요한계시록을 여는 key 1 Key 1: 요한계시록 책의 구성 (계 1:19) 과거에 관한 내용: 계시록 2장~3장


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Presentation transcript:

요한계시록을 여는 key 1 Key 1: 요한계시록 책의 구성 (계 1:19) 과거에 관한 내용: 계시록 2장~3장 (요한이 본 것인.. 일곱 별과 일곱 촛대에 관한 내용) 현재에 관한 내용: 계시록 4장~5장 (요한을 기준하여…) 요한은 장차 되어질 일들을 보기 위해.. 계 4장 1절에서와 같이 하늘로 올라가게 됨. (4장, 5장에서 하늘의 광경을 묘사함) 미래에 관한 내용: 계시록 6장~22장 장차되어 질 일들에 대한 기록이 6장에서 시작이 됨 Rev 1-3

미국 오늘의 양식사(RBC) 에서 출판된 작은 소책자에서 As we have worked through the New Testament, we have seen the story of God's salvation in Christ revealed like the gradual unrolling of a scroll. We have read of great events: the miraculous birth of Christ, His 3 years of public ministry, His sacrificial death, and His resurrection. Rising out of the disappointment of Calvary came the transformed disciples who, empowered by the Holy Spirit, established the church and extended it throughout the world. And the church still lives today, perhaps stronger now than it has been for generations. But how will it all turn out? What will happen next? What lies ahead for the church--and for the world? The answers came to John, Jesus' beloved disciple, in a series of dreams and visions. Written down in the book of Revelation in highly figurative language, they set forth the future of the church and all mankind. John's Vision of the Past (Rev. 1~3). John saw Christ, the Head of the church, walking among lampstands that represented seven churches of Asia Minor.1 To these churches He gave words of approval, accusation, or admonition. Those who endured were promised spiritual reward at Christ's return. John's Vision of Heaven (Rev. 4~5). First he saw the throne of God itself, shimmering in glory and surrounded by worshipers who exalted God for His wonderful creation.2 When no one was found worthy to open a large scroll, John wept.3 After he was told to stop weeping, he was given the vision of a slain Lamb (representing Jesus Christ) standing in the center of the throne in heaven.4 A chorus of praise rang out for the Lamb, who was worthy to open the scroll because He had purchased men with His own blood.5 John's Vision of the Future (Rev. 6~22). The majority of the book of Revelation deals with future events. This portion may be divided into three general sections: the tribulation (Rev. 6--18), the return of Christ and related events (Rev. 19,20), and a vision of heaven (Rev. 21,22). 과거의 내용: 계1장~계3장 현재의 내용: 계4장~계5장 미래의 내용: 계6장~계22장 Key 1 Rev 1-4