Protected Area of Korea

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Presentation on theme: "Protected Area of Korea"— Presentation transcript:

1 Protected Area of Korea 2016. 4
Protected Area of Korea Chung, Heuk Jin Mongolian University of Science and Technology

2 Current Situation of Korean
Protected Area

3 1. Current situation of Korean PA
Designation and management of PA - 20different types of PA -governed by10 laws Designation and management of Protected Species -endangered species -beloved species current situation of legislated PAs ( present) total 1,711areas(21,296.64㎢) Land PA : total 15,646.25㎢ (overlap; about 3,008.87㎢) 12.6%(12,637㎢) of national land(100,284㎢) Marine PA : total 5,650.39㎢ (overlap; about ㎢) % of marine territory, 1.41% of EEZ ○ 우리나라 법정 보호지역 현황은 총 1,711개소(21,296.64㎢) 지정‧관리 ○ 육상 보호지역은 총 15,646.25㎢가 지정되어 있으며, 중복 지정된 면적(약 3,008.87㎢)을 제외하면 전 국토면적(100,284㎢)의 약 12.6%(12,637.38㎢)를 차지함. ○ 해양 보호지역은 총 5,650.39㎢이 지정되어 있으며, 중복 지정된 면적(약 ㎢)를 제외하면 영해기준 약 6.07%, 관할해역(EEZ기준)의 1.41%


5 IUCN protected area category table
CategoryⅠa; Strict Nature Reserve CategoryⅠb: Wilderness Area categoryⅡ; National Park categoryⅢ; Natural monument categoryⅣ; Habitat/Species Management Area categoryⅤ; Protected Landscape/Seascape categoryⅥ; Managed Resource Protected Area

6 PA management system of Korea
PA management system of Korea Policy Ministry of environment Ministry of ocean/fishery Cultural heritage agency Forestry agency implementation Regional EPA Regional Marine Port Agency. Marine Police Agency Palace tomb· Relic management agency Regional forestry agency. National Forestry Manage Office Municipal authority (city, county,town) Korea National Park Agency Marine Environmental Management Corps. National Heritage Research Center National Forestry Academy

7 Laws related to Protected Area
< Legislation related to PA > 구분 Laws related to Protected Area Title of PA Ministry of environment Natural park law ■ Aiming at conservation of eco-system, landscape and cultural heritage in the designated park areas. National park, provincial park, city park Natural environment conservation law ■ conservation of ecosystem and landscape outside of natural parks from artificial destruction Reserve for conservation of ecosystem and landscape Wet land conservation law ■ conservation of wetland and bio-diversity Wetland protected area Special law on eco-system conservation of specific islands such as Dokdo ■ protection of natural eco system, geology or topography in the specific islands Specific islands Law on protection and management of wild life ■ systematic protection of wildlife and its habitat environment ■ prevention of wildlife extinction ■ keeping balance of eco system by promotion of bio-diversity ■ securing co-existence of man and wildlife Wildlife protected area Ministry of ocean and fishery Law on conservation and management of marine eco-system ■ protection of marine eco-system from artificial destruction ■ conservation of marine bio-diversity ■ sustainable use of marine life resources Marine eco-system protected area Marine environment management law ■ prevention of marine environment deterioration or contamination ■ securing clean and safe marine environment Marine environment protected area Cultural heritage agency Cultural property protection law ■ succession to national culture by conservation of cultural properties Natural monument and scenic view Forestry agency Forest protection law ■ management of forest protection area ■ protecting forest systematically Forest protected area Law on protection of Baekdo backbone mountain range ■ Baekdo backbone mountain range protection ■ prevention of deterioration of mountain range from random development ■healthy conservation of national land and creation of livable natural environment Baekdo backbone mountain range PA

8 Law related Type of protected area sites total land sea Domestic law
1,711 21,296.64 15,646.25 5,650.39 Ministry of environment Natural park law Natural park National park 21 6,656.25 3,902.54 2,753.71 Provincial park 30 1,094.69 710.24 384.45 County park 27 237.68 233.91 3.77 Law on protection and management of wild life Wildlife special protected area 1 26.14 - Wildlife protected area 376 948.60 Special law on eco-system conservation of specific islands such as Dokdo Specific islands 219 11.86 Natural environment conservation law ecology․ scenic view protected area 9 241.62 city․province ecology․scenic view protected area 23 41.91 Wet land conservation law Wetland protected area 22 125.36 Ministry of ocean and fishery 12 218.96 -  Law on conservation and management of marine eco-system Marine eco-system protected area 10 252.55  - Marine environment management law Environment conservation protected area 4 1,882.13 933.01 949.12 Cultural property agency Cultural property protection law Natural monument 205 1,107.72 66.49 1,041.23 Natural monument(nature PA) 11 456.32 425.92 30.4 Scenic view 109 796.75 780.55 16.2 Forestry agency Law on protection of Baekdo backbone mountain range Baekdo backbone mountain range protected area 2,750.77 Forest protection law Forest protected area Forest gene resources 631 1,499.37 Living environment 0.11 194.12 water catchment 2,705.52 Disaster prevention 48.21


