4/16: mid-term exam, 4/18: no class 2010-23270 송내영 Ccn caching (multi-path routing, caching tree model) 4/9 2 2010-23297 한명지 Ddos ( TBD) 4/25 3 2010-30993 이두희 14 CONET 4/30 4 2011-20815 김주성 Handover (Improving wireless, fast handoff ) 4/9 5 2011-24087 진계신 O 6 2012-20733 곽명철 Openflow/SDN 4/11 7 2012-20741 권홍준 drop 8 2012-20797 송정환 ICP: Design and eval. of an Interest control protocol 4/30 9 2012-20812 오치영 O 4/25 (권홍준 대신) 10 2012-20816 윤강진 FLUID: WiFi channel… 4/30 11 2012-23241 주진영 Fast ip router (hermes, hierarchical hybrid…) 4/11 12 2012-23243 최대진 Ccn router 5/2 13 2012-30205 나정호 2013-20745 금시봉 Handoff (multi-hop handoff delay, HO with MP TCP) 5/2 15 2013-20754 김동현 16 2013-20761 김서향 WLAN PHY/MAC (coll. Avoid, turborate) 4/23 17 2013-20787 노태완 18 2013-20801 성한울 19 2013-20802 손동현 20 2013-20832 유정민 Ccn caching (Popularity-driven, Breadcrumbs: Efficient, Best-Effort Content Location in Cache Networks) 4/23 21 2013-20889 조찬기 ccn mobility 4/25 22 2013-20898 하태훈 Delivery efficiency in CCN (propagation metric) 4/30 23 2013-20906 허원선 o 24 2013-22515 한빙
Presentation evaluation bring your laptop!!! send me the papers and ppt files one day before your talk. 1. time: 20% finish your talk in 20 min even if there are some questions. 2. understandability: 30% make all the audience understand your talk as much as possible. 3. objective comparison: 30% compare the pros and cons of the idea and the reference Compare objectively 4. analysis of the numerical results: 20% Explain the implications of numerical results explain why these phenomena happen in the results