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Understanding Orientation and Rotation in Deformity Correction

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Orientation and Rotation in Deformity Correction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Orientation and Rotation in Deformity Correction
MS Park JH Lee

2 Shoulder motion Anatomic position Forward elevation
Abduction/adduction Internal/external rotation

3 Forward elevated about 180 degrees, + abducted 180 degrees
Palm : faced posteriorly Forward elevated 360 degrees Palm : faced anteriorly

4 Codman paradox

5 견관절의 “회전운동” 없이 운동이 일어났으나 운동 후 제자리로 돌아왔을 때 “회전운동”이 일어난 상태

6 Increased anteversion
Coxa valga

7 Varization Derotation Extended?

8 Why did it happen?

9 Definitions Affine geometry Orientation Rotation
Combinations of vectors(orientation) and scholars(rotation) Orientation The vectors, which represents where the object is headed to Rotation The scholar, which represent the rotating amount of the object through certain axis

10 The change of the orientation after the combination of two rotations with different axes

11 Purpose of this study To provoke the attention for the concept of orientation and rotation to orthopedic surgeons Demonstrate the practical guideline for deformity correction by affine geometry

12 Codman paradox 수학적 이해

13 인체에서는 x,y,z 를 어느 방향으로 정의를 하는지?

14 3x3 직교 좌표계 Forward elevation 180도

15 Abduction 180도


17 만약 forward elevation만 360도 한다면, 항등원

18 만약 45 forward elevation을 하고 45 abduction 한다면,
회전”은 어느 정도 되는 것인가? Forward elevation 함에 따라 축이 달라진다. (축이 따라 움직인다.) x,y,z 축이 기준이 아닐 경우의 회전 변환

19 Quaternion ?

20 Closed wedge Derotation after varization



23 Frontal plane Sagittal plane Rotation은 어떨까?

24 변형 교정에서의 응용 임상 상황에 따른 수학적 해석이 필요. 각 상황에 따른 임상적인 차이가 있는지 제시.
Guideline은 표 형식으로.

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