Inorganic, Transition Metal, and organometallic compounds 연 * 경 N omenclature.


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Presentation transcript:

Inorganic, Transition Metal, and organometallic compounds 연 * 경 N omenclature

INDEX Nomenclature 1) Inorganic compounds 2) Transition Metal compounds 3) Organometalic compounds

Inorganic Chemistry What is Inorganic Chemistry? Inorganic chemistry the chemistry of everything else the chemistry of the whole Periodic Table (including carbon) Organic chemistry the chemistry of life the chemistry of hydrocarbon compounds C, H, N, O

Inorganic Chemistry

Nomenclature of inorganic compounds 이온결합화합물 1) 이성분 화합물 영어명의 경우 양이온 ( 원소명 ) + 음이온 ( 원소명 어간 + ide) Ex) NaCl sodium chloride KBr potassium bromide 2) 삼성분 화합물 이성분 화합물의 경우와 같은 방법으로 명명 Ex) KCN potassium cyanide H 2 O 2 hydrogen peroxide 3) 전이금속 a. 두 종류 이상의 양이온을 만드는 금속 이온의 경우 전하가 낮은 쪽을 -ous, 전하가 높은 쪽을 -ic 를 붙여서 명명 Ex) FeCl 2 ferrous chloride FeCl 3 ferric chloride b. 산화수 사용 (Stock 식 ) 원소명 뒤에 괄호 안에 로마숫자로 나타낸다. Ex) FeCl 2 iron(II) chloride FeCl 3 iron(III) chloride

Nomenclature of inorganic compounds 분자화합물 1) 이온화합물의 경우와 같이 음이온의 이름 끝에 –ide 를 붙인다. ( 한 쌍의 원소가 둘 이상의 화합물을 만들 때는 원소의 수를 그리스어 접두사를 붙여서 표시 ) Ex ) HCl hydrogen chloride HBr hydrogen bromide SiC silicon carbide CO carbon monoxide CO 2 carbon dioxide N 2 O dinitron oxide NO 2 nitrogen dioxide N 2 O 4 dinitrogen tetraoxide 2) 수소를 포함하는 분자화합물 관용명을 사용하거나 H 원자수를 나타내지 않는다. Ex) B 2 H 6 diborane SiH 4 silane NH 3 ammonia PH 3 phosphine H 2 S hydrogen sulfide

Nomenclature of inorganic compounds 산과 염기 1) 산의 명명 a. 외형적 상태에 따라 이름이 다르다. Ex) HCl hydrogen chloride ( 기체나 순수한 액체 ) HCl hydrochloric acid ( 물에 녹은 경우 ) b. 산소산 ( 화학식은 수소 + 중심원소 + 산소 순으로 표기 ) Ex) H 2 CO 3 carbonic acid HNO 3 nitric acid H 2 SO 4 sulfuric acid HClO 3 chloric acid c. 같은 중심원자에 다른 산원자 수를 가지는 산 Ex) HClO 4 perchloricacid HClO 3 chloric acid HClO 2 chlorous acid HClO hypoclorous acid 2) 염기의 명명 Ex) NaOH sodium hydroxide Ba(OH) 2 barium hydroxide

수화물 화합물명 +( 배접사 + hydrate) 무수물의 경우는 anhydrous 라고 표현한다. Ex) BaCl 2 2H 2 O barium chloride dihydrate LiClH 2 O lithiummonohydrate MgSO 4 7H 2 O magnesium sulfate heptahydrate Nomenclature of inorganic compounds

No.Nomenclature RulesExample 1 The positive ion (cation) comes first, followed by the negative ion (anion). [Ag(NH 3 ) 2 ]Cl, diamminesilver(I) chloride K 3 [Fe(CN) 6 ], potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) Nonionic complexes: one-word name [Co(NO 2 ) 3 (NH 3 ) 3 ], triamminetrinitrocobalt(III) 2The inner coordination sphere is enclosed in square bracket in the formula. Within the coordination sphere, the ligands are named before the metal, but in formulas the metal ion is written first. tetraamminecopper(II) sulfate, [Cu(NH 3 ) 4 ]SO 4 Nomenclature of Transition Metal compounds

