미국특허 전문가가 됩시다 -미국 변리사 되는 길: 한미 FTA시대- 특허청


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Presentation transcript:

미국특허 전문가가 됩시다 -미국 변리사 되는 길: 한미 FTA시대- 특허청 2007. 11 미국특허 전문가가 됩시다 -미국 변리사 되는 길: 한미 FTA시대- 특허청 2007. 11.2 이택수변리사 Greenblum & Bernstein,P.L.C.

오늘의 이야기 우리나라 특허사회의 최근 움직임 변화하는 특허사회가 요구하는 전문가 상 미국특허 전문가가 되는 길 WIPA 아카데미 소개

우리나라 특허사회의 최근 움직임 특허출원 경향의 변화 미국내 특허소송 증가 미국내 표준특허 획득 증가 특허인력의 이동

최근의 특허출원 변화경향 대기업의 국내출원 대폭 감소 국내기업의 미국출원 증가 국내출원에 앞서 미국에 먼저 출원하는 경향 증가

대기업의 국내출원 대폭 감소 전체출원은 ’06년 대비 3 대기업의 국내출원 대폭 감소 전체출원은 ’06년 대비 3.7% 증가하였지만, 대기업의 경우 전년대비 14% 감소(다출원 5대기업)

국내기업의 미국출원 급격히 증가 최근 5년간(’01년-’05년) 2.5배 출원증가

국내기업의 미국출원 급격히 증가 삼성, LG의 경우 특허등록이 1년새 50%이상 증가 삼성전자 : 1,569건(’05) -> 2,450건(’06) 엘지전자 : 461건(’05) -> 690건(’06)

국내출원없이 미국에 직접출원하는 경향 ’06년 들어 급격하게 증가

미국 내 특허등록 및 소송 증가 현황 미국 내 한국 특허등록 증가 ’00년 3,314건  ’06년 5,908건 미국에서의 한국특허 비중 아직 미미 ’06년 5, 908건 : 미국 전체 특허의 3.4% 특허 소송 증가 - 미국 내 특허소송 증가 : ’90년 : 1,236건 - ‘04년: 3,075건 - 미국 내에서의 한국특허 소송 다발

한국/일본의 미국 내 등록특허 비중 비교 연도 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 총특허 미국전체 157,494 166,035 167,331 169,023 164,291 143,806 173,771 4,065,671 한국 건수 3,314 3,538 3,786 3,944 4,428 4,352 5,908 44125 비율 2.1% 2.3% 2.7% 3.0% 3.4% 1.1% 일본 31,295 33,223 34,858 35,515 35,348 30,341 36,807 658827 19.9% 20.0% 20.8% 21.0% 21.5% 21.1% 21.2% 16.2%

국내 기업관련 최근 특허소송 미 샌디스크, LG전자 등 25개사 특허 소송, 위스콘신 및 ITC: 전자신문 10/26 LG Philips LCD, 대만 청화튜브에 승소, 캘리포니아: 매일경제 9/13 LG전자-후지필름, 특허분쟁 화해, 캘리포니아: 한국경제 8/22 일본 샤프, 삼성전자에 LCD특허 소송, 텍사스: 매일경제 8/7 LG Philips LCD,미국IP이노베이션과 특허소송 합의, 일리노이: 파이낸셜뉴스 7/6

국내 기업의 최근 표준 취득 삼성전자, 와이브로기술 ITU에서 국제표준 채택: 한국경제 10/12 KTF, 정보보호관리체계 ISO 국제표준 획득: 서울경제 10/22 우리나라, 10대 성장동력 기술 135건 국제표준 획득: 전자신문 10/15 IT839전략으로 111건의 국제표준 획득-3억달러 이상 수입 예상: 디지탈 데일리 9/20 삼성SDS, RFID솔류션 “루비IS” EPCIS 인증 획득: 디지탈타임스 9/19

특허인력의 이동 국내담당 인력의 감소 해외담당 인력 증가 직원의 미국연수 증가 미국전문가 스카웃

기타 특허인력의 이동(사례) 박 변리사, 대기업 김 대리의 미국로펌 취직 김 미국변리사의 국내로펌에서의 활동 강 미국변리사의 대기업 스카우트 미국특허청 고 심사관의 국내 로펌 스카웃 대기업 특허부 김 부장의 미국 1년 연수 이 한/미변리사의 한국특허청 스카웃

한미FTA 이후 더욱 심화 예상 미국수출 증대에 따른 미국 내 특허문제 증가 법률시장 개방에 따른 여파 현재, 미국 내 한국특허 비중은 아직 미약 특허출원 경향의 변화 심화 미국 내 특허소송의 급격한 증가 특허인력의 이동속도 증가

