KCMS-MECARO GEM Production Status RD51 meeting Feb. 22, 2017


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Presentation transcript:

KCMS-MECARO GEM Production Status RD51 meeting Feb. 22, 2017 Inkyu Park (U. of Seoul) for KCMS & Yeonsu Yu for MECARO 1

Contents KCMS plan MECARO GEM Production site & facilities New machines being built Double mask alignment test at OPTIRAY (Large bipolar lithography specialist) 긍정 창의 열정 혁신

KCMS Plans

Revised Plan for KCMS GEM foil LS2 Upgrade: GE1/1 Double-sided method production: 2016 Oct → First half of 2017 Large area litho machine (400kCHF), DRF film coater, Cu etching (160kCHF) Delay of 6 months due to finding the right specs for the litho machine and initial funding for purchase order 2017-2018 Hope to produce 200-250 GE1/1 foils → 250~300kCHF contribute in-kind LS3 Upgrade: GE2/1 and ME0 2019: GEM foil production for GE2/1 and ME0

KCMS GEM Foil Production KCMS Developed the double mask method 10cm x 10cm GEM foil test completed Testing at CERN (2014.02.17): High gain was achieved IBS GEM foil (13.5m x 17.5cm) test completed IBS (2014.10): Gain ~ 10x higher than other GEM foils 50cm x 120cm GEM foil production by Single Mask Method not very successful so far due to non-uniformity of the raw FCCL material

Some of the Products Available in various sizes and designs produced within 1250mm X 710mm. Capacity : Small & Mid size (2000 foils/year)

MECARO GEM Production site

Mecaro Semiconductor parts manufacturer in Korea. Products: Heater block, Chemical Precursor, GEM foil etc. Head Quarter & Production Facility Clean room : 1000 m2 R&D and Production Facility Clean room : 1300 m2 R&D for GEM foil fabrication done here

Status of Production Facility GEM foils up to 30x30 cm2 have been produced successfully These are small scale production and we relied on equipments of other companies For large scale production of large GEM foils, we need dedicated equipment DFR laminator Large bipolar lithography machine DFR film developer, Copper etching, drying Clean rooms for the equipments have been ready for some time Orders have been placed and expect delivery by April 2017 Initial payment with help from MECARO

Production site layout New rooms Existing rooms Laminate & Exposure / DFR Develop & Cu Etch / GEM Room / Analysis Room Yellow Room Yellow Room 박인규 설명) YELLOW ROOM에는 DFR 필름 현상과 Cu에칭등 사진 작업을 위해 특별히 노란등을 사용합니다. 그림에서 보시다시피, 젬생산시설은 노광룸 (좌측하단) DRF필름 현상룸, Cu에칭룸 (좌측 상단) PI에칭룸 (중앙상단) 검사실 (우측 하단) 으로 구성되어 있습니다.

GEM Production Facilities: Clean room Production room Optical Inspection and Analysis room A new space for new facilities Total clean room space ~1200m^2 Whole clean room space < 10000 Class. A new space is prepared to produce large GEM foils (GE11) A high precision bipolar lithography A DFR film developper & Cu etching machine Curing system

GEM Production Facilities: Production room Small size etching bath Mid size etching bath Large size etching bath Multiple etching baths are ready for various sizes of GEMs Small: 10cm x 10cm, 30cm x 30cm Middle: 50cm ~ 1m Large: > 1m

Large size dry oven & storage Dimensions: W1600 X D1500 X H1800 : Holds tens of large size GEM foils 박인규) 대형 GEM호일 건조기 및 보관함

New large bipolar lithography room Laminate & Exposure / DFR Develop & Cu Etch / GEM Room / Analysis Room Exposure Machine Laminate Machine 박인규 설명) 여기에 리소그래피 장비가 들어 올것입니다. 2017년 4월 도입 확정

New DFR developer & Cu etching room Laminate & Exposure / DFR Develop & Cu Etch / GEM Room / Analysis Room DFR Develop Cu Etch Machine 박인규 설명) 여기에 CFR필름 현상기와 Cu 에칭 (구리에 원형 구멍을 파내는 작어)기가 들어 옵니다. 2017년 3월 도입

MECARO New machines being built

DFR Laminator DFR Laminate DFR 650 mm max width (FCCL width : 610 mm max width) Double or Single side Laminate possible 박인규 설명) 4월 도입을 예정으로 있는 양면 DFR필름 코팅기… 리쏘그래피를 하기전에 매스크패턴을 구리위에 입히기 위한 비닐 필름 (이 필름에 빛이다면 GEM 패턴이 생긴다)