No.Nomenclature RulesExample 3 The number of ligands of one kind is given by the following prefix dichlorobis(ethylemediamine)cobalt(III), [Co(NH 2 CH 2 CH 2 NH 2 ) 2 Cl 2 ] + 4 Ligands are named in alphabetical order, although exceptions to this rules are common. tetraamminedichlorocobalt(III), [Co(NH 3 ) 4 Cl 2 ] + 2 di bis 3 tri tris 4 tetra tetrakis 5 penta pentakis 6 hexa hexakis 7 hepta heptakis 8 octa octakis 9 nona nonakis 10 deca decakis Nomenclature of Transition Metal compounds

No.Nomenclature RulesExample 5 Anion ligands are given an o suffix. Neutral ligands retain their usual name. chloro, Cl - bromo, Br - sulfato, SO 4 2- ammine, NH 3 aqua, H 2 O carbonyl CO 6 designing charge or oxidation number; a. The Stock system puts the calculated oxidation number of the metal ion as a Roman numeral in parentheses after the name of the metal. b. The Ewing Bassett system puts the charge on the coordination sphere in parentheses after the name of the metal. tetraammineplatinum(II) or tetraammineplatinum(2+), [Pt(NH 3 ) 4 ] 2+ Nomenclature of Transition Metal compounds

No.Nomenclature RulesExample 7 The prefix cis- and trans-designate adjacent and opposite geometric locations. 8 Bridging ligands between two metal ions have the prefix μ -. tris(tetraammine-μ-dihydroxocobalt)cobalt(6+), [Co(Co(NH 3 ) 4 (μ-OH) 2 ) 3 ] 6+ μ-amido-μ-hydroxobis(tetraamminecobalt)(4+) Nomenclature of Transition Metal compounds

No.Nomenclature RulesExample 9 When the complex is negatively charged, the name ends with –ate. the names for the following metals are derived from the source of their symbols, rather than from their English names: iron (Fe) ferrate lead (Pb) plumbate silver (Ag) argentate tin (Sn) stannat gold(Au) aurate teteachloroferrate(III) or tetrachloroferrate(1-), [FeCl 4 ] - dicyanoaurate(I) or dicyanoaurate(1-), [Au(CN) 2 ] -

Ligands with two or more points of attachment to metal atoms are called chelating ligands, and the compounds are called chelates. Nomenclature of Transition Metal compounds Organic ligands are frequently named with older trivial name rather than with IUPAC names ! One point attachment ligands: monodentate (ex: ammonia) Two point attachment ligands: bidentate (ex: ethylenediamine)

Common Monodentate Ligands

Common Multidentate Ligands

Organometallic Chemistry Organometallic chemistry 무기화학과 유기화학의 관점을 융합한 화학으로 탄소와 무기물인 금속 사이의 결합으로 이루어진 화합물을 다룸 (organometallic compounds)

Write hydrocarbon ligands before the metal Ferrocene Nomenclature of Organometallic Compounds Bis(pentahaptocyclopentadienyl)iron Ex)

Number of Bonding Positions Formula Name 1Monohaptocyclopentadienyl 3Trihaptocyclopentadienyl 5pentahaptocyclopentadienyl Nomenclature of Organometallic Compounds

Number of Atoms Bridged Formula None(terminal)CO 2 3 Nomenclature of Organometallic Compounds

Ex) tri-μ-carbonyl-bis(tricarbonyliron)

Bis(tricarbonylcyclopentadienylmolybdenum) Nomenclature of Organometallic Compounds Example

Organometallic Compounds Example RhCl(PPh 3 ) 3 Tris(triphenylphosphine)rhodium chloride