10 Ministry of Environment

11 National Park ;IUCN category I b, II
The first national park,”Jirisan National Park” was designated in 1967 by natural park law. items content Law related Natural park law Goal of the law Conservation and sustainable use of eco system, nature and culture/scenery which is important at the national level by regulating its designation, conservation and management. Criteria of designation criteria : eco system(habitat of endangered species, natural monument, protected wild lives), natural scenery, cultural scenic views, conservation of topography, location and convenience of use. Definition of national park Area which can represent Korea in terms of eco system, nature ,culture and scenery. Current status 21 national parks / 6,656㎢ planning Park master plan(10 years), conservation and management plan(10years) 국립공원(National Park): 우리나라를 대표하는 보호지역으로, 1967년 자연공원법의 전신인 공원법의 제정을 통해 지리산국립공원을 최초 지정 - 1988년 변산반도와 월출산을 국립공원으로 지정하여 20개소의 국립공원을 지정한 후 25년이 지난 2013년에 21째 국립공원으로 무등산국립공원 지정 - 최초 건설부에서 자연공원 관련 업무를 담당, 1991년 내무부(현 안전행정부)로 업무가 이관되었다가, 1998년 환경부로 업무 이관

12 Ecology/scenery conservation PA;category I a, IV
구 분 내 용 Law related Natural park law Goal of the law Conservation and sustainable use of eco system, nature and culture/scenery which is important at the local level by regulating its designation, conservation and management. Designation criteria Area where primitive state of nature is maintained or bio-diversity is abundant and thus regarded with great academic and research value. 2. Area necessary for conservation to maintain natural view or do academic research because of its unique geology and topology 3. Area to represent diverse eco system or a sample area of eco system; 4. Other areas designated by presidential regulation because of superb natural view such as rivers and valleys. definition Area necessary for protecting natural ecologyㆍnatural sceneries outside of national park area Current status 9 areas ㎢, city/provincial ecology and scenic view protected area; 23 areas / 41.91㎢ Related planning ecology・scenic view area plan 생태‧경관보전지역: 환경정책기본법의 전신인 환경보전법(1977년 제정)에서 환경보전지구의 개념 도입 - 1991년 자연환경보전법이 제정되고 2004년 생태계보전지역에 자연경관이 포함되는 생태‧경관보전지역으로 명칭 변경. - 2004년 특정야생동‧식물보호구역은 야생동식물보호법으로 이관되었으며, 해양 생태‧경관보전지역은 2006년 “해양생태계의 보전 및 관리에 관한 법률”의 해양생태계보호지역으로 이관

13 wildlife(special)protected area; IUCN category IV
item content Law related Law for wildlife protection and management Goal of designation ∙prevention of wildlife from its extinction by protecting and managing their habitat ∙maintenance of ecological balance and securing co-existence of human and wildlife by increasing biological diversity Criteria of designation Areas where special attention should be paid as habitat and breeding ground of endangered wildlife 2. Areas where special care is needed as places of endangered species migration 3. Areas where endangered species is inhabited and spread over and thus special attention needs to be paid for their protection. definition Designation of areas which require special protection in order to protection and breeding of wildilfe Current state 376 sites / 948.6㎢ (special protection area; 1place / 26.2㎢) Planning cycle Wildlife protection long term plan(10 years) 야생생물(특별)보호구역: 기존의 조수보호 및 수렵에 관한 법률(1967년 제정)과 자연환경보전법에 규정해온 야생생물 관련 내용을 통합하여 2004년 제정된 야생동‧식물 보호법에 의해 지정‧관리되다가 2011년 “야생생물 보호 및 관리에 관한 법률”로 명칭 변경 - 야생생물특별보호구역과 이에 준하는 야생생물보호구역으로 구분하여 지정‧관리