Large Bipolar lithography Exposure Machine Bipolar machine. Mask alignment precision < 3 microns. Parallel beam. Effective Exposure Area : 54.3 inch x 32 inch (1379 mm x 813 mm) 박인규 설명) 4월 도입을 예정으로 있는 양면 노광기… 광학계에 의하여 평면광을 조사한다. 가장 비싼 장비로 4.7억원 투자… (이 투자는 오로지 GEM생산에만 쓰임. 현재 이 장비를 가지고 다른 제품을 만들거나 하는 계획도 없고, Market도 없음,. 훗날 업그레이드 기여로 인정받아야함)

GEM Production Facilities: new machines A Large-size high precision bipolar lithography up to 1.3x0.8 m2 double mask alignment precision ~ 2-3μ will be delivered 2017.5 A DFR film developer & Cu etching machine : will be delivered 2017.3

MECARO Double mask alignment test at OPTIRAY

Normal light .vs. Parallel light Comparison between PhilOptics .vs. Optiray using a various pattern mask PHILOPTICS semiparallel LED light source (Soft Contact) Maritime Univ. parallel source 박인규ㅒ 왼쪽 4장… 분산광으로 찍은 후 Cu 에칭을 한 결과.. 분산광에 의해 원형이 제대로 나오지 않음, 다양한 크기의 구멍을 뚫어보면, 구멍 사이즈가 작아지면 어느 정도에서 아예 뚫리지 않음 오른쪽 2장 .. 평행광으로 찍은후 결과… 구멍이 이쁘게 원형으로 뚫린다. 심지어 작은 구멍일지라도 원형을 유지한다… 결론) 평행광을 써야한다, PHILOPTICS semiparallel LED light source(Soft Contact) OPTIRAY parallel source

GE11 (half) double mask alignment Exposure Test – Optiray (2016.9.26) Film mask 584*635mm Real image(495*430) Next plan 1.Film mask alignment check(GE1/1 Real size) 2.Emulsion glass mask test (low cost)

Emulsion mask / Exposure machine spec : ±10㎛ Alignment results Alignment test using one half of GE 1/1 using a sample lithography at OPTIRAY  successful Center Corner 1 Corner 2 Corner 3 Corner 4 박인규) 양면 마스크 얼라인 테스트 : GE11 디자인의 큰쪽 반만 짤라 노광시킴 그림에서 본 바와 같이, 양면 10마이크론 짜리 해상도를 가진 리소그래피로도 5군데 (정중안 + 4귀퉁이) 모두 얼라인이 잘 되고 있슴 ==> 우리가 주문하는 장비는 3마이크론 정밀도라, 위의 테스트 보다 더 얼라인이 잘 될 것임. Emulsion mask / Exposure machine spec : ±10㎛ Good alignment already achieved. Machine we ordered has better resolution (< 3 um)

Timeline for GE11 production 2017 Feb. ~ Jun.: MECARO – OPTIRAY contract Large bipolar lithography (~$0.5M) purchase 3 months minimum to be built & delivered 2017 Jun. ~ Aug.: GE11 test production 2017.06: production line completed & commissioning 2017.07: test production (GE11 large type) 10 GE11 GEMs : to be shipped to CERN for QC 2017.08: final decision for Korean foil. 2017 Sep. ~ Nov.: GE11 production 100 GE11 GEM (Larger one) 2017 early another 100 GE11 (Smaller one?)


PI etching room & facilities Laminate & Exposure / DFR Develop & Cu Etch / GEM Room / Analysis Room 박인규 설명) 이미 구축 완료된 PI에칭 시설, 대형 GEM 대응가능

Semi-automatic PI etching machine For large size GEM Laminate & Exposure / DFR Develop & Cu Etch / GEM Room / Analysis Room 박인규 설명) 이미 구축 완료된 반 자동화된 PI에칭 시설, GE11용으로 제작하였슴

Semi-automatic PI etching machine For small & mid size GEM Laminate & Exposure / DFR Develop & Cu Etch / GEM Room / Analysis Room 박인규 설명) 이미 구축 완료된 반 자동화된 PI에칭 시설, 소형, 중형사이즈 GEM호일용으로 제작되었음.

Cleaning and dryer Laminate & Exposure / DFR Develop & Cu Etch / GEM Room / Analysis Room 박인규 설명) 제작이 끝난 GEM호일을 건조시키는 건조대.

Inspection room Laminate & Exposure / DFR Develop & Cu Etch / GEM Room / Analysis Room 박인규 설명) Leakage current를 측정하는 장비 (왼쪽 하단) 섹션별 Leakage 전류를 재는 장비 (왼쪽 중간) Alignment 측정장비 (왼쪽 상단) 현미경 (중앙상단) 보관창고, 코팅기 (오른쪽)

GEM Production Facilities: QC Small size leakage current test Large size leakage current test

GEM Production Facilities: QC UV light system Optical inspection table Page. 5