Double Consonants 9/21/2013 중앙한국학교 성인부 훈민정음 1반 김영미

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1 Double Consonants 9/21/2013 중앙한국학교 성인부 훈민정음 1반 김영미

2 ㄱ →ㅋ →ㄲ ㄷ →ㅌ →ㄸ ㅂ →ㅍ →ㅃ ㅅ →ㅆ ㅈ →ㅊ →ㅉ

3 5 Double ("tense") Consonants
ㄲ kk,  ㄸ tt,  [쌍기역/ssang-gi-yeok] [쌍디귿/ssang-di-geut] ㅃ pp,  ㅆ ss,  [쌍비읍/ssang-bi-eup] [쌍시옷/ssang-si-ot] ㅉ jj [쌍지읒/ssang-ji-eut]

4 ㄲ kk It is called 쌍기역 (ssanggiyeok), "doubled ㄱ (giyeok)".
 similar to the English k, but with a stiff glottal opening. Theory

5 꼬리 토끼 꿀

6 ㄸ tt It is called 쌍디귿 (ssangdigeut), "doubled ㄷ (digeut)" .
 similar to the English t in stand, but with a stiff tongue and glottal opening. Thank You

7 뚝 오뚜기 떡볶이

8 ㅃ pp It is called 쌍비읍 (ssangbieup), "doubled ㅂ (bieup)"
similar to the English p, but with a stiff tongue and glottal opening. Pierrot

9 뿌리 뼈 뽀뽀

10 ㅆ ss/cc Siren, Sauna, Sick, it is called 쌍시옷 (ssangsiot),
"doubled ㅅ (siot)“  similar to the English s, but with a stiff tongue and glottal opening. Siren, Sauna, Sick,

11 쓰레기 썰매

12 ㅉ jj Pretzel, Zürich, Switzerland, Nazi It is called 쌍지읒 (ssangjieut),
"doubled ㅈ (jieut)"   similar to the English ch, but with a stiff tongue and glottal opening. Pretzel, Zürich, Switzerland, Nazi 

13 찌개 짜다 팔찌

14 찢다 짜장면

15 귀뚜라미 짧다

16 땅콩

17 쌀 쏘다 찌르다

18 까마귀 깨 뻐꾸기


20 싸우다 빵 딸기





25 Korean Alphabet (Double Consonants - 쌍자음)
Korean alphabet consist of 14 consonant, 10 main vowels and 11 dipthongs or complex vowels. Though there are 14 consonants in the Korean alphabet, only 5 use as double consonants of tensed consonants. The 5 double consonants are similar to the 5 single consonants but with stronger sound. So here are the double consonants or tensed consonants. ㄲ - "ssang giyeok" It is paired with the same letterㄱ(giyeok) it is called "ssang giyeok". Ssang - 쌍 means pair or twin in English. ㄸ - "ssang digeut" It is paired with the same letter ㄷ(digeut). It is called "ssang digeut“ ㅃ - "ssang bieup" It is paired with the same letter ㅂ(bieup). It is called "ssang bieup“ ㅆ - "ssang shiot" It is paired with the same letter ㅅ(shiot). It is called "ssang shiot“ ㅉ - "ssang jieut“ It is paired with the same letter ㅈ(jieut ). It is called "ssang jieut" Pronounciation: so lets pair the double consonant with the vowel ah - ㅏ ㄲ - 까 - ggah ㄸ - 따 - ddah ㅃ - 빠 - bbah ㅆ - 싸 - ssah ㅉ - 짜 - jjah The good example of double/tensed consonant is the word ssang -쌍 - means pair in english. However if you pronounce it softly like "sang" without using the double consonant it's gonna be a different word and meaning 쌍 -sang means prize in English. So pronouncing the double consonant very well is very important or else the word will turn out into a different meaning. Even me myself having hard time pronouncing this tensed consonants. 

26 까맣다 까망 까치 꾸미다 꼬마 끼우다 토끼 새끼 꿀 꿈 꼼꼼하다 깔대기 깨지다 꺼지다 끄다 껍질 께 깨 깡통 두꺼비 조끼 코끼리 깍뚜기 꽹과리/ 또 뚫다 땅 딸 뚜껑 띠 때 땀 똥 메뚜기 빨래 뾰족하다 뼈 빠르다 예쁘다 빨강 바쁘다 기쁘다 껌 뜨겁다 올빼미 쌍안경 싸움 씨름 쌍둥이 쓰다 쓸다 씼다 눈썹 아저씨 새싹 짝 짬뽕 찌 쨍 찌개 팔찌 쩝쩝 짝짜꿍 가짜 진짜

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