Project Management ASC’s R&BD Standard Methodology


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Introduction to Network Security
Presentation transcript:

Project Management ASC’s R&BD Standard Methodology

Project Management R&BD Project Scope Project Management Overview Project Define Methodology Project Management System Excel-based templates Case Study and Q&A 별첨 Project Planning & Execution Roadmap

Project & Risk Management R&BD Project Scope CFT members Alternative Concept Most Promising Concept Patent Patent Map System Design Specification System & Subsystem CFR/CAP Functional System Requirement ( Performance ) Customer Requirement VOB VOC SR TT STP: Segmentation-Targeting-Positioning STR: Strategic Technology Roadmap TT: Technology Tree QFD: Quality Function Deployment CFR: Critical Functional Response CTF: Critical To Function CAP: Critical Adjustable Parameter Component Design Specification Component CTF/CAP System Engineering Concept Engineering Project & Risk Management Material Design Specification Material CTF/CAP Process Engineering Strategic Planning VOT Design Process QFD-1 Scorecard-1 QFD-2 QFD-3 QFD-4 Scorecard-2 Scorecard-3 Scorecard-4 System Pugh Matrix Concept Matrix Internal Competency Analysis STP Strategy Tree SWOT Matrix E-M-C Analysis Customer VOC Tree Technology Trend Analysis Technology Analysis Target Segment TRIZ Brain Storming idea Patent Analysis Environment Market Competitor

R&BD Project Scope : [1] Strategic Planning Project & Risk Management SR E-M-C Analysis STP SWOT Matrix Internal Competency Analysis Environment Market Competitor Target Segment Technology Trend Analysis Customer Strategy Tree Strategic Planning VOB VOC Tree Technology Analysis Patent Analysis VOC VOT Customer Requirement TT QFD-1 Scorecard-1 Functional System Requirement ( Performance ) System D-ISAP Roadmap for Planning

R&BD Project Scope : [2] High-level Design CFT members Alternative Concept Most Promising Concept Patent Patent Map System Design Specification System & Subsystem CFR/CAP Functional System Requirement ( Performance ) Customer Requirement VOB VOC SR TT Concept Engineering Project & Risk Management Strategic Planning VOT QFD-1 Scorecard-1 QFD-2 Scorecard-2 System Pugh Matrix Concept Matrix Internal Competency Analysis STP Strategy Tree SWOT Matrix E-M-C Analysis Customer VOC Tree Technology Trend Analysis Technology Analysis Target Segment TRIZ Brain Storming idea Patent Analysis Environment Market Competitor D-IDOV Roadmap For New Design

R&BD Project Scope : [3] Detailed Design CFT members Alternative Concept Most Promising Concept Patent Patent Map System Design Specification System & Subsystem CFR/CAP Functional System Requirement ( Performance ) Customer Requirement VOB VOC SR TT STP: Segmentation-Targeting-Positioning STR: Strategic Technology Roadmap TT: Technology Tree QFD: Quality Function Deployment CFR: Critical Functional Response CTF: Critical To Function CAP: Critical Adjustable Parameter Component Design Specification Component CTF/CAP System Engineering Concept Engineering Project & Risk Management Material Design Specification Material CTF/CAP Process Engineering Strategic Planning VOT Design Process QFD-1 Scorecard-1 QFD-2 QFD-3 QFD-4 Scorecard-2 Scorecard-3 Scorecard-4 System Pugh Matrix Concept Matrix Internal Competency Analysis STP Strategy Tree SWOT Matrix E-M-C Analysis Customer VOC Tree Technology Trend Analysis Technology Analysis Target Segment TRIZ Brain Storming idea Patent Analysis Environment Market Competitor

R&BD Project Scope S E M C B P T R Environment Market Competitor Strategy Business E External M C S Internal B Product / Service System Process P T Technology Project Resource R

Right People : The 4G R&D Innovator Capability level of R&D Expert Width Depth Height 내공 무공 Academy Researcher Project Leader Program Manager Innovator Expert-III Expert-IV Expert-II Expert-V Expert-I Professor Student

