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KEY POINT ∥ 가정법 문장의 if 가 생략되면 주어와 동사의 어순이 바뀐다 ( 도치 ). 가정법에서 if 의 생략 If I should 동사원형 → Should I 동사원형 If I were → Were I If I had pp → Had I pp.

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Presentation on theme: "KEY POINT ∥ 가정법 문장의 if 가 생략되면 주어와 동사의 어순이 바뀐다 ( 도치 ). 가정법에서 if 의 생략 If I should 동사원형 → Should I 동사원형 If I were → Were I If I had pp → Had I pp."— Presentation transcript:

1 KEY POINT ∥ 가정법 문장의 if 가 생략되면 주어와 동사의 어순이 바뀐다 ( 도치 ). 가정법에서 if 의 생략 If I should 동사원형 → Should I 동사원형 If I were → Were I If I had pp → Had I pp.

2 If you should change your mind, let us know. = Should you change your mind, let us know. If he were not idle, he would be a good student. = Were he not idle, he would be a good student. If he had obeyed orders, the disaster would not have happened. = Had he obeyed orders, the disaster would not have happened.

3 1. ________________ fine, we would go for a walk. ① The weather were ② If the weather had been ③ If the weather is ④ Were the weather ⑤ Had the weather been 정답: ④ ※ 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

4 2. The work would have been simple, _____ the right tools. ① I had used② had I used ③ I could have used④ could I have used ⑤ if I used 정답: ②

5 4. If there were no seats left, what should we do? = _____ there no seats left, what should we do? 5. If he had been more careful, he would not have fallen ill. = ____ he been more careful, he would not have fallen ill. 3. If I were rich, I would help the poor. = _____ I rich, I would help the poor. Were ※ 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오. Were Had

6 7. If he should be out of business, he might kill himself. = _______ he be out of business, he might kill himself. 6. If he had escaped, what would have happened to him? = ____ he escaped, what would have happened to him? ※ 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오. Should

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