Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge


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Presentation transcript:

Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge 제 2 장 직무 태도

이 장을 읽고 나면, 당신은 태도의 세 구성요소를 설명할 수 있다. 태도와 행동의 관계를 설명할 수 있다. 직무만족을 정의하고, 측정할 수 있다. 직무만족에 영향을 미치는 주된 요인들을 제시할 수 있다. 직무만족이 미국 외 다른 나라에도 적용가능한 개념인지 설명할 수 있다.

태도 어떤 대상, 사람 혹은 사건에 대한 호의적 또는 비호의적인 평가를 가리킴. 우리가 대상을 어떻게 느끼는지를 반영함. 어떤 대상, 사람 혹은 사건에 대한 호의적 또는 비호의적인 평가를 가리킴. 우리가 대상을 어떻게 느끼는지를 반영함. Attitudes are statements that make an evaluation about objects, people or events. They offer a favorable or unfavorable view that reflect how one feels about something.

태도는 어떻게 구성되는가? 인지 – 의견 또는 신념 정서 – 감정 또는 느낌 행위 – 어떤 방향으로 행동하려는 의도 “내가 동료보다 20% 저 적은 급여를 받고 있는 것을 발견했다.” 정서 – 감정 또는 느낌 “공정하지 못한 보상에 화가 난다.” 행위 – 어떤 방향으로 행동하려는 의도 “곧 일을 때려 치고 이 직장이 얼마나 끔찍한 곳인지 말하고 다니겠다.” Attitudes are made up of three components. The cognitive component is composed of the belief in the way things are. The affective component is the more critical part of the attitude as it is calls upon the emotions or feelings. The behavioral component describes the intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something. These three components work together to aid in our understanding of the complexity of an attitude.

두 태도 혹은 태도와 행동 사이에 일관성이 없는 상황 태도는 행동을 따른다: 인지부조화 두 태도 혹은 태도와 행동 사이에 일관성이 없는 상황 사람은 부조화를 최소화하려 함 부조화를 해소하려는 의지는 다음 요소의 영향을 받음. 부호화를 야기하는 요소의 중요성 개인이 그 요소에 영향력을 미칠 수 있는 정도 부조화와 관련된 보상의 크기 Sometimes we observe people who will change what they say so it doesn’t contradict their behavior. When attitudes and behaviors don’t line up, individuals will experience cognitive dissonance. This incongruity is uncomfortable, and individuals will seek to reduce the dissonance to find consistency. People are willing to live with some discomfort, but the degree to which this is true depends upon the importance of the elements, how much influence the individual has in the situation and the rewards that are available.

행동은 태도를 따른다: 조절변수들 태도와 행동 사이를 조절하는 변수들: 태도를 알면 행동을 예측하기 쉽다. 중요도 행동에 대한 책임성 기억의 용이성 사회적 압력 개인의 직접적인 경험 태도를 알면 행동을 예측하기 쉽다. Some variables do moderate the relationship between attitude and behavior. These factors include the importance of the attitude, the correspondence of the attitude to the behavior, the accessibility of the attitude, the existence of social pressures on behavior and the personal and direct experience of the attitude. These variables will impact the ability to estimate how a certain attitude will predict behavior.

직무 관련 태도들 직무만족 직무 몰입 심리적 임파워먼트 조직몰입 조직지원인식(POS) 종업원 몰입 정서적 몰입 지속적 몰입 규범적 몰입 조직지원인식(POS) 종업원 몰입 The field of Organizational Behavior focuses on how attitudes will influence the work place. There are several major job attitudes we will look at throughout the book. The first is job satisfaction, which is the positive feeling about the job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. The second is job involvement. Job involvement looks at the degree of psychological identification with the job. An additional job attitude is psychological empowerment, the belief in the degree of influence over the job, competence in the job and job meaningfulness. A very important job attitude is organizational commitment or identifying with a particular organization and its goals. There are three dimensions to this job attitude – affective, continuance commitment and normative. Organizational commitment has been found to have some relationship to performance and in particular for new employees. Over the years this may be losing importance as people are tending to be more loyal to their profession than to a given employer. Employees also respond to how they perceive the organization supports them or POS. The more support they believe they are receiving the more positive their job attitude will be. An emerging concept is employee engagement, an individual’s involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for, the work she does. Engagement is beginning to be linked to many positive work outcomes.

직무만족의 측정 단일 문항법 합산법 포괄적인 만족을 묻는 하나의 질문 정확도 높음 직무만족도 영역별 평균 단일 문항법 포괄적인 만족을 묻는 하나의 질문 정확도 높음 합산법 직무의 여러 영역을 구분하고, 영역별 만족도를 측정하여 합산함. Discussing job satisfaction is intuitively a good thing in an organization as it is a concept people understand, and it is important to recognize because of its bottom line impact. However, job satisfaction is something that is not easy to measure. One method for measure is the Single Global Rating method. This method asks one question such as “How satisfied are you with your job?” and gives options such as extremely satisfied to extremely dissatisfied. It does not go into the many facets of a job, so it does not help the organization break down where the problems are. The Summation Score Method is more sophisticated in that it asks about the various job components and breaks down how employees are specifically feeling about the different aspects of the job, thus it offers a more comprehensive look at job satisfaction.

