2017-1 자동차 과 자동차역학 자동차역학/이상훈.


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Presentation transcript:

2017-1 자동차 과 자동차역학 자동차역학/이상훈

Mechanics : 고전역학, 양자역학 Mechanics (Greek μηχανική) is an area of science concerned with the behaviour of physical bodies when subjected to forces or displacements, and the subsequent effects of the bodies on their environment. The scientific discipline has its origins in Ancient Greece with the writings of Aristotle and Archimedes[1][2][3] (see History of classical mechanics and Timeline of classical mechanics). During the early modern period, scientists such as Khayaam, Galileo, Kepler, and Newton, laid the foundation for what is now known as classical mechanics. It is a branch of classical physics that deals with particles that are either at rest or are moving with velocities significantly less than the speed of light. It can also be defined as a branch of science which deals with the motion of and forces on objects. 자동차역학/이상훈


Classic Mechanics Newtonian mechanics, the original theory of motion (kinematics) and forces (dynamics). Analytical mechanics is a reformulation of Newtonian mechanics with an emphasis on system energy, rather than on forces. There are two main branches of analytical mechanics: Hamiltonian mechanics, a theoretical formalism, based on the principle of conservation of energy. Lagrangian mechanics, another theoretical formalism, based on the principle of the least action. Classical statistical mechanics generalizes ordinary classical mechanics to consider systems in an unknown state; often used to derive thermodynamic properties. Celestial mechanics, the motion of bodies in space: planets, comets, stars, galaxies, etc. Astrodynamics, spacecraft navigation, etc. Solid mechanics, elasticity, the properties of deformable bodies. Fracture mechanics 자동차역학/이상훈

Statics, semi-rigid bodies in mechanical equilibrium Acoustics, sound ( = density variation propagation) in solids, fluids and gases. Statics, semi-rigid bodies in mechanical equilibrium Fluid mechanics, the motion of fluids Soil mechanics, mechanical behavior of soils Continuum mechanics, mechanics of continua (both solid and fluid) Hydraulics, mechanical properties of liquids Fluid statics, liquids in equilibrium Applied mechanics, or Engineering mechanics Biomechanics, solids, fluids, etc. in biology Biophysics, physical processes in living organisms Relativistic or Einsteinian mechanics, universal gravitation. g are categorized as being part of quantum mechanics: Schrödinger wave mechanics, used to describe the movements of the wavefunction of a single particle. Matrix mechanics is an alternative formulation that allows considering systems with a finite-dimensional state space. Quantum statistical mechanics generalizes ordinary quantum mechanics to consider systems in an unknown state; often used to derive thermodynamic properties. Particle physics, the motion, structure, and reactions of particles Nuclear physics, the motion, structure, and reactions of nuclei Condensed matter physics, quantum gases, solids, liquids, etc 자동차역학/이상훈

Major subjects Time : sec, minute, hour, day, month, year Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.[1][2][3] Time is a component quantity of various measurements used to sequence events, to compare the duration of events or the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change of quantities in material reality or in the conscious experience.[4][5][6][7] Time is often referred to as the fourth dimension, along with the three spatial dimensions.[8] Length & Distance : um, mm, cm, m, km(Si units), inch, feet, yard, 1척, 10리 길이(영어: length)는 물체의 한 끝에서 다른 끝까지의 공간적 거리이다. 길이는 수직의 정도 를 나타내는 높이, 두께, 또는 면과 면 사이의 수직 거리를 나타내는 너비와 구별되어야 한다. 길이라는 용어는 길이가 측정되어야 하는 물체의 특정 차원에서 사용되는데, 면적은 2차원의 측정, 부피는 3차원의 측정인 것 처럼 길이는 1차원의 측정 자동차역학/이상훈

물체의 거리(距離)는 어떤 사물들 얼마나 멀리 떨어져 있는가를 수치로 나타낸 것 이다. 물리학이나 일상적인 상황에서 거리는 물리적인 거리나 시간의 간격 을 말하는 것이 보통이나 다른 기준을 따르기도 한다. 수학 용어로서의 거 리는 더 엄밀하게 정의되고 사용된다. 거리(距離)는 어떤 사물들 얼마나 멀 리 떨어져 있는가를 수치로 나타낸 것이다. 자동차역학/이상훈

Time & Length 시간은 절대적인가 상대적인가? Newtonian, Einstein 자동차역학/이상훈

Mass & weight 자동차역학/이상훈

velocity 자동차역학/이상훈

What is Direction and magnitude, vector ? 순간속도, 상대속도 Rpm – 회전수/분 자동차역학/이상훈

Exercise 1. (10,10) (20, 20) (15,10) 1000rev. / 10 sec.은 몇 rpm ? - 10kgf의 물체가 (10, 10) 에서 (20,10)를 2초에 갔다. 속도는 ? (15,10) 위치에서의 순간속도는 ? (10,10) (20, 20) (15,10) 1000rev. / 10 sec.은 몇 rpm ? 80Km/ Hr.는 몇 rpm ? 자동차역학/이상훈

Acceleration Acceleration, in physics, is the rate of change of velocity of an object with respect to time. An object's acceleration is the net result of any and all forces acting on the object, as described by Newton's Second Law.[1] The SI unit for acceleration is metre per second squared (m s−2). Accelerations are vector quantities (they have magnitude and direction) and add according to the parallelogram law.[2][3] As a vector, the calculated net force is equal to the product of the object's mass (a scalar quantity) and its acceleration. 자동차역학/이상훈

Force & torque : unit, kinds Newtonian scope : gravity, not light speed Visible motion & deformation Einstein Scope : light speed, time , black hole Not Visible motion Rigid body & non-rigid body 자동차역학/이상훈

Torque 자동차역학/이상훈

Exercise 2. 10kg의 질량이 2초에 10m/sec.를 떨어질 때 작용하는 힘 ? 10kgf의 물체가 2초에 10m/sec.를 움직일 때 고무판 위를 움직일 때 물체의 마찰력의 크기와 방향은 ? (단 , 마찰 계수는 0.5이다.) 10kgf의 힘으로 50cm의 거리에 있는 볼트를 돌리는 토크 (kgf-m)는 ? 구동기어의 이빨 수는 12개이고, 피동기어의 이빨 수는 3개이다. 입력 회전수는 50rpm이고 토크는 8kgf-m이다. 출력 회전수와 토크는 ? 자동차역학/이상훈

삼각함수 피타고라스의 정리 자동차역학/이상훈

work 자동차역학/이상훈

Mechanical Work : joules 자동차역학/이상훈

Power : watts, not electric 자동차역학/이상훈

Horse power 자동차역학/이상훈

Efficiency 자동차역학/이상훈

Automotive Mechanics Power Torque Velocity Length: Spec. Force 자동차역학/이상훈