변리사 연간매출 전문직종 1위 (법률신문 2007년 10월 25일자 ) 변리사 연간매출 전문직종 1위 (법률신문 2007년 10월 25일자 ) 변리사 사업자당 연간매출 전문직종 1위 국세청 국감자료, 의료인 3억8천만원 2위… 변호사는 3억5천만원으로 3위 국세청이 22일 국회 재정경제위원회 안택수(한나라당) 의원에게 제출한 국정감사 자료에 따르면 지난해 9개 전문직 사업자들 중 변리사의 연간 매출액은 1인당 5억8,200만원으로 가장 많았다. 변리사 다음의 고수익 전문직은 △의료업자 3억8,600만원 △변호사 3억5,000만원 △ 관세사 3억1,500만원 △회계사 2억4,500만원 △세무사 2억2,500만원 △법무사 1억3,900만원 △건축사 1억400만원 △평가사 8,700만원 등의 순으로 나타났다.

변화하는 특허사회가 요구하는 전문가 상

미국 특허 전문가 국내 및 외국 변리사 특허로펌의 특허전문 인력 기업의 특허전담요원 특허심사관, 특허심판관 연구원 변호사 등

사회가 요구하는 미국 특허전문가 실무 가능한 영어와 전문지식이 있는 자격증 있는 전문가

실무 가능한 전문가 특허실무 경험 특허영어 구사능력 실무경험의 반복 현장에서 실제 케이스 경험 실무 사회의 행태와 문화 실무의 국제 표준 특허영어 구사능력 정형화된 특허영어의 쓰기, 읽기 및 듣기 커뮤니케이션 방법 실무경험의 반복

자격증있는 전문가 특허 변리사 (Patent Agent) 특허 변호사 (Patent Attorney)

-미국 특허변리사(Patent Bar) 제도- 미국특허 전문가가 되는 길 -미국 특허변리사(Patent Bar) 제도- 종류, 역할, 자격 외국인에 대한 제한 Patent Bar 시험

특허대리인의 종류, 역할, 자격 Patent Attorney, Patent Agent    Patent Attorney, Patent Agent Patent Attorney나 Patent Agent 모두 특허청에 대하여 변리업무를 할 수 있음 공학 배경이 있어야 하며, Patent Bar 시험에 합격하여야 함

외국인에 대한 제한 외국에 거주하는 외국인은 응시자격 없음 훈련생 비자 등을 소유하고 미국에 거주하며 일정요건을 갖춘 자는 응시 가능 Limited Recognition

Patent Bar 시험 주로 MPEP에서 출제 - 35 USC, 37 CFR - 기타 심사 관련된 내용 등 관련 지식은 물론 실무 상황을 분석하여 관계법령을 적용하는 능력 테스트 업무수행에 대한 윤리적, 전문적 판단기준에 대한 문제도 포함

Patent Bar 시험 5지선다형 객관식문제 100문제 출제 6시간동안 풀어야 100문제 중 90문제만 성적에 반영 컴퓨터 혹은 종이 이용 시험 시험 시 MPEP제공

10.A claim, as required by the second through fifth paragraphs of section 112, shall not be require in a ( ) patent application. (A) reissue (B) design (C) continuation (D) provisional (E) plant

18. Claims 1 and 2 in a patent application state the following: Claim 1. An apparatus for sitting comprising: (i) a square shaped base member; (ii) four elongated members mounted to the bottom of the base member; and (iii) a circular back member mounted to the base member. Claim 2. An apparatus as in claim 1, further comprising a spring connected to the back member and to the base member. Which, if any, of the following claims fully supported by the specification and presented in the application, is in accordance with USPTO rules and procedure? (A) 3. An apparatus as in claim 1, wherein the base member is rectangularly shaped. (B) 3. An apparatus as in claim 2, wherein the wheels connected to each of the elongated members are plastic. (C) 3. An apparatus as in the preceding claims, further comprising a pressure-sensing device connected to the base member. (D) 3. An apparatus as in any of the preceding claims, in which the circular back member is wooden. (E) None of the above.

37. Office policy has consistently been to follow Graham v 37. Office policy has consistently been to follow Graham v. John Deere Co., 383 U.S. 1, 148 USPQ 459 (1966), in the consideration and determination of obviousness under 35 USC 103. Each of the following are the four factual inquires enunciated therein as a background for determining obviousness except: (A) Determining the scope and contents of the prior art. (B) Resolving any issue of indefiniteness in favor of clarity. (C) Ascertaining the differences between the prior art and the claims in issue. (D) Resolving the level of ordinary skill in the pertinent art. (E) Evaluating evidence of secondary considerations.

