BSA (bovine serum albumin)

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1 BSA (bovine serum albumin)
BSA standard, IgG free, Fatty acid poor, Lipogro®, F BS , Horse , Calf , Pig , Human serum Special D/C BSA (bovine serum albumin) 다양한 실험에서 protein stabilizer or blocking reagent로 사용되는 BSA RMBIO는 BSA, FBS, 각종 supplements, media를 공급하는 Manufacturing company!! 연구자 맞춤형 BSA 공급 - Standard heat shock, IgG free, Fatty acid poor 등 25% off BSA Standard Heat Shock (US source, 100g) 120,000 → 90,000(부가세별도) Application Protein stabilizer for long-term storage of highly diluted antibodies Used in serum containing, serum reduced or serum-free mammalian cell culture media as a cell growth and protein production promoter Used in EIA, RIA and other immunoassay techniques as a diluent or stabilizing agent Stabilizing and activating agent for enzymes Prevents non-specific absorption by acting as a blocking agent Protein supplement for serum controls, standards, and reference materials S 회사에 OEM으로 공급하는 최상의 Quality (부가세별도) Product name source Cat No. Size Price Special Price BSA Standard Heat Shock US BSA-BSH 100g \120,000 \90,000 50g \70,000 \60,000 * Sample 제공 - BSA Standard Heat Shock 5g 현재 전세계 많은 제약회사에서 사용하는 믿을만한 제품 Tel : / Fax :

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