14 Master plan for conservation of specific islands(10 years)
Special islands PA: category V item content Law related Special law for protection of eco system in the specific islands as such Dokdo Goal of the law Conservation of diverse natural eco system, geology, and topography in the specific islands Criteria of designation 1. Islands natural view of which is excellent as in volcano, valley, lakes, water falls, coastal shoreline, caves etc., 2. Islands necessary for conservation of life species unique to Korea as in natural resources, 3. Islands recognized worthwhile to conserve as wildlife habitats or migrant places, 4. Islands bio-logically important as area of primitive forest, 5. Islands necessary for academic research or conservation because of unique geology or topography, 6. Islands that governor of a province or mayor of municipality recommend or that minister of the ministry of environment considers important. definition Islands of no residents or limited residential area with outstanding geology, topography and eco system, designated by minister of ministry of environment. Current state 219 sites 11.86㎢ Planning cycle Master plan for conservation of specific islands(10 years) 특정도서: 도서지역의 생물다양성과 중요한 생태계 및 수려한 경관을 보전하기 위하여 1997년 독도 등 도서지역의 생태계보전에 과한 특별법 제정

15 Wetland conservation law
Wetland protected area: category IV items content Law related Wetland conservation law Goal of the law To conserve bio-diversity of wetland and to translate the agreement of international convention on wetland into domestic law. Criteria of designation 1. Areas with primitive nature saved or abundant bio-diversity, 2. Areas with rare or endangered species inhabited or bringing into sight, 3.Areas with value of unique landscape, geology or topography definition Areas with value of conservation of bio-diversity Current state 34 sites(ministry of environment; 22sites, ministry of ocean and fishery; 12sites) / ㎢ Planning cycle Wetland conservation master plan(5 years) 습지보호지역: 1999년 습지를 효율적으로 보전‧관리함으로서 국토의 효율적 이용을 도모하고, 람사르협약과 관련한 국제협력 증진 등을 위해 습지보전법 제정. - 환경부에서는 내륙습지를 관할하며 총 22개소(125.36㎢) 지정‧관리 - 해양수산부에서는 연안습지를 관할하며 총 12개소(218.96㎢) 지정‧관리

16 Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries

17 Marine protected area management master plan
Marine ecosystem PA; IUCN category I b, IV, V items content Law related Law with respect to marine eco-system protection and management Goal of the law Marine eco-system protection, marine bio-diversity conservation, sustainable use of marine life resources Criteria of designation 1. Marine area with primitive natural ecology or abundant marine life diversity, 2. Area with unique marine geology, topography, or ecology requiring academic research or conservation, 3. Area where marine life productivity is high or there is a lot of habitats or breeding grounds for endangered species, 4. Area which is able to represent diverse marine eco-system or functions as a sample, 5. Areas necessary for conservation because of distinctive marine views such as coral reef and sea plants, 6. Areas designated by presidential decree as places for effective conservation and management of marine eco-system. definition Areas with wonderful marine eco-system or abundant bio diversity which is vulnerable to development Current state 10 sites / ㎢ Planning cycle Marine protected area management master plan 해양(생태계)보호구역: 2006년 제정된 “해양생태계의 보전 및 관리에 관한 법률”에 따른 "해양보호구역"은 해양생물다양성이 풍부하여 생태적으로 중요하거나 해양경관 등 해양자산이 우수하여 특별히 보전할 가치가 큰 구역을 말함. - 해양생태계의 특성에 따라 3가지 유형으로 구분하여 지정·관리 할 수 있으나, 현재는 해양생태계보호구역만 지정되어 있음. - 해양생물보호구역 : 보호대상해양생물의 보호를 위하여 필요한 구역 - 해양생태계보호구역 : 해양생태계가 특히 우수하거나 해양생물다양성이 풍부한 구역 또는 취약한 생태계로서 훼손되는 경우 복원하기 어려운 구역 - 해양경관보호구역 : 바닷가 또는 바다 속의 지형·지질 및 생물상(生物相) 등이 해양생태계와 잘 어우러져 해양경관적 가치가 탁월한 구역

18 Marine protected area; IUCN category IV
items Content Law related Marine environment management law Goal of the law Prevent marine environment from being contaminated and create clean and safe marine environment Criteria of designation 가. Marine area designated necessary for protection of fishery resources and promotion of fishery industry out of natural environment conservation areas; 나. Marine area that requires sustained conservation as marine environment and eco-system is well preserved. definiton Areas in which marine nature and eco-system should be preserved including non living environment in terms of human behavior at ocean. Current state 4 sites / 1,882.1㎢ Planning cycle Marine environment management master plan(5 years) 환경보전해역: 해양환경의 보전·관리를 위하여 필요하다고 인정되는 경우 해양환경관리법에 의해 지정되는 환경관리해역은 환경보전해역과 특별관리해역으로 구분되어 지정‧관리 - 환경보전해역 : 「국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법률」 제6조제4호의 규정에 따른 자연환경보전지역 중 수산자원의 보호·육성을 위하여 필요한 용도지역으로 지정된 해역, 해양환경 및 생태계의 보존이 양호한 곳으로서 지속적인 보전이 필요한 해역 - 특별관리해역 : 해양환경기준의 유지가 곤란한 해역 또는 해양환경 및 생태계의 보전에 현저한 장애가 있거나 장애가 발생할 우려가 있는 해역(해양오염에 직접 영향을 미치는 육지를 포함)

