2014 년도 모의논술고사 ( 생명과학 1- 제시문, 논제 )
2014 년도 모의논술고사 ( 생명과학 1- 정답 )
2014 년도 모의논술고사 ( 생명과학 1, 정답 )
노새 ( 수컷 당나귀 + 암컷 말 ) 가 불임인 이유 Why are Mules and other hybrids infertile? Answer 1 : A mule is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse. Horses and donke ys are different species, with different numbers of chromosomes. Mules and Hinnies have 6 3 chromosomes, a mixture of the horse's 64 and the donkey's 62. The different structure and number usually prevents the chromosomes from pairing up properly and creating successful embryos, rendering most female mules infertile and all male mules infertile. Anwser 2 : The mule is a hybrid between a female horse or mare (2n=64) and a male donkey or jackass (2n=62). Since the mare contributes 32 chromosomes in her egg and the jackass contributes 31 chromosomes in his sperm, the mule has a diploid number of 63. Male and female mules are typically sterile because the horse and donkey chromosomes di ffer in number and they are not homologous. Therefore, the horse and donkey chromosome doublets fail to properly pair up with each other during synapsis of meiosis I. I n fact, one horse doublet lacks a donkey doublet to pair up with. By the way, if the mother is a donkey or jennyass and the father is a stallion, the resulting sterile hybrid is called a hinny.
다운증후군 발생 (3 가지 ) There are three chromosomal patterns that result in Down’s Syndrome 1.Trisomy 21(21 삼체성 ) : 가. 대부분 모계의 21 번 염색체쌍의 감수분열 1 기 시 비분리현상에 의해 일어나며, 아버지쪽의 감수분열 1 기에서 일어날 수도 있음 나. 95% of all cases have Trisomy Translocation( 전위형 ) 가. 염색체 숫자가 정상임에도 불구하고 (46 개 ) 21 번 염색체의 장완이 다른 차단부동원체 (acrocentric) 염색체 ( 보통 14 번과 22 번 ) 와 전좌가 일어난 경우 나. occurs in only 3% of all cases. 3. Mosaicism( 모자이크형 ) - 정상 세포와 21 번의 삼염색체를 갖는 세포가 모두 존재하는 모자이크형을 가진 경우 경우 -Occurs when nondisjunction (separation) of chromosome 21 takes place immediately after fertilization. -This type of Down’s Syndrome occurs in 2% of all cases.
다운증후군 발생 ( 좌 - 비분리 현상, 우 - 모자이크형 )
다운증후군 발생 ( 감수분열 시 비분리 현상 ) 21 번 염색체
다운증후군 발생 ( 감수분열 시 비분리 현상 )
다운증후군 발생 ( 모자이크형 )
다운증후군 발생 ( 로버트슨 전좌형 ) In a Robertsonian translocation, the short arm of one acrocentric chromosome is exchanged with the long arm of another.
2014 년도 모의논술고사 ( 생명과학 2- 제시문, 논제 )
2014 년도 모의논술고사 ( 생명과학 2- 정답 )
광합성 반응 상세 개념도
2014 년도 모의논술고사 ( 생명과학 2- 정답 ) 광합성 반응 상세 개념도
2014 년도 모의논술고사 ( 생명과학 2- 해설 ) 헬몬트 실험 (Johann Baptista van Helmont 1643) In the early 1600s, J.B. Van Helmont decided to test this theory - Planted a willow tree in soil and ONLY added water for 5 years After the 5 years, the tree’s mass increased by 75kg The soil decreased by only 60g!! - Thus, the soil was NOT a contributing factor - Thought that it must be water!
2014 년도 모의논술고사 ( 생명과학 2- 해설 ) 프리스틸리 실험 (Priestley’s Experiment 1771) In 1770, Joseph Priestly discovered, by accident, that gases in the air played a role in photosynthesis –Placed a burning candle in a closed container –When it went out, he placed a plant in the container with the candle –After 10 days, he was able to reignite the candle –Thus, proving that plants release a gas into the atmosphere This gas was confirmed as oxygen in 1796
2014 년도 모의논술고사 ( 생명과학 2- 해설 ) 제네비어 실험 (Jean Senebier 1782)
2014 년도 모의논술고사 ( 생명과학 2- 해설 ) Results of Ingenhousz’s Experiment 1779Results of Ingenhousz’s Experiment 1779 Showed That Priestley’s Results Only Occurred In The Presence Of Sunlight.Showed That Priestley’s Results Only Occurred In The Presence Of Sunlight. Light Was Necessary For Plants To Produce The “Burning Gas” or oxygenLight Was Necessary For Plants To Produce The “Burning Gas” or oxygen Repeated Priestly experiment with & without sunlightRepeated Priestly experiment with & without sunlight
2014 년도 모의논술고사 ( 생명과학 2- 해설 ) 소쉬르 실험 (Nicolas Thiodore de Saussure 1804) carbon dioxide + water + light - -> organic material + oxygen
2014 년도 모의논술고사 ( 생명과학 2- 해설 ) Used Isotopes To Determi ne That The Oxygen Liber ated In Photosynthesis Comes From WaterComes From Water. 루벤과 카멘의 실험루벤과 카멘의 실험 (Samuel Ruben &(Samuel Ruben & Martin Kamen 1941) Martin Kamen 1941)
2014 년도 모의논술고사 ( 생명과학 2- 해설 ) Blackman's law of limiting factors. 블렉만의 실험 (F. F. BLACKMAN 1905)
2014 년도 모의논술고사 ( 생명과학 2- 해설 )
광합성과 호흡의 관계
2014 년도 모의논술고사 ( 생명과학 2- 해설 ) C3, C4 및 CAM 식물 광합성 비교
2014 년도 모의논술고사 ( 생명과학 2- 해설 ) C3, C4 alc CAM 식물 광합성 비교