직무 만족 요소들 일 자체 – 전반적 만족도와 강한 관련성 보임 일 자체 – 전반적 만족도와 강한 관련성 보임 사회적 요소들 – 사회에서 직무를 어떻게 인정하는가가 직무만족과 관련성 높음. 급여 – 어느 정도 이상이 되면 직무만족과 관련성 없어짐. 승진 상사 동료 The type of work people do and their desire to do that type of work has the strongest correlation with job satisfaction. There is also a strong link between the social context of the work place and how people view their work. The more they enjoy the social aspects of their job the more satisfied they are with the job. Pay has an influence on job satisfaction but not as much as one might think. Typically, once a worker exceeds $40,000 a year pay has limited impact on the level of satisfied workers.

퇴장 발언 방치 충성 불만족의 결과 건설적 여부 능동/수동 When employees are dissatisfied with their jobs they have four basic responses they can utilize. These options are divided into active and passive choices. The active options are exit and voice. If employees select to exit they choose to leave or move in a direction of leaving the organization. In voice, the employees will work towards active and constructive attempts to improve conditions. The passive options are neglect and loyalty. Employees may choose to neglect their work and just allow conditions to worsen, or they may choose to remain loyal to the organization and just wait for change.

직무만족의 영향 높은 직무성과/높은 조직성과 더 많은 조직시민행동 더 높은 수준의 고객만족 낮은 결근 및 이직률 (조직시민행동 – 조직구성원의 공식적 임무를 넘어선 자발적 행위로서 조직성과에 기여하는 행동) 더 높은 수준의 고객만족 낮은 결근 및 이직률 조직 내 일탈행동이 줄어든다. When employees are satisfied with their work there are many positive outcomes in the workplace. However, the inverse is true as well, if employees are dissatisfied in their work these same job outcomes will be negatively impacted. Satisfied workers tend to have stronger performance and are more in tune with the organizations mission and goals. As a result of that they tend to service customers better which translates into strong customer satisfaction. If a worker is satisfied in their job they will remain in the job for a longer period of time than dissatisfied workers. However, as we have seen recently workers are willing to stay in jobs where they are not satisfied because the job market is tight due to tough economic conditions. Dissatisfied workers are more likely to cause problems in the workplace by stealing, absenteeism, limiting productivity and other negative work outcomes.

세계적 시사점 직무만족은 미국만의 개념인가? 서구 근로자들이 더 만족하는가? 직무만족은 미국만의 개념인가? 문화적 차이는 있지만 직무만족은 보편적인 현상이다. 서구 근로자들이 더 만족하는가? 그렇다. 그러나 이는 서구문화가 긍정적 감정과 행복에 더 가치를 두기 때문으로 보인다. Job satisfaction is not solely a US concept, but much of the research has been done in the US so more research is needed to effectively expand these theories to other cultures. Workers in western cultures do tend to be more satisfied in their jobs, but this could be due to the fact that western cultures put greater emphasis on emotions and individual happiness than other cultures do.

근로자들의 태도는 잠재적인 문제를 미리 보여주는 경고이다. 경영자에게 주는 시사점 근로자들의 태도는 잠재적인 문제를 미리 보여주는 경고이다. 만족하고 헌신된 조직구성원들은 조직 성과를 높이는 행동을 한다. 경영자들은 직무만족도를 측정해야 한다. 경영자들은 직무의 내재적 만족도를 높이는데 힘써야 한다. 즉 더 흥미 있고 도전적인 직무요소를 직무에 담아야 한다. 높은 급여를 준다고 해서 만족도가 높아지는 것은 아니다. Attitudes are important components of the workplace and definitely influence behaviors. Managers should be aware of job attitudes and their influence on job satisfaction. The most effective way to do this is to focus on making work challenging and interesting especially at higher level jobs where pay is not enough to satisfy workers.

기억하라… 사람들이 직무에 대해서 갖고 있는 태도는 여러 가지이다. 직무 만족은 조직 성과와 관련되어 있다. 사람들이 직무에 대해서 갖고 있는 태도는 여러 가지이다. 직무 만족은 조직 성과와 관련되어 있다. 많은 사람들이 직무에 만족하고 있다. 그러나 그렇지 못한 사람들이 보일 수 있는 행동에는 여러 종류가 있다. It is important that there are a number of different attitudes about jobs that workers bring to the workplace. Awareness of these attitudes will be helpful in connecting workers to their job and increasing job satisfaction. Most employees are satisfied with their jobs in general, but when they are not negative actions can be a result.