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Lesson10 A friend from London

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1 Lesson10 A friend from London

2 Getting Ready ( A ) 1. stay in Korea 2. alone 3. 13 years old
4. Time flies. 5. dinner 6. bring

3 Getting Ready ( B ) 1. staying in Korea for some time
You’re staying in Korea for some time. 2. your family with your family Are you with your family?

4 Getting Ready ( B ) 3. have time tomorrow evening
Do you have any time tomorrow evening? 4. very nice very nice of you That’s very nice of you.

5 Getting Ready ( C ) 1. A: How old is Pat?
B: She is thirteen years old. 2. A: Please come to my house for dinner. B: Thank you.

6 Listen to the tape

7 Dialog Come and have dinner with us.
Mr. Hong : So you're staying in Korea for some time. Mr. Ford: That's right. LISTEN

8 Mr. Hong : Are you here alone? Or with your family?
Mr. Ford: With my family. Diane and Pat are here with me. Mr. Hong: Good. LISTEN

9 Mr. Ford: She's thirteen years old. Mr. Hong: Thirteen already?
Mr. Hong : How old is Pat? Mr. Ford: She's thirteen years old. Mr. Hong: Thirteen already? Time flies! LISTEN

10 Mr. Hong : By the way, do you have any time tomorrow evening?
Mr. Ford: I guess so. LISTEN

11 Please come to my house for dinner.
Mr. Hong : Good. Please come to my house for dinner. Bring your family, too. Mr. Ford : Thank you. That's very nice of you. LISTEN

12 Listening Comprehension
A. 다음을 듣고, 그 내용에 알맞은 그림을 고르시오. 1. Are you here alone? Or with your family? ( A ) 2. Diane and Pat are with me. ( C ) 3. Time flies. ( B ) 4. Please come to my house for dinner. ( A ) LISTEN

13 B. 대화를 다시 듣고 다음 물음에 우리말로 답하시오.

14 잘 듣고 빈칸을 채우세요. Mr. Hong : So you're staying in Korea _____ some time.
Mr. Ford: That's _______. for right LISTEN

15 Mr. Hong : Are you here ______? Or with your family?
Mr. Ford: With my family. Diane ____ Pat are here with me. Mr. Hong: Good. alone and LISTEN

16 Mr. Hong : How _____ is Pat? Mr. Ford: She's thirteen years old.
Mr. Hong: Thirteen ________? Time flies! old already LISTEN

17 Mr. Hong : By the _____, do you have any time tomorrow evening?
Mr. Ford: I ______ so. way guess LISTEN

18 Please come to my house for dinner.
Mr. Hong : Good. Please come to my house for dinner. ______ your family, too. Mr. Ford : Thank you. That's very nice ____ you. Bring of LISTEN

19 Let’s study the New words.

20 단어암기 확인 문제 1. England ---- ( ) 2. thing ------ ( ) 3. hope ---- ( )
다음 단어의 뜻을 쓰시오.( 1-5) 1. England ---- ( ) 2. thing ( ) 3. hope ---- ( ) 4. people ( ) 5. hot----- ( )

21 단어암기 확인 문제 다음 단어를 영어로 쓰시오.( 6-10) 6. 데려오다 ---- ( ) 7. 토요일 ------ ( )
6. 데려오다 ---- ( ) 7. 토요일 ( ) 8. 10월 ( ) 9. 가을 ( ) 10. 첫번째 ( )

22 정답을 확인하세요!!! 1. England ---- ( ) 2. thing ------ ( ) 영국
다음 단어의 뜻을 쓰시오.( 1-5) 1. England ---- ( ) 2. thing ( ) 3. hope ---- ( ) 4. people ( ) 5. hot----- ( ) 영국 물건, 것 바라다 사람들 더운, 매운

23 정답을 확인하세요!!! 다음 단어를 영어로 쓰시오.( 6-10) 6. 데려오다 ---- ( ) 7. 토요일 ------ ( )
6. 데려오다 ---- ( ) 7. 토요일 ( ) 8. 10월 ( ) 9. 가을 ( ) 10. 첫번째 ( ) bring Saturday October Fall first

24 참 잘했어요!!

