DS & Staff Gathering in Fort Worth, Texas

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1 DS & Staff Gathering in Fort Worth, Texas
Feb 27-April 1

2 참석: 23 District에서 92 명. CM Leadership team and President Benedict.


4 Focus: How to win more people
지난 20년의 명제. The best ways to win lost people to Christ is to plant new churches. 현재 104 개척. 몇년 전 한참 많을 때는 124 개척. 2011년에 44 교회 폐쇄 및 탈퇴. 64 개척 -> developing or accredited (1% 성장) 3%는 성장해야 건강함을 유지할 수 있다고 본다.

5 New Breakthrough? 기존 교회에서 제자훈련과 새로운 교회를 세우는 혁신적인 방안이 동시에 필요하다.
기존 교회에서 제자훈련과 새로운 교회를 세우는 혁신적인 방안이 동시에 필요하다. 교회개척만이 능사가 아니다. New churches are the result of effective disciplemaking.

6 Questions How do we identify churches that are doing well at making disciples? What steps can the district take to encourage congregations to shift from a programmatic approach to a more focused “coaching” approach to disciplemaking? How do we know when the above has happened? What are the distinctive elements of discipleship in a C&MA context?

7 교회건강점검도구: REVEAL The REVEAL Spiritual Life Survey and disciplemaking were discussed at the Texas Gathering. The REVEAL Survey is a tool that has been used by over 1,000 diverse congregations. Willow Creek Community Church 에서 교회의 건강을 점검하는 도구로 개발.

8 Church activities do not predict or drive long-term spiritual growth.
다섯 가지 결론 Church activities do not predict or drive long-term spiritual growth. Lots of apathetic nonbelievers who attend church are unlikely to ever accept Christ.

9 Nothing has a greater impact on spiritual growth than reflection on scripture.성경중심
Spiritually stalled or dissatisfied people account for one out of four church congregants. 영적정체 1/4 Leadership matters.


11 4 부류의 교인들 The REVEAL study identifies a spiritual continuum that includes four segments of church attenders.

12 Exploring Christ The people in this segment have a basic belief in God, but they are unsure about Christ and his role in their lives.

13 2. Growing in Christ The people in this segment have a personal relationship with Christ. They’ve made a commitment to trust him with their souls’ salvation and for eternity, but they are just beginning to learn what it means and what it takes to develop a relationship with him.

14 3. Close to Christ The people in this segment have a personal relationship with Christ every day. They see Christ as someone who assists them in life. On a daily basis, they turn to him for help and guidance for the issues they face.

15 4. Christ-Centered The people in this segment would identify their relationship with Christ as the most important relationship in their entire lives.

16 Churches on the move, are growing people up in Christ and releasing them to have impact for the kingdom.

17 Four best practices found in churches are:
Get people moving. 영적성장에 촛점 These churches clearly communicate a pathway of next steps that launches newcomers on a spiritual journey. The Bible is embeded in everything they do. 성경중심 God’s Word is the central axis around which discussion, activity, and decision revolves.

18 3. Create ownership 주인의식 Congregants are inspired to own the vision of the church. Pastor the local community. 사회봉사참여 Church leaders and congregants alike are addressing local community needs, frequently partnering with other churches and nonprofit organizations to identify and resolve issues that would otherwise lack attention and resources.

19 Resource: “MOVE: What 1,000 Churches Reveal About Spiritual Growth” by Greg L. Hawkins & Cally Parkinson

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