화이팅! 11월 넷째주.


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Presentation transcript:

화이팅! 11월 넷째주

Questions! 1. 어디서 역사적인 투표는 이루어졌나요? a- 바로셀로나 b- 마드리드 c- 카탈루냐 국회(Parliament) d- 스페인 국회 2. 스페인의 국회는 무엇을 투표했나요? a- 카탈루냐의 힘을 없애기 위해 b- 카탈루냐의 독립에 찬성을 위해 c- 카탈루냐의 지도자를 체포하기 위해 d- 사람들의 선택들에 중립이 되기 위해

~, for 주어 동사 =because His parents are pleased, for they were very concerned that his social skills were underdeveloped Hold fast to dreams, for if drems die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly

Example paragraph: review Topic sentence 첫 문장은 주제를 소개한다 첫 문장에서는 필자가 쓰려고 하는 controlling idea나 주제에 대 하여 쓰려는 말을 포함한다 Supporting sentence 중간 문장은 controlling idea에 대한 예시를 쓴다 이러한 예들은 필자가 쓰려는 것을 명확하게 밝히는데 사용한다 Concluding sentence 마지막 문장은 주제에 대하여 재언급을 해준다.

Example paragraph: advance 효과적인 예시는 구체적이고 topic sentence의 controlling idea 와 명확한 관계가 있어야 합니다. 효과적인 예시는 단순히 controlling idea를 재진술하는 것이 아 니고 더 새로운 정보를 제공해야 합니다. Ex) Carl is a good neighbor controlling idea He is a wonderful person to live by. For example, he always invites people from our neighborhood over for dinner. He believe that being good to the near is a basic step of being good for the human. So he started inviting when he was twenty years old. He prepares very good chicken pie and spaghetti to treat his neighbor. So all people like him and they also try to be a good neighbor.

Example paragraph 두가지 이상의 독립운동에 대하여 소개를 해보세요 (하나의 controlling idea(여기선 독립운동)에 상응하는 example 을 하나씩 쓸 것) Topic, supporting, concluding sentence 구조를 명확히 갖추기 [~, for 주어 동사] 구문을 사용하여 문장을 만들기

Wild celebrations in Barcelona as Spain's richest region declares independence, Catalonia's flags raised... "Super happy, super excited." "This dream is my grandfather's dream."

History made by a vote in the Catalan Parliament, law makers singing their anthem in their own Catalan language, but within minutes Spain hit back, its parliament voting to strip all power from Catalonia,

Spain's Prime Minister denouncing independence as a criminal act, the Catalan leader now facing arrest. Spanish riot police sent in once this month to stop an independence vote, are standing by, amid today's tears, fears of violence.

Millions of Catalans don't want independence, Europe and the US oppose it, the State Department Tweeting "keep Spain united". But it's a fractured country, Spain tonight entering dark, unknown territory.