Marine Biology (해양생물학) Text book No official textbook for the course Marine Biology, 8th Ed., Peter Castro and Michael Huber, McGraw Hill Introduction to Marine Biology, 2nd Ed., Karleskint, Turner, and Small, Thomson Books 평가 중간고사 (10/23): 47.5% 기말고사 (12/11): 47.5% 출석 및 과제: 5% 휴강: 9/27
Marine Biology (해양생물학) 연구실: 생물관 208호 510-2255 수업 자료: Lectures
Contents Science and Marine biology Reasons to study marine biology History of marine biology Chemical and physical features of seawater and the world ocean 해양의 물리화학적 특성: water, light, temperature, salinity, nutrients 생물에 미치는 영향, 생물의 반응 Marine habitats and organisms Why should life have arisen in the sea, and not on land? Classifications of marine environment: Pelagic (표영성, 원양성), Benthic (저서성) Intertidal (조간대) , subtidal (조하대) Classification of marine organisms (plankton, nekton)
Contents Marine microbes (해양미생물) Marine primary producers (해양일차생산자) Marine viruses Marine bacteria Marine fungi Microscopic plankton (animal and primary producers parts에서 다룸) Marine primary producers (해양일차생산자) Phytoplankton Seaweeds (green, red, and brown algae) Seagrass (marine angiosperms) Salt marsh plants Mangroves
Contents Marine animals Energy flow and mineral cycling in ocean Zooplankton (동물플랑크톤) 해면동물 (Porifera) – Sponges 자포동물 (Cnidaria) Marine worms 해양 무척추동물 Fishes Marine reptiles and sea birds Marine mammals {해달, pinnipeds (기각류;물개), sirens (manatee and dugongs), 고래} Energy flow and mineral cycling in ocean Food webs (먹이망) Carbon and nitrogen cycle
Contents Life in the deep sea Adaptations to pressure, cold Life in the dark (life without light) Hydrothermal vent (열수구): 2-3km water depth