Bacterial translocation

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Presentation on theme: "Bacterial translocation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bacterial translocation

2 Bacteria and gut relationship
여종의 미생물 종이 존재 Fecal solid 의 60%rk bacteria

3 Normal gut flora Fermentation of non-digestible diets
Short-chain fatty acids Vitamin K production Epithelial cell proliferation, differentiation Inhibition of pathogenic bacteria J G H

4 Bacterial translocation
Bacterial translocation (BT) the migration of bacteria or bacterial products from the intestinal lumen to mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs) or other extraintestinal organs and sites BT in healthy individuals: 5 ~ 10% In cirrhotic patients: % Hepatology 2005;41:422

5 Spontaneous infection Hyperdynamic circulatory state
SBP Spontaneous infection Bacteremia BT Ascites Hyperdynamic circulatory state Hepatorenal syndrome Hepatopulmonary syndrome

6 Mechanisms of bacterial translocation

7 Portal hypertension and BT
Portal HTN Small bowel motility ↓ Intestinal bacterial overgrowth Mucosal permeability↑ Am J Gastroenterol 2003;98:1362 Am J Gastroenterol 2001;96:1251 Hepatology 2000;31:858

8 Bacterial translocation and circulatory effects
Proinflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha, IL-1, Nitric oxide (NO)

9 Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009 Apr 15;(2):CD004791.

10 Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009 Apr 15;(2):CD004791.

11 Liver Int 2009;29:1189

12 Hyperdynamic circulatory state
Portal HTN Varices BT Bleeding Renal failure Ascites BT Refractory BT BT SBP Sepsis Hyperdynamic circulatory state Increased renin, aldosterone, NO Increased cardiac output, vasodilatation, HVPG

13 노르플록사신 제제 식약청 허가 현황 제품명 제조(수입)회사명 연락처 뉴사달정 100㎎ (주)동구제약 02-2688-9611~5
종근당박시달정 (주)종근당 종근당박시달캅셀 200㎎ 노로칸캡슐 200㎎ (주)하원제약 노푸리신캅셀 200㎎ (주)한국알리코팜 노플록신정 200㎎ (주)한국코러스제약 파마노르플록사신캡슐 200㎎ (주)한국파마 유레카신캡슐 200㎎ 국제약품공업(주) ~9 노프린정 200㎎ 대한뉴팜(주) 모아록신캅셀 200㎎ 동인당제약(주) 보람노르플록사신캡슐 보람제약(주) 후루스펙캡슐 200㎎ 케이엠에스제약(주) 크라운노르플록사신캅셀 200㎎ 크라운제약(주)

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