컴퓨터공학특강 P yhton for Bioinformatics 2010//3/15 김진
Chap. 01 Introduction The Purpose of This Book –to demonstrate the construction of algorithms commonly used in the bioinformatics field (not to create Python code) –to show the base algorithm and how it is applied in bioinformatics
Chap. 01 Introduction Use of Third-Party SW(NumPy, SciPy, etc.) Require Background of Readers Object-Oriented Programming Presentation Convention Conversion from C/C++ Python
Chap. 01 Introduction Similarities
Chap. 01 Introduction Similarities : 과 들여쓰기로 {} 를 대신
Chap. 01 Introduction Similarities <-, 같은 라인에 출력함
Chap. 01 Introduction Similarities
Chap. 01 Introduction Similarities
Chap. 01 Introduction Similarities
Chap. 01 Introduction Similarities Self 는 java 에서 this 와 같음
Chap. 01 Introduction Similarities Import 는 #include 와 같은 의미 기존의 atof 함수가 있다면 string 의 atof 함수로 오버라이드
Chap. 01 Introduction Fundamental Python Commands that differ from C/C++ >>>a=6
Chap. 01 Introduction Fundamental Python Commands that differ from C/C++ 처음 네 글자 네번째 글자부터 마지막 끝에서부터 5 번째전글자에서마지막글자 0 과 10 사이에서 2 글자식 뒤로부터쓰기
Chap. 01 Introduction Fundamental Python Commands that differ from C/C++
Chap. 01 Introduction Fundamental Python Commands that differ from C/C++ Hash 함수 나중에 공부
Chap. 01 Introduction Fundamental Python Commands that differ from C/C++