PIVKAII 검사의 유용성 면역혈청계 곽은민.

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Presentation on theme: "PIVKAII 검사의 유용성 면역혈청계 곽은민."— Presentation transcript:

1 PIVKAII 검사의 유용성 면역혈청계 곽은민

2 1.Introdution Prothrombin induced by Vitamin K Absence or Antagonist-II(PIVKA-II) = DCP(Des-r-Carboxy Prothrombin) Absence of Vitamin K or Antagonist of Vitamin K Prothrombin precursor vitk dependent r-glutamic acid  r – Carboxylgutamic acid r-glutamyl-carboxylase

3 II.PIVKA II 측정원리 Anti-Human DCP mouse monoclonal Ab가 부착되어 있는 Plate에 검체를 반응시킨후 POD 표식 Anti-human Prothrombin Rabbit IgG Ab를 반응시킨다. 검체중 DCP가 존재하면 Sandwitch complex가 형성되고 발색액을 가하여 효소반응을 시켜서 PIVKA II 농도를 구한다.

4 III.Materials Sera were collected from 110 patients between July 2000
and August 2000 in Shinchon Severance Hospital Group : Total 110 patients{ MIF : 89/21 Age : 56(38-81)} Sample : Serum (Plasma) Sample Volume : 100ul

5 IV.Methods PIVKA II : 異常 PIVKA II (E) FRS (SRL, Tokyo, Japan)
AFP-L3 : LBA method (Liquid phase Binding Assay) LIBASYS Auto-analyzer (Wako, Tokyo, Japan) AFP : Electrochemiluminiscence assay ELECSYS ( Boehringer- Mannheim, Germany)

6 V.PIVKA II Procedure 항 PIVKA-II Monoclonal 항체고상 Plate에 측정용평형액 100ul 분주
제1반응 실온 2시간 세정 (4회) 효소표식항체 200ul 분주 제2반응 실온 1시간 세정 (4회) 발색액 200ul 분주 제3반응 실온 30분 반응정지액 50ul 분주 흡광도측정(450/650nm) 농도계산

7 VI.결과산출 및 보고방법 Detection Limit : 10 ~ 2000mAu/ml

8 PIVKAII , AFP-L3 , AFP in relation of Diaginosis

9 Diagnostic value of PIVKAII in HCC, in comparison with AFP-L3

10 Correlation between AFP,PIVKAII,AFP L3 in HCC
(mAu/ml) (IU/ml)



13 Number of requisition for PIVKAII
6 7 8 9

14 VIII.Summary No significant correlation was found between PIVKA II or AFP L3 and AFP. PIVKA II and AFP L3 combined with AFP contributed to increased detection of HCC.

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