Questions 27 through 29 are based on the following factual background Questions 27 through 29 are based on the following factual background. Consider questions 27 through 29 independently of each other. James Salt developed an environmentally friendly technique for controlling deer overpopulation. Briefly, Salt discovered a non-hormonal substance XYZ (“Antiagra”) that efficiently suppresses sexual function in male deer with minimal side effects. Salt determined that the use of a non-hormonal substance eliminated adverse long-term health effects that may be experienced with hormonal substances. He then dissolved an effective amount of Antiagra in salt water, poured the resulting solution into a plurality of twenty-gallon tubs, and heated the tubs to evaporate the water. The resulting blocks of salt, throughout which Antiagra was evenly disbursed, were distributed in overpopulated areas during deer mating season to serve as salt licks. Stags that used the salt lick show no interest in mating, thereby lowering the pregnancy rate among does and helping to control the deer population. Salt has retained you to conduct a prior art search and, if appropriate, prepare and file a patent application. The only relevant prior art located during the prior art search is a patent to Deere that discloses a salt lick on which a hormonal substance is sprayed. A doe that uses the salt lick ingests the hormonal substance which, in turn, suppresses ovulation and thereby reduces the pregnancy rate. You prepare and file a patent application that provides a fully enabling disclosure and includes four claims sets. Claims 1-5 are directed specifically to the non-hormonal substance (Antiagra), claims 6-9 are directed to a salt lick laced with a non-hormonal substance that, when ingested by a male deer, suppresses sexual function in the male deer, claims 9-14 are directed to the method of forming the salt lick, and claims 14-20 are directed to a method for controlling deer population by distributing salt licks that are treated with an effective amount of XYZ to reduce pregnancy rates. You also properly establish small entity status on behalf of Salt at the time the application is filed.

27. Upon initial examination, the patent examiner issues a requirement for restriction on the basis that the application claims two or more independent and distinct inventions. Specifically, the examiner requires an election between (a) claims directed to the nonhormonal substance per se (claims 1-5); (b) claims directed to the salt lick and to the method of forming the salt lick (claims 6-14); and (3) claims directed to the method of controlling deer population by distributing salt licks that are treated with XYZ to reduce pregnancy rates (claims 15-20). The restriction requirement was set forth in an Office action dated December 12, 2001, and the examiner set a one month (not less than 30 days) shortened statutory period for response. December has 31 calendar days. Which of the following is most likely to be treated by the USPTO as a timely, fully responsive reply to the Office action. (A) You contact the examiner on the telephone on December 27, 2001 and make an oral election of the subject matter of claims 6-14 without traverse, and request cancellation of claims 1-5 and 15-20 without prejudice to resubmission of those claims in a continuation application. You do not, however, subsequently confirm the substance of the telephone conversation in writing and the examiner does not complete an Interview Summary Record. (B) On February 12, 2002, you file a Reply to Office Action, a Petition for One Month Extension of Time and all necessary fees. The Reply to Office Action traverses the restriction requirement on the basis that the requirement would force the small entity applicant to file multiple patent applications and is therefore unduly burdensome. The Reply to Office Action requests reconsideration of the restriction without making an election. (C) On February 12, 2002, you file a Reply to Office Action, a Petition for Two Month Extension of Time and all necessary fees. The Reply to Office Action does not make an election. Instead, the Reply to Office Action traverses the restriction requirement and requests reconsideration of the restriction without specifically pointing out the supposed errors in the examiner’s action. (D) On February 14, 2002, you file a Reply to Office Action, a Petition for One Month Extension of Time and all necessary fees. The Reply to Office Action traverses the restriction requirement on the basis that the claims as originally presented in a single application do not pose a serious burden on the examiner, and therefore requests reconsideration of the election requirement. The Reply to Office Action provisionally elects the subject matter of claims 6-14. There is no authorization to charge a deposit account. (E) On February 12, 2002, you file a Reply to Office Action, a Petition for One Month Extension of Time and all necessary fees. The Reply to Office Action elects claims 6-14 without traverse.

