Company Profile.


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Presentation transcript:

Company Profile

AGENDA 1.참좋은세상, 제품 소개 [Introduction] 2.사업영역 [Business Field] 3.주요거래처 [Major Customers] 4. 회사위치 및 연락처 [Contact Point]

1-1. 참좋은세상 소개 (Introduction) Company Name : CHAMJOEUNSESANG Business Field : Sanitary Toilet Seat Cover & Dispenser Address : 297-54, Songpyeong-ro, Naeseo-eup, Masanhoewon-gu Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea Phone Number : +82-70-8233-8785 FAX : +82-55-288-8794 Establishment : September, 2006 CHAMJOEUNSESANG was established in March 2007, and has focused on production of toilet seat covers. In December, 2007, CHAMJOEUNSESANG completed development of 'SENSE‘ (Sanitary Toilet Seat Cover) and production facilities. The company began production and distribution of SENSE in 2008. Our production capacity is 4,400,000 pcs/month. There are 15 employees in this company. CHAMJOEUNSESANG supply ASIANA AIRLINES, E-MART, LOTTE DEPARTMENT STORE, hotels, theaters, sports facilities, shopping malls, restaurants, lodgings, train station, rest areas, convention centers, government offices, schools in Korea. CHAMJOEUNSESANG have been exporting 'SENSE' to Sweden, U.K, Australia, Thailand, India. CHAMJOEUNSESANG through the continued development of SENSE, is dedicated to promoting awareness of use-related health risks and improving personal hygiene and sanitary conditions in public restrooms. 깔끔한 당신을 위한 좌변기용 위생커버

1-2. 제품소개 (product) Sanitary toilet seat cover & dispenser providing A person’s skin comes in direct contact with a toilet seat when using a public- Restroom. This does not only cause discomfort to the users, but also pose health risks in exposing the users to disease causing pathogens found on public toilet seats. ‘SENSE’ (Sanitary Toilet Seat Cover) provides a convenient and cost-effective solution to these concerns. The attractive refill pack for slim-dispenser enclose 100 sheets sanitary seat covers and Portable toilet seat cover enclose 6 or 12 sheets on it. - Accessible design for elderly, disabled and children. - Easy to install, and compatible with most exciting toilets. - Made from natural pulp, the seat cover dissolves easily in water, is safe on skin and environment-friendly. - User-friendly design makes refilling seat cover effortless. - Economic alternative for reducing toilet paper waste from cleaning and covering up toilet seats. - Each refill holds 100 seat covers. Sanitary toilet seat cover & dispenser providing “a convenient and cost-effective solution” for improving sanitation and personal hygiene in public restroom-use. 깔끔한 당신을 위한 좌변기용 위생커버

+ + 1-3. 제품 소개 (products) Compact-Dispenser Refill(100 pcs) Slim-Dispenser Refill(100 pcs) + + Portable(6 pcs) Portable(12 pcs) 깔끔한 당신을 위한 좌변기용 위생커버

1-4. 화장실위생 (bacteria) Food poisoning Food poisoning (vomiting, diarrhea, severe abdominal cramps), Skin/Ear/Bladder infection, etc. Food poisoning (vomiting, diarrhea, severe abdominal cramps), Bladder/Kidney/Gall Bladder infection, Peritonitis (intra-abdominal suppuration), Meningitis, Bacteremia/Sepsis (serious blood stream infection), etc. Staphylococcus aureus Escherichia coil Asthma, Flu, Skin infection, Meningitis, Scarlet fever, Pneumonia, Various urinary tract infection, etc. Streptococuss pyogenes Bacteremia/Sepsis (serious blood stream infection), Wound/Tracheal infection, Suppurative meningitis, Vaginitis (vaginal infection), Urethritis (urethral infection), Corneal ulcer (may cause loss of eyesight), etc. Food poisoning (vomiting, diarrhea, severe abdominal cramps), various infections and abscess 깔끔한 당신을 위한 Pseudomonas aeruginosa Micrococcus Lylae 좌변기용 위생커버

1-5. 제품 시험성적 (inspection test) 깔끔한 당신을 위한 좌변기용 위생커버

1-6. 유통표준코드 회원증 (membership certificate) 깔끔한 당신을 위한 좌변기용 위생커버

2. 사업영역 (BUSINESS FIELD) Hotels Sports Facilities Hospital hospitals, theaters, sports facilities, shopping malls, restaurants, lodgings, train station, aircrafts, ships, rest areas, convention centers, government offices, schools and any place that requires enhanced customer satisfaction and public hygiene. Hotels Sports Facilities Hospital Shopping Mall Restaurants Train Station Theaters Government Offices 깔끔한 당신을 위한 좌변기용 위생커버

3.주요거래처 (MAJOR CUSTOMERS) 1) 아시아나 항공 10) 유니코이엔지 2) 대한소방공제회 11) 주한 미국 대사관 3) 대우백화점 12) 서울시 동작구 4) 서울시 농산물공사 13) 롯데백화점 5) 문화관광부 14) 이마트 6) 경기도 화성시 15) 한국철도공사 7) 서울시 성북구 16) 서울성모병원 8) 서울시 동대문구 17) SK Danew 9) Vision Hills 18) KT cs 깔끔한 당신을 위한 좌변기용 위생커버

4. 회사 위치 및 연락처 (contact us) 주소 : 경상남도 창원시 마산회원구 내서읍 송평로 297-54 전화 : 070-8233-8785 팩스 : 055-288-8794 E-mail : 홈페이지 : 깔끔한 당신을 위한 좌변기용 위생커버

Thank you!!