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중간고사 다음 주 화요일 (21일) 중간고사 분반 (Last Name 기준) 오늘 수업 종료 후 Q&A

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Presentation on theme: "중간고사 다음 주 화요일 (21일) 중간고사 분반 (Last Name 기준) 오늘 수업 종료 후 Q&A"— Presentation transcript:

1 중간고사 다음 주 화요일 (21일) 중간고사 분반 (Last Name 기준) 오늘 수업 종료 후 Q&A
외국인학생들 + 강-- 박  405호 (기존강의실) 서 – 허  406호 (바로 옆 강의실) 오늘 수업 종료 후 Q&A 목요일 (16일) = 중국 푸단대 교수님 특강 “21세기 한중관계“ 시험범위 포함

2 Key Economic Debates Keynesianism vs. Monetarism
John Maynard Keynes: Fiscal policy to revive demand during economic downturn (적극적 정부) Milton Friedman: Management of money supply through interest rates; limited government (제한적 정부) Development economics vs. Neoliberalism Comparative advantage: Gains through trade by focusing on goods that are produced efficiently Import-substitution Industrialization (ISI): Trade protectionism to grow industries

3 Weak and Failed States Weak state: cannot provide adequate political goods Prior to 20th century, weak states did not survive; now hostile takeovers (식민통치) are rare Failed state: a state so weak it loses effective sovereignty e.g., Liberia, Sudan, Afghanistan What about North Korea?

4 “Failed State” Characteristics
Delegitimized/corrupt state Lack of public services Human rights abuses A “state within a state” Fractionalized elites Foreign intervention All are former colonies


6 States in Decline ????? States in decline at transnational & subnational level Globalization The growing interdependencies and interconnectedness of the world that reduces the autonomy of individual states and the importance of boundaries between them The emergence of international organizations UN, EU, the World Bank, IMF Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) A world-scale NGOs influencing the policies and actions of states: Greenpeace, ILO, the Red Cross

7 Ideology in Korean Politics
Liberalism in Korean politics? Vs. Conservatism in Korean politics? How different over the issue areas? Conservatism in Korea and the debate on the role of government? national-building and economic development vs. the rise of conservatism?

8 한국정치와 이념 (보수 vs. 진보) 윤성이, 이민규 (2013)

9 정치체계론 Systems Theory (David Easton)
Political world as a complex and interconnected system; an impact on one part affects the other parts A country’s politics acts as a feedback loop, e.g., citizens’ demands (inputs) generate government responses (outputs), which then impact the citizens in various ways, creating new demands (feedback) * 비판 But political environments do not always behave as good systems; model too static, and does not explain well much of decision-making process inside government

10 A Model of a Political System

11 Modern Theories – Modified Systems Theory
Modification accepts the feedback process Puts “conversion process” of government first: that government originates most decisions, not citizens Much happens within government decision-making process, independent of citizens’ wishes, such as inter-agency competition

12 Three Policy Types (Theodore Lowi)
Lowi argues that “policy creates politics.” Conventional wisdom = “Politics create policy.” Different policies produce different politics. “정치가 정책을 만드는 것이 아니라, 정책이 정치를 만든다. “

13 Lowi’s Three Policy Types
“Policy creates Politics!” Distributive Policy (분배정책) Redistributive Policy (재분배정책) Regulatory Policy (규제정책) Cost-benefit analysis over the question of mobilization (opposition) Concentrated costs, diffused benefits Diffused costs, concentrated benefits  group politics, party politics, elections, etc

14 Three Policy Types (Theodore Lowi)
I. Distributive policy involves the granting of some sort of benefit to a small beneficiary group. Distributive policy reinforces political logrolling (voting for each other’s funding bills) leading to further “pork-barrel” spending. If benefits concentrated, costs diffused  “little opposition” (정치적 반대가 약함)  Ex) constructing a dam for one area If costs concentrated, benefits diffused  “strong opposition” (정치적 반대가 강함)  Ex) trade protectionism

15 Three Policy Types (Theodore Lowi)
II. Regulatory policy intends to govern the conduct of business and/or markets to protect the public welfare and interest. Regulatory policies are sponsored by the executive and negotiated and bargained between congressional subcommittees and interest organizations Ex) “The Battle of the Sexes Game”  regulation justified!