R&BD Management Process 1 2 1 1 2 3 3 Ikujiro Nonaka two types of knowledge: tacit and explicit. Tacit knowledge is subjective and experience based knowledge that can not be expressed in words, sentences, numbers or formulas, often because it is context specific. This also includes cognitive skills such as beliefs, images, intuition and mental models as well as technical skills such as craft and knowhow. Explicit knowledge is objective and rational knowledge that can be expressed in words, sentences, numbers or formulas (context free). It includes theoretical approaches, problem solving, manuals and databases. Nonaka models knowledge transfer as a spiral process. Start with a 2x2 matrix, in which existing knowledge can be in either form - tacit or explicit - and the objective of knowledge transfer can be to convey either tacit or explicit knowledge. Each mode of transfer operates differently: The process that transfers tacit knowledge in one person to tacit knowledge in another person is socialization. It is experiential, active and a “living thing,” involving capturing knowledge by walking around and through direct interaction with customers and suppliers outside the organization and people inside the organization. This depends on having shared experience, and results in acquired skills and common mental models. Socialization is primarily a process between individuals. The process for making tacit knowledge explicit is externalization. One case is the articulation of one’s own tacit knowledge - ideas or images in words, metaphors, analogies. A second case is eliciting and translating the tacit knowledge of others - customer, experts for example - into a readily understandable form, e.g., explicit knowledge. Dialogue is an important means for both. During such face-to-face communication people share beliefs and learn how to better articulate their thinking, though instantaneous feedback and the simultaneous exchange of ideas. Externalization is a process among individuals within a group. Once knowledge is explicit, it can be transferred as explicit knowledge through a process Nonaka calls combination. This is the area where information technology is most helpful, because explicit knowledge can be conveyed in documents, email, data bases, as well as through meetings and briefings. The key steps collecting relevant internal and external knowledge, dissemination, and editing/processing to make it more usable. Combination allows knowledge transfer among groups across organizations. Internalization is the process of understanding and absorbing explicit knowledge in to tacit knowledge held by the individual. Knowledge in the tacit form is actionable by the owner. Internalization is largely experiential, in order to actualize concepts and methods, either through the actual doing or through simulations. The internalization process transfers organization and group explicit knowledge to the individual. Knowledge Management Project Management 9

ASC’s Approach Project Planning Methodology 5 Fundamentals Technology Tree / Patent Map Strategy Planning Strategic Roadmap (Strategy to Resource) Project & Risk Management Project Execution Methodology Concept Matrix-Pugh Matrix TRIZ QFD SBS-BOM Scorecard Process Map C&E Matrix / X-Y Matrix FMEA & Control Plan Statistical Analysis / MC Simulation Hypothesis Capability Analysis & Scorecard DOE / RSM Mixture DOE Taguchi DOE Correlation / Regression R&BD Project Scope Roadmap Tree Flow down/up Diagram Matrix 5 Basic Structures

5 Fundamentals of R&BD : Content Capability Function Concept System Process Breakdown – Integration Capability Performance Quality level (Sigma level) Scorecard Roadmap Process map Stage-Gate process Spiral process Generation – Selection Segmentation – Targeting Breakdown – Integration Flow & Order() 5 Whys() Function-Technology tree Technology-Function tree Technology-Expert matrix Architecture / Structure Component Interface System Breakdown Structure Bill Of Materials (BOM) Work Breakdown Structure Concept matrix Pugh matrix Intangible Tangible Alternative Technology

Case Study : Project & Risk Management Capability As-Is To-Be NTI Scorecard NPI start Finish Process Project Planning ,Execution & Evaluation (Stage-Gate Process) 1 2 3 4 Define F S Planning Execution Probability of Failure Impact of Failure 1 3 5 High Low 15 25 9 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 01/98 02/98 03/98 04/98 05/98 06/98 07/98 08/98 09/98 10/98 11/98 12/98 01/99 02/99 03/99 04/99 05/99 06/99 Risk Management & Tracking risk NPI: New Product Introduction NTI: New Technology Introduction

Project Management R&BD Project Scope Project Management Overview Project Define Methodology Project Management System Excel-based templates Case Study and Q&A 별첨 Project Planning & Execution Roadmap

Project ? Project 의 정의 Project Charter ( Define ) 작성 절차 연구소의 일하는 방식 특정 목표와 목적을 위해 (Specific Goal & Objective) 정해진 기간 동안 (Time bounded) 한정된 자원으로 (Limited Resource) 문제를 해결하는 효과적인 방식 - 문제해결방식 (Problem Solving Method) - 해결할 문제가 있을 때 마다 프로젝트를 수행. Project Charter ( Define ) 작성 절차 프로젝트 선정 배경 기술 프로젝트 범위 설정 프로젝트 계획 수립 연구소의 일하는 방식 일하는 방식 (The Way We Work) - 프로젝트 : 연구소 / 개발부서 ( 5~15% ) - 업무 : 사무 / 행정부서 ( 20~35 % ) - 생산/제조 : 직접부서 ( 50~70% ) Six Sigma : The Way We Work. (1987~ ) 모든 일을 프로젝트로 하자.

