연구계획서 작성. 연구계획서란 ? A proposals for a research grant or a study scholarship.


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Presentation transcript:

연구계획서 작성

연구계획서란 ? A proposals for a research grant or a study scholarship

What is expected? a carefully conceptualized and comprehensive - detailed and precise description on ‣ study or research proposal ‣ information on any previous study of research project for members of board and for yourself

What is expected? Identification of scientific problem: what you will do? Theoretical background Methodical way to solve the problem within a realistic framework of time and expenses: how you will do it? With the research, add a new aspects to the scientific discussion: what new contribution your work will make?

Good research proposal Depends on good idea ➡ depends on the familiarity with the topic ➡ depends on a longer preparative period of reading, observation, discussion and incubation ✓ Read everything that you can in your area of interest Figure out what are the important and missing parts of our understanding ✓ Live and breathe the topic. ✓ But need not to be exhaustive, only relevant! Don’t make a proposal too big!

연구계획서 구성 연구제목 ( 요약문 ) 연구의 배경 ( 및 필요성 ) 연구목표 ( 및 범위 ) 선행연구 결과 연구방법 예상 연구결과 소요예산 참고문헌

연구 제목 Title: clue the reader into the topic - brief, accurate, descriptive and comprehensive, clearly indicating the subject of the investigation

연구 배경 Topic: introduction including overview of what the proposal is about 문헌고찰 ( 매우 중요 !!)- 연구목표와 연계 - to situate your research in the context of what is already known about a topic - to provide theoretical basis for your work - to show what has been done in the area by others, and set the stage for your work - to show your question is outstanding!

연구의 목표 Question - What are you doing? What specific issue or question will your work address? Significance - Why to answer this question is important? - What are the implications of doing it? - Why I would want to support, or fund, the project?

선행연구 결과 the feasibility of your research should give a sense that you are in a position to add to the body of knowledge

연구 방법 Overview of approach Data collection - description of instruments and methods, field site, resource accessibility in the time frame and budget to demonstrate feasibility - describe specifically what data will be used - to detect flaws in the plan in advance

연구 방법 Data analysis - statistical or other techniques for processing the data - should include an indication of the range of outcomes Interpretation

예상연구 결과 It should join the data analysis and possible outcomes to the theory and questions that has been raised. A good place to summarize the significance of the work! 전체 proposal 구성에 backbone 역할.

강조점 Read, Read, Read and note!! Very early on, generate the research question, critical observation, interpretation of the possible outcomes and the expected results Word processor with bibliographic database software (Endnote) Keep in mind from the outset that this project is neither the last nor the greatest thing you will do in your life.

연구사업의 종류와 성격

지원기관에 따라 정부지원 교육과학기술부 : 한국연구재단 보건복지부 : 보건산업진흥원 기획재정부 기관지원 서울대학교 / 병원 암연구재단 기업지원

’09 ’10 ’11 12 조 3,437 억 13 조 7,014 억 14 조 8,902 억 31% 30% 4 조 7,497 억원 4 조 5,269 억원 최근 3 년간 정부 R&D 투자현황 2011 년 부처별 R&D 투자계획 2 조 164 억원 6,161 억원 6,288 억원 3371 억원 1 조 2,324 억원 14% 4% 2% 8% 7,827 억원 5%

한국연구재단 지원사업 ( 단위 : 억원 ) 대형 융 · 복합 ( 거대과학 ) 학술 및 인력양성 창의적 도전적 기초연구를 통한 국가과학기술역량 기반확충 인공위성 발사체, 핵융합 대형 융 · 복합 장치개발 및 기술확보 인문사회 학술연구 조성 및 학술단체 지원 대학 대학원 교육 및 연구 역량 강화

한국연구재단 지원사업 ( 단위 : 억원 ) 2010 년 예산 2011 년 예산 19% 33% 12% 3% 8% 10% 15% 34% 15% 12% 17% 3% 8% 11%