국제지역대학원 신입생 특강 사회문화와 지역연구 2009.8.4-6 김시홍 교수. 1. 세계화, 지역연구와 지역학 globalization: long term macro change or recent developments ? area studies: history, necessity,

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Presentation on theme: "국제지역대학원 신입생 특강 사회문화와 지역연구 2009.8.4-6 김시홍 교수. 1. 세계화, 지역연구와 지역학 globalization: long term macro change or recent developments ? area studies: history, necessity,"— Presentation transcript:

1 국제지역대학원 신입생 특강 사회문화와 지역연구 2009.8.4-6 김시홍 교수

2 1. 세계화, 지역연구와 지역학 globalization: long term macro change or recent developments ? area studies: history, necessity, major power, global management 'olozing' issue: identity and raison d'être of area studies

3 2. 지역전문가 (area specialist) language competency discipline in-country experience broad factual knowledge

4 3. 사회문화 분과학문 : 사회학, 인류학, 역사학 humanities and social science tradition epistemology and methodology sociology (cultural) anthropology history and historiography

5 4. Notions of Sociology Persona, mask Social, in relations to others Role, status Interaction Structure Social change

6 5. History of Sociology 1. Classical studies: explaining industrial revolution - A. Comte, theological, metaphysical, empirical - K. Marx, how can man be free? - M. Weber, the ethics of protestantism - E. Durkheim, suicide

7 History of Sociology 2. Consensus vs Conflict - Functionalism, T. Parsons, homeoestasis - Neo Marxism, A. Gramsci, N. Poulantzas relative autonomy of the state - Symbolic interactionism, doxa, lebenswelt, everyday life

8 History of Sociology 3. Post 1945 1) Modernization Tradition vs modernity 2) Dependency center vs periphery 3) World-System core, semi-periphery, periphery

9 History of Sociology 4. Post 1989 1) neo-liberal 2) Advent of global sociology, Cohen & Kennedy 3) Post 2008, end of neo-liberal and back to Keynesian ? 4) Social models, European vs Anglo-American or Asian

10 6. 연구주제 예시 social change, demography, migration, multiculturalism, ethnic minority, nationhood, identity and citizenship, religion and festivals, social stratification (gender, race and class), educational system,

11 5. 연구주제 예시 family issues, labor, social welfare, tourism and sport, media, urbanism, consumerism, TNCs, INGO, anti- and alternative- global, global civil society, global vs local, cultural change etc.

12 7. Suggested Readings Cohen & Kennedy, Global Sociology, NYU Press, 2007. Giddens, Sociology, 5 th Ed. Polity, 2006. Berger & Huntington, Many Globalizations. Cultural Diversity in the Contemporary World, Oxford Univ. Press, 2002. McMichael, Development and Social Change. A Global Perspective, Pine Forge, 2004. 나얀 찬다, 세계화, 전 지구적 통합의 역사, 모티브, 2007. 맥닐, 휴먼 웹. 세계화의 세계사, 이산, 2007. 리프킨, 유러피언 드림, 민음사, 2005. 알리시나 & 지아바치, 유럽의 미래. 개혁이냐 쇠퇴냐, 21 세기북 스, 2006.

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