Definition of ‘Problem’ 국가사회적인 이슈 (National Agenda) 문제(問題) - 해결해야 할 대상. Problem : 풀어보럼. Trouble 문제해결 Problem Solving Trouble Shooting (?) -> Quick Fix 문제의 3가지 유형 탐색형 문제 : 연구, 기획 설정형 문제 : 연구, 개발, 기획 발생형 문제 : 제조, 사무, 행정 문제해결방법 및 절차 (Six Sigma) D-ISAP D-IDOV / D-MADV D-MAIC / D-MADV 문제 問題 a question[질문]; a problem; an issue[논의대상] a subject[주제] a topic[화제] a matter[사건] trouble[분규] 탐색(探索)[명사][하다형 타동사] 1. (감추어진 사물을) 이리저리 더듬어 찾음. 2. (범죄 사건에 관계된 사람이나 물건 따위를) 더듬어 샅샅이 찾음. 설정(設定)[―쩡][명사][하다형 타동사][되다형 자동사] 1. 새로 마련하여 정함. ¶목표를 설정하다. 2. 권리나 의무가 새로이 발생하게 함. ¶저당권을 설정하다. The goal of Six Sigma is to identify, isolate, and eliminate variation Defect prevention versus defect detection Proactive problem-solving versus reactive fire-fighting 문제(問題) a question; a problem; a subject (주제); a topic (화제); an affair; a matter (사건); trouble (분규); an issue (논의 대상). 문제가: 문제의: 문제에: 문제를: ♣ ∼아(兒) a problem child. ┈┈• 귀찮은 ∼ a vexed question ┈┈• 주어진 ∼ a given question [problem] ┈┈• 당면한 ∼ the question [point] at issue ┈┈• 연구 ∼ a subject of [for] inquiry [study] ┈┈• 당황케 하는 ∼ a puzzling question ┈┈• 지엽적인 ∼ side issues ┈┈• 미해결 ∼ an open [undecided, unset-tled] question ┈┈• 해결해야 할 여러 ∼ many problems awaiting solution ┈┈• 손도 못대고 있는 ∼ an untouched sub-ject ┈┈• 금전상의 ∼ a matter of money ┈┈• 생사의 ∼ a matter of life and death ┈┈• 시간의 ∼ a question [matter] of time ┈┈• 중대한 ∼ a matter of [for] grave concern ┈┈• 중심∼ the central issue [problem] ┈┈• ∼ 가 되지 않는다 be beside the question; be out of the question. ┈┈• ∼가 되다 become an issue; be at issue; come into question; cause [give rise to] public discussion; 『표면화하다』 come to 「a head [the fore] ┈┈• ∼가[도] 안 되다 『대수롭지 않다』 matter little; count for nothing ┈┈• ┅에는 많은 ∼가 있다 there are a lot of problems about 「our system」. ┈┈• ∼의 인물 the man in ques-tion; a controversial figure (문제가 많은 사람) ┈┈• ∼의 발단은┅ the question was posed when.... ┈┈• ∼에 답하다 answer a ques-tion ┈┈• ∼에 깊이 들어가다 go deep into a subject ┈┈• ∼에 부딪치다 meet [encounter] a problem ┈┈• 이 ∼에 관한 저서 works on this subject ┈┈• 여러 가지 ∼에 걸치다 cover a wide range of subjects. ┈┈• ∼를 일으키다 cause trouble [problems]; raise a question; give rise to public discussion (세상에) ┈┈• ∼를 내다 set [give] a question; pre-sent a problem ┈┈• ∼를 다루다 handle [treat] a subject [problem] ┈┈• ∼를 풀다[해결하다] solve [work out] a prob-lem; settle a question. ┈┈• 그것으로 ∼는 해결이다 That settles the case [matter]. ┈┈• 그것은 돈과 시간의 ∼다 It’s a question of money and time. ┈┈• 계획이 잘될지 어떨지 ∼다 It is an open question whether the scheme will come off or not. ┈┈• 환경 보호는 오늘날 가장 중요한 ∼중 하나다 Environmental protection is one of the most crucial topics today. ┈┈• ∼는 그가 그만한 돈을 낼 수 있느냐에 있다 The question [point] is whether he can afford to pay that much money. ┈┈• 성공하느냐 못하느냐가 ∼다 It is questionable whether he will suc-ceed or not. ┈┈• 공식 석상에서의 그의 발언이 ∼가 되었다 His statement in public brought on much criticism. ┈┈• 시험에는 응용 ∼가 많이 나왔다 A lot of applied problems [questions] were given in the exam. ┈┈• 그것은 중대한 국제 ∼가 되었다 It turned into a grave international issue. ┈┈• 그는 끊임없이 ∼를 일으켰다 He was in continual trouble. ┈┈• 급료 ∼는 결정을 보지 못할 것이다 The matter of salary will be left open [remain undecided]. ┈┈• ∼소설[극] a problem novel [play]. ┈┈• ∼영역 a problem area. ┈┈• ∼은행 an item pool. ┈┈• ∼ 의식 「have」 a critical mind; an awareness of the issues [problems involved]. ┈┈• ∼점 the point at issue; a controversial [moot] point ┈┈• 이 방법에 관해서는 몇가지 ∼점이 지적되고 있다 Several problems have been pointed out concerning this method. ┈┈• ∼집 a collection of problems. ┈┈• ∼해결능력 one’s problem-solving 발생(發生)[―쌩][명사][하다형 자동사][되다형 자동사] 1. 어떤 현상이 일어남. ¶사고의 발생을 막다. 2. 어떤 것이 새로 생겨남. ¶해충이 발생하다. 3. 난자(卵子)나 배자(胚子)가 자라서 하나의 개체가 됨.

