Dream I English Elementary School English 6 DONGBUK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.

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Presentation on theme: "Dream I English Elementary School English 6 DONGBUK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dream I English Elementary School English 6 DONGBUK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

2 Lesson1 I’ll visit your house tomorrow

3 Pattern 1

4 영어회화 핵심패턴 1. Where do you live? 너는 어디에 사니 ? 2. I live in Insa-dong. 나는 인사동에 살아. 3. I live in Star apartment. 나는 스타아파트에 살아. 4. Where does your uncle live? 너의 삼촌은 어디에 사시니 ? 5. He lives in Bali. 그는 발리에 사셔.

5 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : Where do you live? B : I live in Insa-dong. How about you? 너는 어디에 사니 ? A : I live in Insa-dong, too. 나는 스타아파트에 살아. ☞ Where do you live? ☞ I live in Star apartment.

6 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A : 너의 삼촌은 어디에 사시니 ? B : 그는 발리에 사셔. A : Is Bali in Indonesia? B: Yes, it is. ☞ He lives in Bali. ☞ Where does your uncle live?

7 Pattern 2

8 영어회화 핵심패턴 1. What’s your phone number? 너의 전화번호는 몇 번이니 ? 2. It’s 019-6349-2504. 019-6349-2504 번이야. 3. My phone number is 018-719-2346. 내 전화번호는 018-719-2346 번이야. 4. What’s her phone number? 그녀의 전화번호는 몇 번이니 ? 5. Her phone number is 016-3457-9968. 그녀의 전화번호는 016-3457-9968 이야.

9 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : 너의 전화번호가 몇 번이니 ? B : 019-6349-2504 번이야. What’s yours? A : My phone number is 018-719-2346. B : OK. I’ll call you later. ☞ It’s 019-6349-2504 ☞ What’s your phone number?

10 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A : Help me, please. I can’t find my mom. B : 그녀의 전화번호가 몇 번이니 ? A : 016-3457-9968 번이예요. B : OK. I’ll call her now. ☞ What’s her phone number? ☞ It’s 016-3457-9968.

11 Pattern 3

12 영어회화 핵심패턴 1. I will call you later. 내가 나중에 전화할께. 2. I will read English stories. 나는 영어책을 읽을꺼야. 3. I will join a history club this year. 올해는 역사반에 들어야지. 4. I will visit your house tomorrow. 나는 내일 너의집에 갈꺼야. 5. I will visit the National Museum of Korea. 이모는 다음주에 박물관에 가실꺼야.

13 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : Hello, My name is Cathy. I like history. 나는 역사반에 들을거야. B : What will you do in the club? A : I will learn about Korean history. 한국사 박물관도 방문할꺼야. ☞ I will visit the National Museum of Korea, too. ☞ I will join a history club.

14 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A : Can you come to my house? I live in Insa-dong. B : 내일 내가 너의 집에 갈께. A : See you there. ☞ I will visit your house tomorrow.

15 Lesson2 Let me introduce my friends

16 Pattern 4

17 영어회화 핵심패턴 1. Let me introduce my friend to you. 너에게 내 친구를 소개할게. 2. This is Tommy. 이 친구는 토미야. 3. These are Dasom and Ted. 얘네는 다솜이랑 테드야. 4. Nice to meet you. 만나서 반가워. 5. Nice to meet you, too. 나도 만나서 반가워.

18 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : Hi, James. 내 친구를 소개할게. 이 친구는 토미야. B: Nice to meet you. C: Nice to meet you, too. ☞ This is Tommy. ☞ Let me introduce my friend to you.

19 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A : Hello. Let me introduce my friends to you. These are my friends, Dasom and Ted. B: 만나서 반가워. C: 나도 만나서 반가워. ☞ Nice to meet you, too. ☞ Nice to meet you.

20 Pattern 5

21 영어회화 핵심패턴 1. She love playing the guitar. 그녀는 기타 연주하는 걸 아주 좋아해. 2. He loves singing. 그는 노래하는 걸 아주 좋아해. 3. They loves playing soccer. 그들은 축구하는 걸 아주 좋아해. 4. Her favorite color is green. 그녀가 가장 좋아하는 색은 초록색이야. 5. His favorite sport is skating. 그가 가장 좋아하는 스포츠는 스케이트야.

22 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : Hi, Emily. This is my aunt, Victoria. 그녀는 기타 연주하는 걸 아주 좋아해. B : Really? A : Yes, she does. She plays the guitar every day. ☞ She loves playing the guitar.

