2. Life English.

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Presentation on theme: "2. Life English."— Presentation transcript:

1 2. Life English

2 Answer sheet P. 9. word: 갈비 Transliteration: gal bi Translation: beef short rib or _________ word: 초지역 Transliteration: Cho ji yeok Translation: Choji Station word: 국제 Transliteration: gook je Translation: international word: 안산시 Transliteration: Ansan si Translation: Ansan (Ansan city) word: 경기도 Transliteration: Gyeonggi- do Translation: Gyeonggi (Province)

3 Pg: 11 1. Korean (old style) 청와대 서울특별시 종로구 청와대로 1번지 2. Korean (New style) 서울특별시 종로구 세종로 1번지 3. Transliteration Cheong Wa Dae Seoul Teuk Byeol Si, Jong Ro Gu, Sae Jong Ro 1 beon ji 4. English Style Sheong Wa Dae Sae Jong Ro 1 beon ji, Jong Ro Gu, Seoul Teuk Byeol Si

4 homework P. 12 P. 13 39- thirty nine 342- three hundred forty two 477- four hundred seventy seven 541- five hundred forty one 8243- eight thousand two hundred forty three 770, 818, 911, 1110, 2926 P. 14 Zero one zero- five six four seven- seventy seven oh (zero) one

5 P. 14 Zero one zero- five six four seven- seventy seven oh (zero) one P. 15 (Practice with your group)

6 numbers P. 16 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 -> quadrillion (경)
-> quadrillion (경) -> trillion(조) -> billion(십억) -> million(백만) -> thousand

7 1. 465 005- four hundred sixty five thousand five
P.17 four hundred sixty five thousand five thirty two billion five thousand six hundred seventy four hundred seven trillion eighty eight billion. one hundred twenty four quadrillion three hundred fifty six trillion seven hundred eighty nine billion.

8 10 million ? 200 million ? 50 billion ? 900 billion ?

9 P. 18, 19 “ How much is it? “ 본문내용 rice cooker, New car, Flat Screen Television, Flight to the Philippines , Apartment in Seoul Jerry : Excuse me. 실례합니다. Greg : Hello. May I help you? 뭘 도와줄까요? Jerry : Yes, please. I'm looking for a rice cooker for my home. 네. 저기 Greg : What kinds of _________ do you want? 어떤 종류 _________를 찾는데요? Jerry : A large one for four people and compact nice design one. Greg : What about this one? 이건 어때요? Jerry: good, How much is it? Greg: It is 200 dollars. Or It`s 200 thousand won. Jerry: OK, I`ll take it . Thanks

10 Conversation

11 3- 8 -9 -4- 7-10- 1- 6-5-2 3. Hi! Maria! – 8. Hi! Anna!
9. How are you? 4. I am fine. Thank you. And you? 7. I`m good. Do you want to go to a movie tomorrow? 10. Yes! I want to go with you. 1. I will see you tomorrow at 5 pm. 6. See you tomorrow! 5. Good bye! 2. Bye!

12 9-10-1-6-3-2-7-4-5-8 9. Hey Grace! What `s up? 10. Hey Tim!
1. How was your weekend? 6. It was great! I went shopping. 3. Do you want to have coffee on Friday? 2. Sounds great! I love coffee! 7. I will call you later with the details. 4. OK. Any time on Friday works for me. 5. Great! See you later! 8. See ya!

13 The 5 Steps of Conversation
1.Greet : Hello! Good morning! Excuse me ,but are you sb? How do you do? 2. Small talk: Long time no see! I`ve been looking forward to meeting you. Thank you for waiting so long. I am so glad to see you. 3. body : Can I use your laptop computer for one hour? Can you explain of your major? How can you make your food?

14 4. Pre-close : Oh, I have an important meeting , I have to go
4. Pre-close : Oh, I have an important meeting , I have to go. , I have an another schedule. Suddenly, I feel so hungry. I am starving.

