Progress Seminar 2016.07.15 이준녕.


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Presentation transcript:

Progress Seminar 2016.07.15 이준녕

연구 진행 상황 보고서 재활의학과 응급의학과 Bepatch/CPF 2주전 계획 연구 결과 문제점 및 대책 목표 및 계획 혈압 시험 EMFI BCG 하드웨어/실험 연구 결과 WPR 논문: 논문의 방향을 바꿈 ABT 논문 작업 99% Electrochemical sensor cross sensitivity reduction 논문 리뷰 완료 Biological Sensor Optical Device Chemical sensor flow channel 전체 회의진 미팅 7/14 혈압 시험 데이터 분석 Exercise testing 연구 HW ver 2 design 문제점 및 대책 목표 및 계획 WPR 논문 작업 ABT 논문 투고 Biological Sensor Optical Device 개발 Chemical sensor flow channel 개발 Finapres validation 시험

재난 대응 통합 장비 2세부: 의공학 논문 Topic: using cross-sensitivity of electrochemical sensors and pattern recognition techniques to improve identification/quantification of target chemical gases. 리뷰 논문 건수: 3 논문 건수: 12

Cross-sensitivity 논문: background Conventional approaches to chemical sensors: “lock and key” This type of approach needs separate, highly selective sensors for each analyte This is far from how our nose works Gas molecule이 sensor 물질과 absorption, adsorption 또는 chemical reaction을 일으킨다. Many parameters affect sensor potential: temperature, solution, electrode sensitivity, non-specific analyte adsorption (membrane of electrode affected), electron transfer- this is why the system is not “lock and key”

Cross-sensitivity 논문: background NH3 sensor responding to H2S CH4 sensor responding to H2S NH3 sensor’s cross sensitivity to various gases

Cross-sensitivity 논문: background Pattern Recognition: By deliberately taking advantage of this interference, pattern recognition can be used The use of gas sensor array and pattern recognition analysis gives advantages for the identification of odors or gases because of poor selectivity of many gas sensors

Cross-sensitivity 논문: Objectives To use non-specific sensor arrays to classify gases Not that much on quantification available Is our sensor array truly non-specific? Pre-processing: normalization Maybe done for us in our case as we use 4-20mA board Pattern recognition PCA ANN Classification or quantification

Cross-sensitivity 논문: Impact What can be varied to add flavor? Temp & humidity data (humidity usually affects long term sensitivity) Specific cause: CBRN environment Different type & architecture of NN Data sets: how to collect? Slowly rise PPM on our airway tunnel such that all sensors have enough time to respond Cross-sensitivity is dependent on calibration & experimental setup Validation: Not enough journals gave validation of their work – possibly due to the cost of gases? A solution may be to collect a lot of data, and use cross-validation Near-future work: MATLAB simulation?

바이오 센서 스트립 자동인식 장비 이미지 분석 알고리즘 IMASS 4cm*4cm SEB RIC (PLA) BTX PLA TUL ANX (BRK) BRU BRK 4cm*4cm 이미지 분석 알고리즘

화학 위해인자 센서 flow channel 센서 1 센서 3 센서 5 Flow rate: 1 L/min 센서 2 센서 4 센서 6 Microprocessor control

BEpatch HW ver 2 MCU BT PPG AFE 10pin ribbon connect BAT+ REG ECG R ADC PPG Accel PPG AFE 10pin ribbon connect BAT+ REG ECG L ECG R BT ECG AFE PCB PPG PCB

혈압 시험 연구 “BP behavior during physical activity” – Palatini P., Sports Med, 1988, June; 5(6): 353-74. “there’s a general agreement that the SBP increase determined by isotonic exercise usually ranges from 50 to 70mmHg in both normotensive or hypertensive subjects.” “DBP shows only minor changes in the normotensives, while in the hypertensives it tends to substantially increase because of their inability to adequately reduce their peripheral resistance” “Vasodilation greatly influences the exercise-induced rise in BP; in fact the exertional pressure increase is blunted when the test is preceded by an adequate warm-up session” - can’t do multiple tests… the changes in BP may be different following the first session “weight lifting produces sharp elevations of both systolic and diastolic BP, lending further support to the current belief that isometric sports are contraindicated in hypertension”

혈압 시험 연구 DBP changes should not occur during isotonic exercise: we need to find other ways to change DBP- Valsalva, isometric exercise Validation of Finapres data: cycling for 30 minutes with sphygomamometer BP measurement every minute (6명 다음 주 월요일 진행 예정)

혈압 시험: 운동 중 데이터 Notice the increase in amplitude