Unit 6. 글의 세부사항 찾기 - Vocabularies.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 6. 글의 세부사항 찾기 - Vocabularies

optimism neighborhood reject P. 36. crime 범죄 widespread 생각하다, 간주하다 널리 퍼진, 만연한 scarce 드문, 부족한 neighborhood 낙관주의, 낙천주의 reject 이웃 deem 거절하다

struggle on the verge of recognize ultimate debt worth P. 36. 살아있는 --하기 직전의 financially alive 투쟁하다, 항쟁 on the verge of 재정적으로, 금전적으로 recognize 인식하다, 인정하다 빛, 환한 기색 ultimate debt 빚, 부채 glow 궁극적인, 최종적인 worth 값, 가치있는

P. 37. ∙ take over ∙ claim 영토, 영역, 경계 ∙ despite ∙ retain ∙ identity colony 식민지 ∙ take over 떠맡다, 인수하다 ∙ claim 주장, 요구 ∙ settler 정착민 ∙ territory 영토, 영역, 경계 ∙ despite —에도 불구하고 ∙ retain 보유하다, 유지하다 ∙ identity 정체성, 본질 ∙agricultural 농업의

P. 37. ∙ authority ∙ discourage 주민, 거주자 ∙ region ∙ peacefully ∙ imperial ~제국의 ∙ authority 권위, 권한, 당국 ∙ discourage 저지하다, 방해하다 ∙ native 본토의, 원주민의 ∙ inhabitant 주민, 거주자 ∙ region 지역 ∙ peacefully 평화롭게

~에도 불구하고(=in spite of ~) ∙ effort 노력, 수고, 노고 ∙ authority 권위, 권한, 당국 ∙ dispenser 자동판매기, 분배자, 조제자 ∙ fine 벌금(을 부과하다), 좋은, 미세한 ∙ despite ~에도 불구하고(=in spite of ~) ∙ illegal 불법의, 비합법적인 ∙ rob 빼앗다, 강탈하다 ∙ shoulder 어깨, 갓길 ∙ rude 버릇없는, 무례한

∙ no wonder s + v ∙ prohibit 저주(하다), 욕(하다) ∙ sentence ∙ swear 욕(하다), 맹세하다, 단언하다 ∙ no wonder s + v S가 ~하는 것은 당연하다 ∙ prohibit 금지하다, 방해하다 (ban, forbid) ∙ be charged with ~ ~로 고소당하다, 기소되다. ∙ curse 저주(하다), 욕(하다) ∙ sentence 문장, 판결, 선고(하다) ∙ community service 지역봉사, 사회봉사 활동 ∙ fight back 저항하다, 항소하다 ∙ canoeist 카누이스트, 카누 젓는 사람

Unit 6 Theme Reading

p. 39—1 It is really important to get the most nutrition out of your calories. 1. For each person, there is an appropriate number of calories -- the number of calories that he or she needs to consume daily in order to stay in energy balance and maintain current body weight. 2. It is easy to use up this allotment on a few high-calorie food items, but these foods rarely contain the nutrients needed to support body functions.

3. Instead, choosing nutrient-dense foods ensures that vitamin and mineral needs are met. 4. In addition, cooking meat thoroughly and reheating dishes appropriately will help prevent potential illness from microorganisms. 5. Choosing foods like fruits and vegetables, and whole grains helps ensure that both nutrient and energy needs are met.

p. 39—2 Thus, it appears sensible for many athletes and active people to consume a diet high enough in carbohydrates to replace muscle glycogen used during exercise. It is common knowledge that carbohydrates are important for athletic performance. (1) High levels of stored glycogen before endurance exercise can help prevent fatigue during exercise.(2)

Carbohydrate intake during exercise, especially exercise lasting longer than one hour, can help increase performance and prolong time to fatigue.(3) Moreover, after exercise, diets high in carbohydrates help refill muscle glycogen levels, improving recovery.(4) Unfortunately, many of them often consume inadequate levels of carbohydrates. (5) Proper dietary carbohydrate levels depend on total energy intake; body size; health status; and the duration, intensity, frequency, and the type of exercise in which an individual participates.

p. 40—3 The European discovery of the Americas in 1492 sparked a revolution in pastry making. Sugar and cocoa, brought from the new world, were available in the old world for the first time. Before, the only significant sweetener was honey. Once the new ingredients became widely available, baking and pastry became more and more sophisticated, with many new recipes being developed.

By the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, many of the basic pastries that we know today were being made. The nineteenth century saw the development of modern baking as we know it. After the French Revolution in 1789, many bakers and pastry cooks who had been servants in the houses of the nobility started independent business. Artisans competed for customers with the quality of their products. The general public-- not just aristocrats and the well-to-do –were able to buy fine pastries.