미래상 문제와 문제유형: 3가지 문제 : 바람직한 모습(Should)와 실제의 모습(Actual) 간에 차이(Gap)가 있는 상태 미래상 Should Actual Gap To-Be As-Is Present Future period 문제유형 : 3가지 탐색형 문제 - 원천특허, 과학 탐구, 계획 수립 (연구, 개발 / 기획, 정책) 설정형 문제 - 신기술 개발, 신제품, 신사업 등 (연구, 개발 / 기획) 발생형 문제 - 불량 발생, AI문제, 재해, 고객불만 (제조, 사무, 행정)

미래상 문제와 문제정의: 4가지 문제 : 바람직한 모습(Should)와 실제의 모습(Actual) 간에 차이(Gap)가 있는 상태 미래상 Should Actual Gap To-Be As-Is Present Future period 문제 정의 (Define the Problem) : 4가지 바람직한 모습 (미래상) : 목표 및 품질수준 (Target, Quality Level) 실제의 모습 : 현 수준 (절대 값 , 품질 수준) 시작하는 시점 : Start date (현재) 원하는 시점 : Finish date (Project period = Finish date – Start date) 문제해결 : 차이(Gap)를 없애는 것

문제해결 프로세스 / 방식 / 절차 / 도구 문제해결 : 차이(Gap)를 없애는 것 문제해결프로세스 : 차이(Gap)를 없애는 과정(Process) Should Actual Gap To-Be As-Is Present Future ① ② ③ period 문제해결방식 (Method) : 프로젝트 (Project), 업무, 일, 생산, 제조 등 문제해결절차 (Roadmap) 및 방법론 (Methodology) 문제해결도구(Tool) : Templates

Problem Solving Methodology 문제해결 절차 및 방법론 – 4가지 Problem Solving Methodology

Project Define 순서 : 5 Step Define Problem : 문제 기술 - 문제 정의 및 범위 설정 목표 설정 및 현 수준 파악 (Gap 분석) 문제해결 방안 도출. Define Activities : 할 일(WBS), 순서 –> 4 Phase Scheduling : 소요기간 산정, 일정 계획 Team Building : 프로젝트 수행팀 구성, 역할 분담 Resource Planning : 자원 계획 프로젝트기획TF 1 2 3 4 5