25 Reading : A friend from London
Today Su-mi is meeting Pat. Su-mi goes to school in Seoul. But who is Pat?

26 Reading ( Part 1 ) 대의: Ford씨 가족이 수미네를 방문한다. 수미와 Pat가 한국에 대해 이야기한다.
주요구문: 1. 상대방의 의견을 묻는 질문 2. 생략된 표현

27 Reading ( Part 1 ) 1. Pat Ford is Su-mi’s new friend.
2. It’s Saturday evening. 3. have a good talk : 즐겁게 이야기하다 They’re having a good talk. 4. How do you like Korea? 5. (I like Korea) very much. 6. People are so nice here. (= very)

28 내용이해 문제 Mrs. Smith is ( Joe’s, teacher, new ).
괄호 안의 표현을 알맞은 순서로 쓰시오 Mrs. Smith is ( Joe’s, teacher, new ). She is from London. Her daughter is ( new, Joe’s, friend ) 괄호 안에 the 또는 a를 쓰시오. 1. They have ____ good talk. 2. ____ Fords are very nice. Joe’s new teacher Joe’s new friend a The

29 Reading ( Part 2 ) 대의: 수미와 Pat는 많은 것에 대해 이야기를 나눈다. 수미는 Pat를 다시 만날 수 있기를 바란다. 주요구문: 1. 상대방의 동의를 구하기  부가의문문 2. 생략된 표현

30 Reading ( Part 2 ) 1. Kimchi is pretty hot, isn’t it?
2. It’s cold in winter, isn’t it? 3. How’s the weather in London? = What’s the weather like in London? 4. No, (it’s) not too cold. 5. When is Pat going back to London? 6. Su-mi hopes so. ( = they can get together again )

31 내용이해 문제 1. Tom is tall, ____________?
상대의 동의를 구하는 말을 쓰시오. 1. Tom is tall, ____________? 2. Sun-hi is very pretty, __________? 3. They are hungry, _____________? 다음 대회의 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오. A: _____ the weather in London? It’s cold in winter, isn’t it? B: _____, not too cold. isn’t he isn’t she aren’t they How’s No

32 Reading Comprehension
1. Where are the Fords from? ______________________________ 2. What is Su-mi’s full name? ______________________________ 3. When is Pat going back to London? ______________________________ They are from England. Hong Su-mi. She’s going back next month.

33 Let's Practice

34 1. How old are you? -- I’m forty.
1) How old is John? --- He’s eleven. 2) How old is Mary? --- She’s fifteen. 3) How old is Mr. Kim? --- He’s fifty. 나이를 물을 때: How old --- ?

35 2. Please come to my house for dinner.
1) Please come to my house for breakfast. 2) Please come to my house for lunch. 3) Please come to my house for supper.

36 3. How do you like Korea? --- Very much.
1) How do you like England? --- Very much. 2) How do you like New York? 3) How do you like Seoul?

37 4. Kimchi is pretty hot, isn’t it?
1) The bike is pretty new, isn’t it? 2) The desk is pretty old, isn’t it? 3) The book is pretty good, isn’t it? 부가의문문: 상대방의 동의를 구할 때

38 Let's talk

39 나이 묻기 How old --- ? How old is Peter? 초청하기 Do you have (any) time? Are you free?

40 의견 묻기 How do you like ---? How do you like cheese? 상대방의 동의 구하기 부가의문문 Kimchi is pretty hot, isn’t it? Yes, it is. It isn’t cold today, is it? No, it isn’t.

41 Group Activity

42 Guided Writing ( A ) 1. The weather is cold, isn’t it?
2. Seoul is big, isn’t it? 3. The Fords are from London, aren’t they? 4. Chusok is a big holiday, isn’t it?

43 She likes Korea very much.
Guided Writing ( B ) Su-mi is from Seoul. She is Pat’s friend. She is fourteen years old. She is with her father and mother. She likes Korea very much.

44 Language Points A. 발 음 1. 소리와 글자 p park people pencil pretty f family fly food forty

45 Language Points 2. 억 양 How old is Pat? Kimch’i is pretty hot, isn’t it?

46 Language Points B. 말의 쓰임새 1. 부가의문문 상대방의 동의를 구할 때 사용. 앞 문장이 긍정이면, 부가의문문은 부정문으로 하고, 부정형은 항상 줄임꼴로 쓴다. 부가의문문에서 주어는 앞 문장의 주어에 대한 대명사형을 쓴다.

47 Kimchi is pretty hot, isn’t it?
Tom and Jim are good friends, aren’t they? The book isn’t very new, is it?

48 2. 나이를 묻고 답하기 How old are you? I’m twelve (years old). How old is Pat? She’s thirteen (years old).

49 3. 생략된 표현 대답에서 질문과 겹치는 부분은 생략할 수 있다. How do you like Korea? I like Korea very much. Is it cold in winter in London? No, it is not very cold in London.

50 4. 강조하는 표현 so, very, pretty 등은 형용사나 부사 앞에 쓰여 그 형용사나 부사를 강조해 준다. People are so nice here. I like Korea very much. Kimchi is pretty hot.

51 B. 자주 쓰이는 표현 1. for some time: 얼마동안 2. by the way: 그런데 3. come over: 방문하다. 4. get together: 만나다. 모이다.

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