23 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A : Let me introduce my friend to you. This is James. 그는 그림 그리는 것을 아주 좋아해. B : I love it, too. My favorite soccer player is Messi. A : Let’s play together. ☞ He loves plying soccer.

24 Pattern 6

25 영어회화 핵심패턴 1. She has long hair. 그녀는 머리가 길어. 2. He has short hair. 그는 머리가 짧아. 3. He wears a hanbok. 그는 한복을 입고있어. 4. She wears glasses. 그녀는 안경을 쓰고 있어. 5. They wear uniform. 그들은 유니폼을 입고있어.

26 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : Let me introduce my grandpa. This is my grandpa. B : Wow! What a handsome man. A : 그는 머리가 길어. 그리고 한복을 입고 있어. ☞ He has long hair and he wears a hanbok.

27 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A : Let me introduce my friend, Betty to you. B : She looks smart. A : 그녀는 머리가 짧고 안경을 쓰고 있어. ☞ She has short hair and she wears glasses.

28 Lesson3 My Birthday is April 17th

29 Pattern 7

30 영어회화 핵심패턴 1. When is your birthday? 네 생일이 언제니 ? 2. When is his birthday? 그의 생일이 언제니 ? 3. When is her birthday? 그녀의 생일이 언제니 ? 4. My birthday is April 17 th. 내 생일은 4 월 17 일이야. 5. His birthday is May 22 nd. 그의 생일은 5 월 22 일이야.

31 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : How is it going? B : Not so good. A : Why? B : My birthday is coming but my dad cannot come. A : 네 생일이 언제니 ? B : It is April 17 th. ☞ When is your birthday?

32 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A : What are you doing? B : I am thinking about my mother’s present. Her birthday is coming. A : 그녀의 생일이 언제니 ? B: 6 월 4 일이야. ☞ When is her birthday? ☞ It is June 4 th.

33 Pattern 8

34 영어회화 핵심패턴 1. What is the date today? 오늘이 몇 월 몇 일 이예요 ? 2. It is June 8 th. 오늘은 6 월 8 일 이예요. 3. What was the date yesterday? 어제는 몇 월 몇 일 이었나요 ? 4. It was June 7 th. 6 월 7 일 이었어요.

35 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : 오늘이 몇 월 몇 일 이예요 ? B : It is June 10 th. A : Our sports day is coming. B : When is it? A: It is July 11 th. ☞ What is the date today?

36 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A : 어제가 몇 월 몇 일 이었지 ? B : It was July 3 rd. A : I had a dance class. But I missed it. B: Oh, I am sorry to hear that. ☞ What was the date yesterday?

37 Pattern 9

38 영어회화 핵심패턴 1. When is your dance contest? 댄스 대회가 언제니? 2. When is your sister’s concert? 누나의 콘서트가 언제니? 3. When is your soccer game? 축구 시합이 언제니? 4. Can you come to my dance contest? 내 댄스 대회에 올래? 그녀가 가장 좋아하는 색은 초록색이야. 5. Can you come to my sister’s concert? 우리 누나 콘서트에 올래?

39 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : 댄스 대회가 언제니 ? B : It is April 16 th. Can you come to my dance contest? A : Of Course. B : Wow. Thanks. ☞ When is your dance contest?

40 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A : My sister’s concert is April 12 th. She is a violinist. B : Wow! That’s nice. A : 우리 누나 콘서트에 올래? B : Of course. ☞ Can you come to my aunt’s concert?

41 Lesson4 May I see Your Ticket?

42 Pattern 10

43 영어회화 핵심패턴 1. May I see your ticket? 표를 볼 수 있을까요 ? 2. May I see your jump? 점프하는 걸 볼 수 있을까요 ? 3. May I see your dance? 춤추는 걸 볼 수 있을까요 ?. 4. May I see your coupon? 쿠폰을 볼 수 있을까요 ?. 5. May I see your credit card? 신용카드를 볼 수 있을까요 ?

44 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : 표를 볼 수 있을까요? B : Yes, you may. Here it is. A : Thank you. Have fun. B : Thank you, too. ☞ May I see your ticket?

45 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A : May I have some food? B : Yes, you may. Do you have a coupon? 쿠폰을 볼 수 있을까요? A : Of course. Is it available? B : Yes, it is. ☞ May I see you coupon?

46 Pattern 11

47 영어회화 핵심패턴 1. May I open the door? 문을 열어도 될까요 ? 2. May I borrow your pen? 연필을 빌려도 될까요 ? 3. May I go to the bathroom? 화장실에 다녀와도 될까요 ? 4. May I ride your bicycle? 네 자전거를 타도 되 ? 5. May I ask question? 질문을 해도 될까요 ?