Step-1 : 문제 기술 및 목표 설정, 해결방안 도출 프로젝트기획TF Define Problem : 문제 기술 - 문제 정의 및 범위 설정 목표 설정 및 현 수준 파악 (Gap 분석) 문제해결 방안 도출. 1

Fundamental-1 : Capability Performance Quality level (Sigma level) Scorecard Capability Analysis Scorecard Goal Statement Target & Spec. limits Quality level SMART Goals Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-bound Statistical Analysis Center Spread Shape SMART Goals Specific 구체적으로 Measurable 측정 가능한 Attainable 달성 가능한 Relevant 적절한 Time-bound 정해진 시간 내에 달성 ‡attain [ətéin] v. ―vt. ① (장소·위치 등에) 이르다, 도달하다. ② (목적·소원을) 달성하다, ┅에 달하다; (명성·부귀 따위를) 획득하다, 손에 넣다. ―vi. 『+전+명』 (노력이나 자연적인 경과로) (도)달하다, 이르다(to; unto). ♣∼ proficiency 숙달하다. ♣∼ to man's estate 성년에 달하다. ♣∼ to perfection 완벽한 경지에 이르다. ㉺∼able ―a. ㉺∼ableness ―n. ㉺attainability [-əbíləti] ―n. U 달성[획득]의 가능성. ㉺∼er ―n. †relevant [réləvənt] a. (당면한 문제에) 관련된; 적절한, 타당한(to); (구어) 의미 있는. [SYN.] ⇨ PROPER. ㉺∼ly ―ad. 적절하게, 요령 있게. Numeric data Scorecard Statistics

Case Study : EV Battery/G7 Project – 목표설정 1 3 2

Step-2 : Define Activities – 할 일(WBS), 순서 Stage-Gate Process ( The 2G R&D ) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Level-1 : Phase Level-2 : Step Level-3 : Activity 5 Phase 15 Step 45 Activity D-ISAP D-IDOV D-MADV D-MAIC Deliverables: Tool (Template) 1 2 3 4 Define F S

Step-2 : Define Activities – 할 일(WBS), 순서 3x3 ② 2 Step-01 Step-02 Step-03 Step-04 Step-05 Step-06 Step-07 Step-08 Step-09 Step-10 Step-12 Step-13 Step-14 Step-15

D-ISAP Roadmap for Planning etc. 2

D-IDOV Roadmap for New Design 2

Step-3 : Scheduling – 소요기간 산정, 일정 수립 Define Problem : 문제기술, 범위 설정, 목표설정, 해결방안 Define Activities : 할 일(WBS), 순서 –> 4 Phase Scheduling : 소요기간 산정, 일정 수립 Team Building : 팀 구성, 역할. Resource planning : 자원 계획 1 2 3 4 5 3 Step-01 Step-02 Step-03 Step-04 Step-05 Step-06 Step-07 Step-08 Step-09 Step-10 Step-12 Step-13 Step-14 Step-15 2 1 1

Step-3 : Scheduling – 소요기간 산정, 일정 수립 2 ① Min ② Normal ③ Max ④ Duration-1 Phase-Step-Activity ⑤ Start date ⑥ Finish date 3

Step-3 : Scheduling – 소요기간 산정, 일정 수립 2 ① Min ② Normal ③ Max ④ Duration-1 Phase-Step-Activity Step-01 Step-02 Step-03 Step-04 Step-05 Step-06 Step-07 Step-08 Step-09 Step-10 Step-11 Step-12 Step-13 Step-14 Step-15 1 Scheduling - concurrent ④ Duration ⑤ Start date 2 3 ⑥ Finish date Step-01 Step-02 Step-03 Step-04 Step-05 Step-06 Step-07 Step-08 Step-09 Step-10 Step-11 Step-12 Step-13 Step-14 Step-15 2 Duration-1 ④ Finish date ⑥ 2 3 ⑤ Start date

