Biotech Investment : - Investment resource : about 200 million € - Executable for more than 300 deals

20 Selected list of WTIC invested biotech companies CompanyBusinessFoundation Crystal Genomics Structure-Based Drug Design 2000 Estech pharma Medical source materials 1997 WelGene Anti-sense gene therapeutics 2000 Pangen Development of CHO cell line & production of protein 1999 Hepaguard Development of medicine for HB virus 1997 SBP Development of Anticancer medicine 1995 Neurotech Neuro-disease medicine 1998 MTT Tissue engineering 2000 Boditechmed Diagnostic instrument 1999 Greentech21 Supercritical technology 2000 SJbiomed Cardiac marker, Obesity vaccine 2000 Cybermed 3D medical imaging 2000 Genocheck DNA chip 2000 Istech Bio informatics 2000

21 Investment outlook  Growing investment  Bio is the next item  Prudent investment  Performance (sales, L/O, contract)  Platform tech  material, product  M&A and restructuring  Strategic alliance  Focus on core competence

22 투자의 중요성  Item  인력  자금 사업구성 요소의 중요 축

23 자 금 1. 자기자금 (+ 가족, 친지 ) 2. 임직원, 거래처 자금 3. 앤젤투자 4. 창업투자회사 5. 은행 6. 정책자금

24 투자부진 원인 1. 사업체 자체문제 1) 성공경험의 부족 2) 사업화 경험 부족 ( 사업가 및 management) 2. 투자자 문제 1) 투자시스템의 미성숙 2) Exit mechanism 제한 3. 외부 요인 1) 소규모의 연구비와 집중화 부재 2) 빅파마의 부재

25 Investment practices 1. Co-investment 2. Small fund size 3. Few success story 4. Prefer quick return(short-term fund) 5. Less experience to investment mgt

26 Investment into business cycle Source : PWC, Soft Bank Research Investment by Stage (2001) US Korea

27 Key factors to investment decision making Marketability

28 Refrain factors

29 Investors’ Checking Point 1. Item (Technology, Product, Market-growth and competence) 2. Management (experience, ability, reliability) 3. Exit mechanism (possibility, structure of share) 4. Business model 5. Portfolio Structure

30 Exit Mechanism of Venture Capitals IPOM&AOTCIPO abroad 89.8 %3.1 %7.1 %-

31 Basic Science Target Area (Market) Human Resource/ Capital Platform Technologies Commercialization Marketing & Sales Cash Flow & Exit -BS 의 우수성 평가 ( 논문 / 특허 /reputation/ 산업화사례 ) -BS 의 포지셔닝 ( 아이디어, 타겟, 신물질, 생산, 진단, 기타 ) -BS 의 developmental stage (seed/ 초기 / 중기 / 후기 ) - 시장규모, 성장성, 시장특성, 시장요구 - 타겟 소비자 ( 일반대중, 병원, 제약사, 기타 등 ) 및 특성분석 -Value Chain 분석 ( 제품 혹은 서비스 생산도를 단계별로 분석 ) - 분석된 단계별 VC 에 투입되는 이상적 자원 분석 ( 인력 / 기술 / 자금 ) - 분석된 단계별 VC 에 자원 투입 계획 분석 ( 인력 / 기술 / 자금 ) -Gap 분석 - 특허분석 (PM 작성 ) - 경쟁구도 분석 ( 진입장벽, 기존경쟁자, 대체자, 공급자, 소비자 ) - 경쟁우위 전략 분석 ( 기존경쟁자와 비교하여 상대적 분석할 것 ) - 경쟁제품의 유통채널 조사 및 특성분석 - 경쟁제품의 가격전략 분석 - 시장침투 route 분석 및 예상점유율 분석 - 추정재무제표 분석 - 유사상장기업의 단계별 기업가치 조사 - 투자와 관련한 NPV 및 IRR 분석 - 비금전적 이익 기대 시 비금전적 이익의 계량화 투자대상기업 평가기준 ( 예 )

32 낮 음 기회 / 위험 높 음 유전자치료 신약개발 조직공학 DDS 단일클론항체 Genomics/Proteom is 형질전환 동물 DNA Chip 바이오 환경 유전자 재조합 바이오 인프라 생물농업 Biosensor 효소시스템 Informatics 진단시약 합성유전자 미생물 기능성 식품 화장품 투자 포트폴리오 ( 예 )

33 VC 투자 프로세스 1. 발굴 2. 예비검토, 예비심사 3. 실사 및 자료검토 4. 본심사 5. 투자심의 위원회 6. 계약서 작성 및 투자

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36 사업계획서에 철학을 1. 불편요소 2. 해결방법 3. 경쟁상황 4. 사업방법 ( 실행 계획 ) 이 사업이 현시장과 고객의 어떤 불편사항을 이렇게 해결함.

37 사업계획서 작성 1. 사업의 본질과 목적 2. 비즈니스 모델 검증 3. 시장성 분석 및 구체적 파악 4. 기술성 검증 5. 소요자금 산출 6. SWOT 분석 7. 회수전략

38 투자유치 의 구체적 방법 1. 투자자 이해 2. 사업에 대한 이해 와 의지 3. 제대로 된 사업 계획서 작성 4. 여유 있는 투자 일정 5. 적절한 투자자, 지원자 찾기 ( 지속적 경영, 투자 자문 ) 6. 프로세스 진행

39 컨설팅사 활용 방안 1. 우수 컨설팅인력 발굴 2. 정확한 업무 분장 3. 계약서 작성 4. 사업계획서 작성 5. 투자유치 진행 6. 사후관리

40 2nd Round 투자 유치 1. 기존 투자자들 의 지원 확보 2. 국가자금 등 활용 3. 첫 투자 후 진척사항 정리 4. 향후 진행 계획 (3 년 이상 ) 5. 투자자 Exit strategy

41 해외 VC 투자 유치 1. 신뢰성 있는 기존 투자자 ( 접근성, 관리문제 해결 ) 2. Proven technology ( 공동연구, 매출, 계약 ) 3. Exit mechanism ( 해당국 market risk)

42 결 론 1. 투자자 이해 2. 집중력 가진 사업 진행 3. 투자프로세스 의 지원자 발굴 과 활용 4. 여유 ( 시간, 마음, 자금 )

43 Thank You Young-Guk CHO, M.Sc., MBA CIO of Biotech Investment Team Woori Technology Investment Co.,Ltd. Tel , Fax (Mobile)