28. Claim 6 of the application reads: “A composition for reducing the pregnancy rate among wild deer population, said composition comprising salt and a non-hormonal substance that, when ingested by a male deer, is operable to suppress sexual function in the male deer.” Claim 7 reads: “The composition of claim 6, wherein said non-hormonal substance is XYZ.” Claim 8 reads, “The composition of claim 6, wherein said composition is formed in a block and wherein said non-hormonal substance is interspersed substantially evenly throughout said block.” Each of these claims is fully supported by the specification. An Office action is mailed March 15, 2002. Claim 6 was rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over the Deere patent. Which of the following arguments, if presented in a timely reply to the March 15 Office action, is most likely to persuade the examiner to remove the § 103 rejection without presenting unpersuasive arguments? (A) “The invention of claim 6 provides an advantageous feature in that the substance that helps reduce the pregnancy rate is interspersed throughout the salt lick. Thus, the present invention is effective to reduce the pregnancy rate in deer so long as any portion of the salt lick is available to deer. In contrast, the Deere patent utilizes a substance that is sprayed on the outer surface of the salt lick and, therefore, is effective only so long as the outer portion of the salt lick is available.” (B) “The invention of claim 6 provides an advantageous feature in that the substance that helps reduce the pregnancy rate is interspersed throughout the salt lick. Thus, the present invention is effective to reduce the pregnancy rate in deer so long as any portion of the salt lick is available to deer. In contrast, the Deere patent utilizes a substance that is sprayed on the outer surface of the salt lick and, therefore, is effective only so long as the outer portion of the salt lick is available.” (C) “In contrast to the present invention, the Deere patent calls for the use of a hormonal substance that suppresses ovulation in female deer. Deere neither discloses nor suggests the use of a non-hormonal substance that, when ingested by a male deer, is operable to suppress sexual function in the male deer, as set forth in claim 6.” (D) “The present invention relates to a technique for reducing deer overpopulation by causing male deer to ingest a novel substance (XYZ) that is operable to suppress sexual function in the male deer. The Deere patent neither discloses nor suggests such a technique and, therefore, claim 6 is neither anticipated nor rendered obvious by the Deere patent.” (E) “Applicant was aware of the Deere patent prior to filing of the present application, and the claims were carefully drafted to distinguish the present invention over the Deere patent. Accordingly, reconsideration and withdrawal of the § 103 rejection of claim 6 is respectfully requested.”

29. Claim 15 of the application reads: “A method for reducing pregnancy rate in wild deer population comprising the step of placing at least one salt lick containing an effective amount of XYZ in a location accessible to wild male deer so that XYZ is ingested by said male deer.” The specification provides adequate disclosure as to what constitutes an “effective amount” of XYZ. In addition to the Deere patent, the examiner locates a prior art patent to John Doe that discloses the non-hormonal substance XYZ for use as a softening agent in skin cream. There is no disclosure or suggestion in the Doe patent of any other potential use for XYZ. Which of the following statements is most consistent with proper USPTO practice and procedure? (A) The Examiner may properly reject claim 15 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being obvious over Deere in view of Doe because Deere teaches the method of distributing salt licks treated with a substance to reduce pregnancy rates and suppression of sexual activity in male deer is merely an inherent characteristic of a known substance XYZ. (B) The examiner may not rely on the Doe patent in a 35 U.S.C. § 103 obviousness rejection because there is no evidence that Salt was aware of its teachings at the time the invention was made and therefore the invention could not have been obvious to Salt at that time. (C) The examiner may rely on the Doe patent in making an obviousness rejection under 35 U.S.C. § 103 only if the Doe patent is in the field of Salt’s endeavor or, if not in that field, then reasonably pertinent to the problem with which Salt was concerned. (D) The examiner may properly reject claim 15 under the first paragraph of 35 U.S.C. § 112 because the specification is inadequate to enable a person skilled in the art to which it pertains to practice the invention. (E) The examiner may properly reject claim 15 under the second paragraph of 35 U.S.C. § 112 because the recitation of “an effective amount of XYZ” renders the claim indefinite.

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Patent Bar 시험 합격 판정 및 합격자 발표 실제문제 90문제 중 70% 이상 정답자 시험 1주일 후 합격자 통보 컴퓨터이용 시험인 경우 시험종료 즉시 합격여부 알 수 있음 합격자에게는 합격여부만, 불합격자에게는 점수도 알려 줌

Patent Bar 시험 최근의 응시자 수 및 합격률 추이 시험일 ‘03.10 ‘03.4 ‘02.10 ‘02.4 ‘01.10 ’05년-’06년 ‘04년-’05년 ‘03.10 ‘03.4 ‘02.10 ‘02.4 ‘01.10 ‘01.4 응시 인원 4,165 2,113 2,270 1,825 1,956 1,931 1,958 1,911 합격율 58.2% 56.4% 45% 49% 72% 57% 58% 47%

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