Needs Analysis –Consumers- 1. Many consumers say that services and products these days are too expensive 2. Many consumers seek for entertainment, pleasure and fun 3. People often want to be indoors for a long time to be protected from cold, rain, wind and other external factors (이건 약간 부가적인 것) 일반 소비자들은 재미있는 놀이, 맛있는 먹거리 등을 찾아 탐닉한다 But…. Either Expensive or Not entertaining 인터뷰 자료, 기타 Back up
Needs Analysis - Consumers (Answered by 100 university students who are in their early 20s)
It costs too much for FUN! Price of Starbucks Americano ◀ Korea ranked on 4th 1st – France 2nd – Germany 3rd – UK (considering buying power) US: \2280 , KOR: \3300 ▶ Bread Coffee 지난 1년간 극장 영화 관람이 있는 응답자의 79.6%는 현재 8,000원인 관람료가 비싸다고 답하면서 적정가로 5,603원을 제시했다. Movie Ticket Price
Needs Analysis -Firms- 1. Firms search for interaction with customers 2. Firms want to test their customers and see customer's reactions 3. Firms want to aggregate customer's needs 4. Regarding the 3 needs, firms want to have control over the place, and make customers feel as pleasant and natural as possible
Needs Analysis -Firms- Marketers want Place For User Experience!!! ◀ Samsung UX building ‘d’light’ Consist of ‘Mobile Plaza’, ‘Digital Lounge’, ‘Global Gallery’ Converting from IT exhibition hall Play ground for young people, place of communication Holds lots of events : d’light stage(competition for indi bands), showcases, exhibitions etc. 100만 관객 돌파, 그롤벌갤러리: 삼성의 성장 스토리 모바일플라자: 카메라와 휴대폰 등으로 콘텐츠 제작 디지털 라운지: 노트북, 휴대폰, TV 체험 서울 특별시 교육청에서 지정하는 현장체험학습지정기관으로 선정됨. 각국의 고위자 방문. 삼성 딜라이트 방문객에는 하버드대 케네디스쿨, MIT 스로언스쿨 등 해외 명문 비즈니스 스쿨 학생들과 나탈리 모리제 프랑스 국무장관, 비탈리 이그나텐코 러시아 이타르타스통신 사장, 김연아 선수, 소설가 이외수 등 각계각층의 인사들이 포함돼 있다. ▲ Apple Store ▲ LG ‘CYON Planet’ UX is one of the key seccess factors of many companies such as Apple, Samsung, LG, Intel, MS etc.