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1/9 Mission Trip 8 회, 051106, 손 낙원 화장실을 찿을 때 A: Is there a rest room near here? B: I’m afraid not. A: Is there a coffee shop or something? B: No, there’s.

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Presentation on theme: "1/9 Mission Trip 8 회, 051106, 손 낙원 화장실을 찿을 때 A: Is there a rest room near here? B: I’m afraid not. A: Is there a coffee shop or something? B: No, there’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/9 Mission Trip 8 회, 051106, 손 낙원 화장실을 찿을 때 A: Is there a rest room near here? B: I’m afraid not. A: Is there a coffee shop or something? B: No, there’s a pay toilet in that park. A: Thank you. I’ll go there. 길을 잃었을 때 A: I’m afraid I’ve lost my way. Where are we? B: We are near the capitol. A: Which direction is the capitol. B: It’s beyond that tall building. A: Thank you. `

2 2/9 Mission Trip 8 회, 051106, 손 낙원 소지품 검사 A: Sorry, but you’ll have to check your shoulder bag. B: Where do I check it? A: At that window over there. B: I’d like to check this. C: Do you have a camera in there. B: No I don’t. C: Just a minute. Here’s your tag. Bring that back when you come to get your bag. B: Thank you.

3 3/9 Mission Trip 8 회, 051106, 손 낙원 단체관광을 할때 A: Do you have any city tours? B: Yes, we do. Here’s a brochure. A: What kinds of tours are there? B: There’s a half-day tour and a full day tour. A: I’d like to go on the half-day tour. B: All right. Here’s a ticket. A: What can I see on this tour? B: We’ll see all these places on this brochure. A: How long does this tour take. B: We’ll be back by 4 o’clock. 가이드와 대화

4 의 미의 미 단 어단 어 구 절 문 장문 장 문 단문 단 글 동사형용사부사전치사관사접속사 명사 대명사조동사 to 부정사구동명사구분사구 명사절형용사절부사절

5 5/9 Mission Trip 8 회, 051106, 손 낙원 구 (to 부정사 : to + 동사원형 ) ① To date with such a pretty girl is very hard for me. ( 예쁜 그 애랑 만나는 것은 힘들어 ) ② She is very pretty, and it’s very hard for me to date with her. ( 그 애는 아주 예뻐, 그러니 내가 그녀와 만나는 것은 힘들어 ) ①처럼 말합니까 ? ②처럼 말합니까 ? 물론 ②처럼 말합니다. 이처럼 될 수 있으면 말을 줄여서 간단히 하자고 구를 씁니다. 구에는 명사구, 형용사구, 부사구가 있다. 1. To 부정사의 명사적 용법 ( 해석 : ~ 하는 것 은 ) - To save money now seems impossible. (It seems impossible to save money.) - To go skiing is -------------. - To finish the work is ---------.

6 6/9 Mission Trip 8 회, 051106, 손 낙원 2. To 부정사의 형용사적 용법 ( 형용사는 명사를 수식, 해석 : ~ 해야 할 ) - I have a lot of work to do. - I have a homework to finish. - I have a lot of food to eat. 3. To 부정사의 부사적 용법 ( 목적을 나타내는 …) ① I went to the post office because I wanted to mail a letter. ② I went to the post office in order to mail a letter. ③ I went to the post office to mail a letter. ①처럼 쓰면 아주 이해하기 쉽고 완벽한 문장이 되는데, ②를 보면 좀더 간단하다. 그리고 ③을 보면 쉬운 영어를 할 수 있다. - I turned on the radio to listen to the news - I went to Chicago to visit my family.

7 7/9 Mission Trip 8 회, 051106, 손 낙원 4. too ….. to (~ 하기에는 너무 ~ 하다 ) - A piano is too heavy to lift. - That box is too heavy to lift. (That box is too heavy for me to lift). 5. enough ~ to ( 충분한 ) - Are you hungry enough to eat three sandwiches? - I don’t have enough time to finish the test. 6. To 부정사의 의미상 주어 - To go out with him is dangerous for you. ( It is dangerous for you to go out with him.) I want a sandwich ( 명사 ) I want to eat a sandwich (to 부정사 ) I want to eat a sandwich (to 부정사구 )

8 8/9 Mission Trip 8 회, 051106, 손 낙원 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Ephesians 6:14~17) The Armor of God

9 9/9 Mission Trip 8 회, 051106, 손 낙원 Hide me now, under your wings Cover me, within your mighty hand. When the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will soar with you, above the storm Father, you are the king over the flood I will be still and know You are God Find rest my soul, in Christ alone. Know his power, in quietness and trust. Hillsong (Hope)

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