15 P. 38 Greet, Greet, Small talk, body, body, body,body, Pre-close
P Greet, Greet, Small talk, body, body, body,body, Pre-close. Pre-close , close, close 안녕 브래드, 나 기억해? 나 미건이야. 물론이지, 안녕! 요즘 어떻게 지냈어? 좋았어, 나는 컴퓨터회사에서 일하고, 지난달에 막 결혼 했어. 너는? 그럭저럭, 나는 항공사 마케팅 부서에서 일해. 좋구나. 공짜로 비행기표 이용하니? 오, 슬프지만 아니야 하지만 나는 나의 직업이 좋아, 아주 흥미로워. 다음주에 커피나 마실까? 그래, 2시 화요일 커피숖어때? 좋아. 다음 주에 보자.

16 Listening Exercise Answer
A ( Katie) : Hello ! I am Katie! B ( Alice) : Hi! Katie! My name is Alice. A How are you? B Fine A What do you like to do? B Sports A Do you like badminton? B Yes A Um.. Ok See you later! Bye

17 K: What do you like to do. A: I like to play sports
K: What do you like to do? A: I like to play sports. Swimming is my favorite. A: I like to play sports. Swimming is my favorite. What do you like to do? K: I love to cook! Kimchijigae is my favorite food to cook. What is your favorite food? A: Kimbap is my favorite food. Do you like kimbap? K: Yes! I love kimbap!

18 안녕사라~ 안녕 마크 오늘 기분 어때? 좋아 ! 너는? 나는 이런 맑 은 날씨가 좋아. 그런데 숙제가 무엇인지 가르쳐줄래? 좋아. 숙제는 37쪽이야 고마워 금요일에 수업에 보자! 그래 ! 안녕 ! 안녕 !

19 Hello , Sarah. Hi, Mark. How are you today. Fine , and you
Hello , Sarah! Hi, Mark! How are you today? Fine , and you? I am so good, I like this fresh weather. but, Can you teach me our homework? The page is 37. Thank you! See you in class on Friday! See you then in the class. Bye Sarah! Good bye Mark!

20 Blind Date 안녕하세요, 처음 뵙겠습니다. 저는 중기입니 다. 안녕하세요. 반갑습니다. 저는 송혜교에요.
오시는데 어떻게 오셨어요. 저는 지하철 타고 왔습니다. 네 저는 운전하고 왔어요. 일단 차 주문 부터 할게요. 뭐 드시겠어요? 저는 커피를 좋아해요. … After ordering

21 만나서 좋았습니다. 핸드폰 번호 알 수 있을까요? 집까지 모셔다 드릴게요. I am so honor to meet you. Can I know your phone number? I`d like to see you off to your home. Thanks for your offer to drive me home.

22 I studied yesterday I am studying today I am studying tomorrow He studied yesterday. He is studying today. He is studying tomorrow.

23 I don`t study. I didn`t study yesterday. I am not studying today. I am not studying tomorrow. He didn`t study yesterday. He isn`t studying today. He isn`t studying tomorrow.

24 나는 어제 공부를 했었다. 나는 지금 공부 중이다. 나는 내일 공부를 할 것이다. 그는 어제 공부를 했었다. 그는 지금 공부 중이다. 그는 내일 공부를 할 것이다.

25 I studied yesterday I am studying now I am studying tomorrow He studied yesterday. He is studying now. He is studying tomorrow.

26 나는 어제 공부를 안 했다. 나는 지금 공부를 안 한다. 나는 내일 공부를 안 할 것이다. 그는 어제 공부를 안 했다. 그는 지금 공부를 안 한다. 그는 내일 공부를 안 할 것이다.

27 I don`t study. I didn`t study yesterday. I am not studying today. I am not studying tomorrow. He didn`t study yesterday. He isn`t studying today. He isn`t studying tomorrow.

28 나는 20살입니다 나는 핵가족을 가지고 있습니다. 학교는 어렵지만, 나는 전공을 좋아합니다. 나는 좋아하는 색깔이 흰색입니다. 나는 스테이크 먹는 것을 좋아합니다. 나는 영화보고 텔레비전 보는 것을 좋아합니다. 나는 스포츠를 싫어합니다. 나의 좋아하는 음악은 랩입니다.

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