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Presentation transcript:

교육과학기술부 글로벌프론티어 ( 재 ) 멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단은 나노기술과 에너지 기술의 융합을 통하여 혁신적 미래 광에너지와 분자에너지 원천기술 개발을 목표로 하는 멀티스케 일 에너지 시스템 연구사업을 추진하고 있습니다. 연구단에서는 격주로 멀티스케일 에너지 강좌를 개최하고 있으며, 아래의 일정으로 특별강좌를 개최하오니 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참석 바랍니다. 1. 제 목 : Next Generation Fuel Cell Technologies for Resolving Energy Constraints 2. 연 사 : Dr. Colella (Energy Services Division Strategic Analysis Inc., Arlington, VA) 3. 일 시 : 2012 년 12 월 3 일 ( 월 ) 11:00 ~ 12:00 4. 장 소 : 서울대학교 신공학관 (301 동 ) 117 호 세미나실 5. Abstract : The Theory of Constraints, made famous by Eliyahu M. Goldratt in his book The Goal, says that “the throughput of any system is determined by one constraint (bottleneck).” Thus, to increase the efficiency of any system, one must focus on identifying that one constraint and improving it. “An hour saved at a non-bottleneck [process] is a mirage.” This talk focuses on addressing primary constraints in our energy supply chains with next generation stationary and mobile fuel cell systems (FCSs). An energy supply chain constraint can be defined as a process that has the highest energy losses, greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution emissions, energy costs, lack of security of energy supply, or other negative impacts or costs. For example, within the U.S. electricity supply chain, the greatest energy losses are not in the transmission and distribution of electricity, but rather at the point of electricity generation; approximately 20% of all U.S. primary energy consumption is lost as heat at power plants; approximately the same quantity of heat is regenerated at buildings for space and hot water heating. As another example, some of the highest air pollution emissions in the electricity supply chain are seen at power plants under fast ramping conditions, a segment of the electricity market where the highest growth is expected. This talk focuses on addressing primary energy supply chain constraints with future advanced FCSs. For example, stationary combined heat and power (CHP) FCSs have the potential to displace the heat losses at power plants and the heat re-generated within buildings, each of which equate to about ~20% of total primary U.S. energy demand, at high electrical efficiencies (~60%) and overall efficiencies (~95%). Insights are shared into the engineering design, economics, and environmental impacts of these advanced fuel cell and hydrogen energy concepts: CHP FCSs; combined cooling, heating and electric power (CCHP) FCSs; tri-generative FCSs for electricity, heat, and hydrogen production (H 2 -FCSs); automotive FCSs; and hydrogen storage. Key results are discussed from detailed thermodynamics modeling and techno-economic-environmental impact modeling. Important findings are also highlighted from independent analyses of measured data from deployed systems. 6. 약 력 : * 문 의 : 멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단 연구지원본부 ( ☏ ,6670) 남기태 교수 ( 재료공학부 ), 최만수 교수 ( 기계항공공학부 ) 교육과학기술부 글로벌 프론티어 멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단 / 서울대학교 멀티스케일 에너지 강좌 EDUCATION Institution and LocationMajor/Field of StudyDegreeYearHonors/GPA Princeton University, Princeton, New JerseyMechanical Engineering B.S.E.1997highest honors (summa cum laude Sussex University, Brighton, United Kingdom Science and Technology P olicy M.S.1998 Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomBusiness Administration M.B.A1999highest honors (Dis tinction) Stanford University, Palo Alto, CaliforniaEngineering M.S.2004GPA 3.95 Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomEngineering SciencePh.D.2004