나는 한번은 공항에서 한 무리의 학생들을 맞이해야 했다.

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Presentation on theme: "나는 한번은 공항에서 한 무리의 학생들을 맞이해야 했다."— Presentation transcript:

1 나는 한번은 공항에서 한 무리의 학생들을 맞이해야 했다.
I once had to welcome a group of students at the airport. 2. 너무나 외로워서 나는 마치 내가 모든 희망을 잃어 버렸는 것처럼 느꼈다. Being so lonely, (As I was so lonely) I felt as if I had lost all hope.

2 84쪽 4번 Words & Phrases excellent 2. example 3. severely 4. damaged
5. useless challenge 7. turn exactly 9. win talent 11. prejudice

3 84쪽 4번 Words & Phrases 훌륭한 2. 예, 본보기, 모범 3. 심하게 4. 손상을 입은
훌륭한 예, 본보기, 모범 3. 심하게 손상을 입은 5. 쓸모없는 도전하다 7. 돌다, 방향을 바꾸다 8. 정확히 이기다 재능, 소질 11. 편견

4 84쪽 4번 Murray Halberg is an excellent example of never giving up.
When he was 17 years old, his shoulder and arm were severely damaged in a rugby game. Halberg had to learn how to dress, write, and feed himself all over again as if he were a baby. His useless arm would just hang at his side, so he could no longer play rugby. But he never stopped challenging himself. He turned to running. Exactly 10 years after he lost the use of his arm, Halberg won a gold medal in the 5,000 meter race at the 1960 Rome Olympics.

5 85쪽 5번 Words & Phrases elementary 2. physical education
3. opportunity cut 5. genuinely be concerned about 7. welfare teamwork 9. sportsmanship active

6 85쪽 5번 Words & Phrases 초보의, 초등학교의 2. 체육 3. 기회 4. 줄이다, 단축하다
초보의, 초등학교의 2. 체육 3. 기회 줄이다, 단축하다 5. 진심으로 에 관심을 가지다 7. 복지, 행복 팀워크, 협동 작업9. 스포츠맨 정신 활동적인, 적극적인

7 85쪽 5 For elementary school children, physical education is just as important as science or math. However, many schools across the nation aren’t giving students enough opportunity to play outside. In fact, schools are already cutting physical education classes. However, a school (which is genuinely concerned about the welfare of its students) would understand the importance of physical education class. Kids learn about teamwork and sportsmanship when they play together. In my opinion, all the tests in the world couldn’t teach a child social skills as well as an hour of physical education class could. Therefore, it is essential that our children have the chance to be physically active during the school day.

8 Challenge Yourself! If I (were / had been) quicker and more intelligent, I would have said brightly: “How nice to see you!” Every day I returned ( ) the empty house ( ) which I lived ( ) an empty heart. Those bad times passed eventually, but they would have been a lot more difficult if it (had not been for / were not for) my faithful companion, Fluffy.

9 나는 한번은 공항에서 한 무리의 학생들을 맞이해야 했다.
I once had to welcome a group of students at the airport. 2. 너무나 외로워서 나는 마치 내가 모든 희망을 잃어 버렸는 것처럼 느꼈다. Being so lonely, (As I was so lonely) I felt as if I had lost all hope.

10 다음시간에는 4번 5번 단어 동사 밑줄 및 해석 예습해 오시오

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