실험과제 1  실험과제 1 은 삼성첨단기술연수소의 산학 과정에 참가한  전전컴 학부학생을 대상으로 하여 개설된 1 학점 과정입니다.  담당교수 : 조준동 (7127,  과정내용 : 삼성첨기연에서 수행한 과제와 연관되어 과제.

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Presentation on theme: "실험과제 1  실험과제 1 은 삼성첨단기술연수소의 산학 과정에 참가한  전전컴 학부학생을 대상으로 하여 개설된 1 학점 과정입니다.  담당교수 : 조준동 (7127,  과정내용 : 삼성첨기연에서 수행한 과제와 연관되어 과제."— Presentation transcript:

1 실험과제 1  실험과제 1 은 삼성첨단기술연수소의 산학 과정에 참가한  전전컴 학부학생을 대상으로 하여 개설된 1 학점 과정입니다.  담당교수 : 조준동 (7127, jdcho@yurim.skku.ac.kr)  과정내용 : 삼성첨기연에서 수행한 과제와 연관되어 과제 수행.  과제 할당, 수행 및 평가에 대한 일체는  internet homepage 에 의하여 진행됩니다.  Homepage: http://vada.skku.ac.kr/ClassInfo/Experiment http://vada.skku.ac.kr/ClassInfo/Experiment  평가 : 절대평가로 삼성첨단기술연구소의  산학과정에 참여한 성적 을 60% 반영합니다.

2 Project Schedule  To foster design innovation and creative thinking, a major part of the class grade is based on a design  project. The idea of the project is to study one of the current "hot items" in digital circuit design and  to propose, analyze and design a novel solution to one of those problems.The project is performed in  groups of two and will span the complete semester.  Schedule  WEEK 3: Proposal of Topic (Style and Guide)  WEEK 3-6: Literature Study (> 4 papers) - Formulation of Design Project  WEEK 7: Posting of interim result report  WEEK 8-14: Design Execution.  WEEK 15: Presentation of Design Results 

3 Topics (Digital System Design)  Lower Power Circuit using Adiabatic Computing  Wave Pipelined Design  Self-timed Design  Lower Power Multiplier  Low Power Logic/Layout Design  High Speed, Low Power Digital Error Correction Architectures for A/D  Converters  Lower Power Convolutional Decoder  Lower Power Wireless Communication  Your own hot topic, whacky ideas...

4 PROJECT PROPOSAL STYLE  1. Project Title:  2. Team: Describe the team members (2 students) requirted to complete the project, who will be on the team and the team leader  3. Project Goal: Describe the business reasons for developing the circuit (or system) ans its key features and benefits  4. Research Background: Describe the related works that have been done recently (within last 2-3 years).  5. Project Approaches:  1) Main Idea: Describe your innovative and whacky idea to achieve the project goal.  2) Schedule: Describes the development timeline.  3) CAD tools: Describes the CAD tools required to complete the project.  6. References (> 4 papers recently published):

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