“Grammar to Explain” 수여동사는 [∼에게 …을 주다]라는 give유형과 [∼(을 위해)에게

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Presentation on theme: "“Grammar to Explain” 수여동사는 [∼에게 …을 주다]라는 give유형과 [∼(을 위해)에게"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Grammar to Explain” 수여동사는 [∼에게 …을 주다]라는 give유형과 [∼(을 위해)에게
…을 사주다]라는 buy유형 등으로 나뉜다. (1) give유형 I gave her some information. <=I gave some information to her.> He told his sister the story. <=He told the story to his sister.> ☞대부분의 수여동사들이 이 유형임. (2) buy유형 She bought her son a toy. <=She bought a toy for her son.> I will find you your lost wallet. <=I will find your lost wallet for you.> ☞order(주문하다), choose(선택하다), get(구하다), make(만들다) 등이 이 유형임 (3) 기타 유형 The teacher asked me a question. <=The teacher asked a question of me.> (선생님께서 내게 질문을 하나 물으셨다.)

2 Maxims Introduced by Teacher
Give me liberty, or give me death. Patrick Henry Never teach a child anything of which you are not yourself sure. John Ruskin ( ) Show me a hero and I will write you a tragedy. Francis Scott Fitzgerald ( ) 미국 작가 It is not very difficult to forgive other people their sins. from W. S. Maugham's “The Summing Up”

3 Maxims Translated by Student
If you please―draw me a sheep. from “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupery God gave me the stubbornness of a mule and a fairly keen scent. Albert Einstein I didn't find my friends; the good God gave them to me. Ralph Waldo Emerson ( )

4 “My Maxim” Activity 다음을 참고로 하여 여러분도 sell동사를 써서 특별한 장사꾼을 나타내 보세요.
He could sell a drowning man a glass of water. He could sell sand to the Arabs. <학생 영작 사례> He could sell ice to the eskimos.

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