16 Three Policy Types (Theodore Lowi)
III. Redistributive policy involves the highest level of government since it involves the transfer and redistribution of resources and the allocation of wealth, property, personal or civil rights or some other valued item among social classes or racial groups. Ex) “guns-versus-butter” or “guns-and-butter”? Distributive vs. Redistributive Policy How different? 예) 군가산점제도 정책  분배 정책 or 재분배정책?

17 정치문화의 구성요소 1. 경험적 신념 (인지적 정향 = cognitive orientation)
정치세계의 여러 가지 일들을 어떻게 이해하고 있는가? 대다수의 영국인들은 경찰이 공정하게 일한다고 믿음 2. 가치의 선호 (평가적 정향 = evaluative orientation) 어떤 사람은 법질서의 안정에 최상의 가치를 부여 어떤 사람은 대립되는 견해 간의 대화를 중시 3. 감정적 반응 (감정적 정향 = affective response) 정부와 정치제도에 대한 긍지의 국가간 차이

18 Political Culture Political culture as sort of map of how people think and behave A map is not the real thing But, it can be a useful guide to the real thing. Political culture, by definition, is supposed to be different from one another Yet, how much difference? Ex) “attitudes toward government”

19 정치문화 Q1) 한국의 정치문화 Q2)“정치문화 개념은 정치학의 일부가 될 수 있는가? 혹은 되어야 하는가?
(마키아벨리 군주론 500주년 및 최장집 교수의 한국정치문화 평가) Q2)“정치문화 개념은 정치학의 일부가 될 수 있는가? 혹은 되어야 하는가? Can (Should) political culture be a political science concept”? If yes, how so? If not, why not?

20 Political culture as a political science concept? Yes!
1. Studies of political culture have produced important empirical findings about political attitudes and behavior Ex) the role of education and the family, and the importance and origins of competence, social trust and national pride. These were often overlooked or underestimated in previous studies.

21 Political culture as a political science concept? Yes!
2. Political culture is claimed to be a ‘bedrock’ variable – it changes slowly and provides continuity. As a foundation of democracy, political values and assumptions are more important than the more superficial political attitudes usually discussed by newspapers and opinion polls.

22 Political culture as a political science concept? Yes!
3. Political culture is a key concept linking the followings.. the micro-politics of individuals with the macropolitics of institutions and states subjective (values and attitudes) with the objective (e.g. voting behavior) history and traditions with current circumstances and events.

23 Political culture as a political science concept? Yes!
4. Sample surveys reveal differences in attitudes and behavior that may be better explained by ‘soft’ cultural variables (values, religious background, education) than by ‘harder’ variables (social class, wealth) or by structural variables (the institutional framework).

24 Political culture as a political science concept? No!
1. Political culture is said to be a ‘soft’, ‘residual’, ‘dustbin’, or ‘fuzzy’ concept that can be used to explain everything and therefore nothing. Culture is often used as a post hoc (after the event) explanation that is not put to an empirical test.

25 Political culture as a political science concept? No!
2. Political culture explanations risk being circular we infer what people believe from how they behave, and then explain why they behave from what they believe. For example: people behave democratically because they hold democratic values, and we know that they hold democratic values because they behave democratically.

26 Political culture as a political science concept? No!
3. Political culture is closely associated with attitudes and behavior because it is close to them in the long causal chain of their determinants. Political scientists should search for causes that are further away in the causal chain – e.g. historical, or economic, or psychological.

27 Political culture as a political science concept? No!
4. Cultures and structures are mutually interdependent and tend to go together. It is not surprising, therefore that cultures and structures are associated, but which is cause and effect?

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