Step-3 : Scheduling – 소요기간 산정, 일정 수립 2 ① Min ② Normal ③ Max ④ Duration-1 Phase-Step-Activity Step-01 Step-02 Step-03 Step-04 Step-05 Step-06 Step-07 Step-08 Step-09 Step-10 Step-11 Step-12 Step-13 Step-14 Step-15 2 Duration-1 ④ Finish date ⑥ 2 ⑤ Start date 3 Step-01 Step-02 Step-03 Step-04 Step-05 Step-06 Step-07 Step-08 Step-09 Step-10 Step-11 Step-12 Step-13 Step-14 Step-15 Scheduling - concurrent 10~20% Duration ④ Finish date ⑥ 일부 Activity의 기간을 Min으로 반영하되, 특정기간에 몰리지 않도록 주의한다. 2 ⑤ Start date

일정 표시방법 : 연간 일정 (주간까지 표현) 과제계획서 양식 - 당해년도(1년) - 월간 단위 과제계획서의 양식은 1년간 월간 단위로 양식이 되어 있는데, 월간 단위의 양식이면 주간단위까지 상세히 작성하여야 하며, 년간 단위의 양식이면, 최소 분기(사분기)까지 상세히 작성해야 함. 또한 연구 내용간의 연관성을 함께 표현해야 함. 정부과제의 경우 대부분 연구내용이 1~3월에 시작해서 10~12월에 끝나며, 기간은 9~12개월로 거의 동일함.

일정 표시방법 : 월간 일정 (요일까지 표현) 주5일 근무 : 5개 첫째 날은 월요일

Tip 납기의 80% 시간으로 계획한다. (20% 여유시간 확보) 일정 차질에 대비하여 여유시간을 확보한다. 정상 진행 시, 납기 25% 단축 효과. 기간이 부족할 경우, 일정을 조절한다 80% 진행된 상태에서 다음 Activity를 착수한다 (default) 50%, 75%, 80%의 3가지 방법으로 Activity별로 판단한다. 그래도 부족하면, 기간을 “Min”으로 바꾼다. – 야근 / 잔업 / 특근 등 “Min” 일정이 특정 기간에 몰리지 않도록 배분한다. 년간 일정표를 참조한다 - 휴무일(설, 추석, 국경일), 학회, 휴가 등 무리한 단축이 요구되는 경우, 해당 Activity의 대안을 반드시 검토한다. 시작날짜와 완료날짜를 1일, 15일, 30일, 휴무일 등은 절대로 피한다. 프로젝트 완료시점은 고과 평가시점의 10~15일 전으로 계획한다. 특허는 프로젝트 착수 후, 3개월 이내에 출원한다.

Step-4 : Team Building – 수행 팀 구성, 역할 분담 Define Problem : 문제기술, 범위 설정, 목표설정, 해결방안 Define Activities : 할 일(WBS), 순서 –> 4 Phase Scheduling : 소요기간 산정, 일정 수립 Team Building : 팀 구성, 역할. Resource planning : 자원 계획 1 2 3 4 5 3 Step-01 Step-02 Step-03 Step-04 Step-05 Step-06 Step-07 Step-08 Step-09 Step-10 Step-12 Step-13 Step-14 Step-15 2 1 4 1

Case Study : EV Battery / G7 Project – 팀 구성 Team Building : Matrix 조직 프로젝트 수행팀 구성 및 역할분담 조직 내부의 유관부서 및 역할 분담 - 분석팀, 기획팀, 행정팀 등 협조. 조직 외부의 협동연구/참여기업/위탁연구 기관 및 역할 3 1 할 일 (Step-2) 2 2

Step-5 : Resource Planning – 자원 계획 Define Problem : 문제기술, 범위 설정, 목표설정, 해결방안 Define Activities : 할 일(WBS), 순서 –> 4 Phase Scheduling : 소요기간 산정, 일정 수립 Team Building : 팀 구성, 역할 분담 Resource planning : 자원 계획 1 2 3 4 5 3 Step-01 Step-02 Step-03 Step-04 Step-05 Step-06 Step-07 Step-08 Step-09 Step-10 Step-12 Step-13 Step-14 Step-15 2 1 4 1 5

Case Study: EV Battery / G7 Project - 종합 3 4 1 1 목표 설정 할 일 (WBS: Phase-Step-Activity) 기간과 일정 (Period & Schedule) 팀 (Team, Role & Responsibility) 자원 (Resource ) 2 1 1 5

Project Management R&BD Project Scope Project Management Overview Project Define Methodology Project Management System Excel-based templates Case Study and Q&A 별첨 Project Planning & Execution Roadmap

