제7장 기업과 환경 2012년2학기 경영학과 박준성 교수.


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Presentation transcript:

제7장 기업과 환경 2012년2학기 경영학과 박준성 교수

1. 지속가능성(Sustainability)이란 2. 자연환경 이슈 3. 자연환경 이슈에 대한 책임 4. 비즈니스 환경니즘 5

1. 지속가능성이란 지속가능성 (Sustainability)? Sustainable business is defined “business that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs(formerly the World Commission on Environment and Development(WCED). The focus of Sustainability is the creation of a good quality of life for both current and future generations of humans and nonhumans by achieving a balance between economic prosperity, ecosystem viability and social justice

We will begin with “top 10” list of environmental issues of today!! 2.자연환경 이슈 Climate Change : global warning Energy : energy inefficiency Water Ecosystem’s Biodiversity and Land Use Chemicals, Toxics, and Heavy Metals Air pollution: acid rain Waste Management : reduce, re-use, recycle Ozone Layer Depletion Oceans and Fisheries : coastal ecosystems Deforestation: add to soil erosion, play a key role in global warming. We will begin with “top 10” list of environmental issues of today!!

3. 자연환경 이슈에 대한 책임 부도덕적 문제 즉 이기주의로 인해 자연환경에 대한 유지를 불가능하게 하는 경우가 있다. 환경윤리 NIMBY 현상 'Not in My Backyard‘ 늘어나는 범죄자, 마약중독자, AIDS환자, 산업폐기 물,핵폐기물 등 각종 사회병폐를 수용하거나 처리할 시설물을 설치하려 할 때마다 해당 지역주민들이 거센 반발을 보이는 현상을 정의하는 말로 미국에서 처음으로 사용되기 시작했다. 부도덕적 문제 즉 이기주의로 인해 자연환경에 대한 유지를 불가능하게 하는 경우가 있다. -개개인의 도덕적 수준, 즉 태도와 행동에 초점을 맞춘 관점. 공리주의(Utilitarianism) 회사의 철학에 있는 “sustainability”

4. 비즈니스 환경니즘 1)Environmental cost-benefit curve Economic Impact Extent of regulation Cost Benefit

2)Triple bottom Line corporate sustainability Economic bottom Social Environmental the firm’s creation of material Wealth (financial income and assets) the quality of people ‘s lives and about equity between people, communities, nations protection and conservation of the natural environment. The goal Of the corporate 경제, 사회, 환경과 관련된 기회의 활용과 위험관리를 함으로써 장기간 주주 가치의 창출!!!

Managerial Response Model 5. 환경변화에 대한 기업의 시스템적 반응 Managerial Response Model Problem Solving Response → 보상, 배상 Compliance Mgt. Response(적응, 순응) → Product Planning/ designing 단계 저공해 제품/ 기업활동<소극적> 유해제품 생산중지 Risk Mgt. 철저한 반공해적 기업활동 ① Product reformation ② Process modification ③ Equipment redesign ④ Recycling ⊙ 3M-종합화학회사(제품개조) → 무공해 제품개발 폐기물회수 3P: pollution, prevention, pay

Strategic Environmental Management(SEM) 5. 환경변화에 대한 기업의 시스템적 반응 Strategic Environmental Management(SEM) Strategy Developing /Acquiring Green Businesses Divesting/Altering Environment-Damaging Businesses Low Cost via Waste Minimization Differentiation via Green Product feature Staff Environmental Recruiting Environmental Bonuses Environmental Involvement Structure Environmental Representative on Board Environmental Executive Positions Environmental Quality Circles Shared Environmental Mission/ philosophy/vision statements Environment and Group as Stakeholders Waste Minimization Objectives/No Environmental Fines Promotion of Customer Nonmaterial Values Style Earth Day Leadership Recycling Classes/Contests Environmental Bulletin Board/ Library Skills waste Minimization Life Cycle Usage Ecology/Integration System Nontoxic JIT/EDI production Environmental Auditing, Monitoring, Risk Management, Green Marketing, Packaging, and Investing Energy-Conserving Facilities/ Distribution E-mail/ Teleconferencing