48 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : It’s really hot in here. 문을 열어도 될까요? B : Yes, you may. A : Can you help me? B : Sure. ☞ May I open the door?

49 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : 연필을 빌려도 되? B : Yes, you may. Here you are. A : Thanks. B : My pleasure. ☞ May I borrow your pen?

50 Pattern 12

51 영어회화 핵심패턴 1. Happy Children’s Day! 어린이날 축하해! 2. Happy Parents’ Day! 어버이날을 축하해요! 3. Happy Teacher’s Day! 스승의 날을 축하드려요! 4. Happy Birthday! 생일 축하해! 5. Happy Chusok! 즐거운 추석보내!

52 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : 어린이날 축하해! B : How nice of you! Thank you, Mom. A : Let’s go to the amusement park today. B : Sounds great. ☞ Happy Children’s Day!

53 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : Mom and Dad, close your eyes. B : Okay. A : Now, open your eyes. B : These are for you. 어버이날 축하해요. ☞ Happy Parent’s Day!

54 Lesson5 I want to be a Fashion Designer

55 Pattern 13

56 영어회화 핵심패턴 1. What do you want to be? 너는 뭐가 되고 싶니 ? 2. I want to be a fashion designer. 나는 패션디자이너가 되고 싶어. 3. I want to be a musical actress. 나는 뮤지컬 배우가 되고 싶어. 4. I want to be a doctor. 나는 의사가 되고 싶어. 5. I want to be figure skater. 나는 피겨스케이팅 선수가 되고 싶어.

57 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : 너는 뭐가 되고싶니? B : Well, I don’t know. I just like to sing and dance. A : Then you can be a musical actress. B : A musical actress? I like it. ☞ What do you want to be?

58 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A : What do you want to be? B : 나는 패션디자이너가 되고 싶어. A : There is a fashion show. B : Wow, this is so great. ☞ I want to be a fashion designer.

59 Pattern 14

60 영어회화 핵심패턴 1. Do you like to study science? 너는 과학 공부 하는 걸 좋아하니? 2. Do you like to draw? 너는 그림 그리는 걸 좋아하니? 3. Do you like to dance? 너는 춤추는 걸 좋아하니? 4. Do you like to sing a song? 너는 노래 부르는 걸 좋아하니? 5. Do you like to read a book? 너는 책 읽는 걸 좋아하니?

61 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : You are good at science. 과학 공부하는 걸 좋아하니 ? B : Yes, I do. I want to be a scientist. A : You can be a good scientist. ☞ Do you like to study science?

62 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A : Wow! Look at that! Jimin, your picture is great! B : 그림 그리는 것을 좋아하니 ? A : Yes, I like to draw. I want to be an artist. B : You are good at drawing. ☞ Do you like to draw?

63 Lesson6 How Can I Get to the Post Office?

64 Pattern 15

65 영어회화 핵심패턴 1. How can I get to the post office? 어떻게 우체국에 갈 수 있나요 ? 2. How can I get to the library? 어떻게 도서관에 갈 수 있나요 ? 3. How can I get to the bookstore? 어떻게 서점에 갈 수 있나요 ? 4. How can I get to the art museum? 어떻게 미술관에 갈 수 있나요 ? 5. How can I get to the hospital? 어떻게 병원에 갈 수 있나요 ?

66 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : 우체국에 어떻게 갈 수 있나요 ? B : Just go straight. A : Just go straight? B : Yes. It is between the hospital and the bookstore. ☞ How can I get the post office?

67 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 2 A : 서점에 어떻게 갈 수 있나요 ? B : Go straight two blocks and turn left at the corner. It is behind the hospital. A : Thank you. ☞ How can I get to the bookstore?

68 Pattern 16

69 영어회화 핵심패턴 1.Just go straight. 쭉 직진 하세요. 2. Go straight two blocks. 두 블록 쭉 가세요. 3. Go straight three blocks. 세 블록 쭉 가세요. 4. Turn left at the corner. 모퉁이에서 왼쪽으로 돌아가세요. 5. Turn right at the corner. 모퉁이에서 왼쪽으로 돌아가세요.

70 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : I am looking for the hospital. How can I get to the hospital? B : 두 블록을 쭉 가서 모퉁이에서 왼쪽으로 도세요. A : Thank you. ☞ Go straight two blocks and turn left at the corner.

71 Memorize the sentences Dialogue 1 A : I am looking for the library. How can I get to the library? B : 세 블록을 쭉 가서 모퉁이에서 오른쪽으로 도세요. A : Thank you. ☞ Go straight three blocks and turn right at the corner.

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