Project Management System 2G R&D Stage-Gate Process Project Management System SAP-R3 / PS Module (Organization level) MS Projector 2000/2003/2007 (Project Leader) MS Excel-based Template (Individual)

3G R&D Process in Samsung SDI (SAP-R3/PS, 1998~) Six Sigma Tools ( 60~80 tools ) : Tool Box Group-3 Group-4 Group-1 Group-2 Feasibility Study Technology Development Process SA DA DR TR Idea Planning FSE TDE Business Team PDE Transfer Six Sigma Milestone Checklist Six Sigma Scorecard Assignment Design Release SAP-R3/PS – Project System module : The first application of PS module world-wide

Stage-Gate Process for Project Management Project Planning, Execution & Evaluation (Stage-Gate Process) 1 2 3 4 Define F S Planning Execution Go Stage-I Gate-I Stop pre-review (재)작성 제안 (재)검토 심의 Government R&D Program Evaluation Scorecard Project Check List Evaluation basis Evaluation Scorecard 발표자료 (Proposal) 계획서 (Proposal) Project Summary Project Check List Proposal

Project Evaluation : Gate Review Process Fair Process Project Planning, Execution & Evaluation (Stage-Gate Process) 1 2 3 4 Define F S Planning Execution 계획서 (Proposal) 보고서 (Report) Training Project Leader Innovator 발표자료 (Proposal) 발표자료 (Report) 할 일 한 일 하는 방법 이렇게 하겠습니다. Scorecard 이렇게 하였습니다. Check List Check List 이렇게 하는 겁니다. 이렇게 하십시오. 이렇게 하였습니까? 이렇게 하였습니까? 할 일이 다 되었는가? 할 일이 준비되었는가? Customer Sponsor Evaluation Scorecard 얼마나 잘 됐는가? Evaluation Scorecard 얼마나 잘 됐는가? Tool Template

4G R&BD Process & Tools in Samsung SAIT SAIT Standard R&D Process (2000~) Transfer Project Initiation Execution 기획 DR 착수 완료 Feasibility Study Technology Development Process TR Idea Planning SA DA DR SDI Standard R&D Process (1998~) Group-1 Technology Roadmap Technology Tree TRIZ Patent Map Market Analysis Benchmarking Business Planning SWOT Analysis KJ Mapping QFD Pugh Concept Selection Concept Design Critical Parameter Management (CPM) Project Planning Project Chartering Project Management Scorecard Group-2 Concept Design QFD Critical Parameter Management (CPM) DFMA Process Map / C&E Matrix Design FMEA Design Control Plan Measurement Systems Analysis Capability Assessment Multi-Vari Studies Hypothesis Testing Statistical Tolerancing Design of Experiments Scorecard Group-3 QFD, updated Critical Parameter Management (CPM) DFMA Process Map / C&E Matrix Design FMEA, updated Control Plans, updated Measurement Systems Analysis Capability Assessment Multi-Vari Studies Hypothesis Testing Statistical Tolerancing Design of Experiments Response Surface Methods (RSM) Robust Design Techniques Scorecard Group-4 Critical Parameter Management (CPM) Measurement Systems Analysis Multi-Vari Studies Capability Assessment Empirical Tolerancing Hypothesis Testing Design of Experiments Robust Design Techniques Reliability Assessment Control Plans, updated Process Control Methods (SPC) Scorecard

R&D Project in Samsung SDI (SAP-R3/PS) 경영과제 (RM-1998-16) SAP-R3/PS module Project Management System (1998.10.~ ) WBS Level 6 (RM-1998-16-TD_6_15) R&D Project Name : EV용 PLI전지기술 연구 / G7 Project (1998-11-01 ~ 2000-11-12) Project Leader : 신동엽 선임(BB) / 삼성SDI 중앙연구소 에너지개발팀

Gantt Chart ( MS Projector 2000/2003/2007 ) 작업 이름 기간 시작 날짜 완료 날짜 R&D Project Name : EV용 PLI전지기술 연구 / G7 Project (1998-11-01 ~ 2000-11-12) Project Leader : 신동엽 선임(BB) / 삼성SDI 중앙연구소 에너지개발팀

MS Excel-based Template : 12 Step 3 4 5

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Case Study (2) 3 2 4 1

Case Study (3) 2 4 3 1 5

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