19 Cultural Heritage Administration

20 Natural monument; IUCN category III
items content Law related Cultural heritage conservation law Goal of the law Conserve cultural heritage so that culture of the nation be inherited and to aim at promoting enrichment of the national culture Criteria of designation (animal, plant, geology, ore, topography, natural protected area, natural phenomena) 1. Prominent animal unique to Korea, its habitat, and breeding ground; 2. Unique animals inhabited in the special environment such as limestone zone, sand dune, cave, wetland, rivers, water falls, hot springs, their habitats/breeding grounds/migrant sites; 3. Animal resources • sample and data with scientific and academic value unique to Korea; 4. Prominent spontaneous plant unique to Korea and its breeding ground; 5.plant, fauna, or forest growing in the special area or environment such as limestone zoneㆍsand duneㆍcaveㆍdry landㆍwetlandㆍriversㆍlakesㆍswamps ㆍwater falls ㆍhot springsㆍriver mouthㆍislands; 6. Rare plant related to cultureㆍfolkloreㆍscenic viewㆍscience, its breeding ground, spontaneous habitat 7. Artificial forest with great value as related to living culture; 8. Useful plant or its breeding ground related to livingㆍfolkloreㆍdaily needsㆍfaith ; 9. Natural heritage etc., definition Animal(its habitat), plant(its spontaneous breeding ground), geology, ore and other natural objects designated by law for its protection due to its high academic and scenic value Current state 205 sites / 1,107.72㎢ Nature protected area; 11 sites (456.32㎢) 천연기념물: 문화재청에서 관리하는 보호지역은 천연기념물과 명승이 있으며, 천연기념물 중에서도 개별 생물종이나 점적인 개념으로 지정된 것은 보호지역에서 제외 - 천연기념물 중 대표적인 보호지역인 천연보호구역 지정: 보호할 만한 천연기념물이 풍부하거나 다양한 생물적ㆍ지구과학적ㆍ문화적ㆍ역사적ㆍ경관적 특성을 가진 대표적인 일정한 구역, 지구의 주요한 진화단계를 대표하는 일정한 구역, 중요한 지질학적 과정‧생물학적 진화‧ 인간과 자연의 상호작용을 대표하는 일정한 구역

21 Cultural property protection law
Scenic view area PA; IUCN category III items content Law related Cultural property protection law Goal of the law Preserve cultural properties to succeed to national culture, and thus contribute to cultural advancement of the nation. Criteria of designation 1.mountainsㆍhillsㆍplateausㆍplainsㆍvolcanoesㆍriversㆍcoastㆍriver mouthㆍislands etc., which is superb in natural beauty, 2. Superb scenic views as habitat of animal and plant, 3. View site of distinct scenic view, 4.mountains, valleys, straits, capes, ponds, water falls, marsh, catchment area, caves, rocks with high historical, cultural, and scenic value, 5. Natural beauty sites related to religion, education, living, and leisure such as prominent building, garden or myth sites, definition Resources worth monument from the perspective of art or scenery Current state 109 sites / ㎢ 명승: 문화재청장은 문화재위원회의 심의를 거쳐 기념물 중 중요한 것을 사적, 명승 또는 천연기념물로 지정할 수 있음

22 Forest Agency

23 Baekdu mountain range protection master plan(10years)
Bakdu backbone mountain range PA; IUCN category VI items content Law related Law on protection of Baekdu mountain range protection Goal of the law Stipulate clauses necessary for protection of Baekdu backbone mountain range and thus prevent it from random development Criteria of designation 1. Core zone: area focused on the protection of the ridge line of the Baekdu 2. Buffer zone: area bordering the core zone definition Area recognized necessary for its protection out of Baekdu backbone mountain range Current state 1 site / 2,750.77㎢ Planning cycle Baekdu mountain range protection master plan(10years) 백두대간보호지역: 백두대간은 한반도 3대 생태축의 하나로서, 2003년 “백두대간 보호에 관한 법률” 제정을 통해 지정‧관리 - 백두대간보호지역은 핵심과 완충을 구분하여 백두대간을 따라 길게 보호지역을 지정함에 따라 기존 보호지역과 중복된 지역이 많음 - 국립공원 7개소(설악산, 오대산, 소백산, 월악산, 속리산, 덕유산, 지리산), 도립공원 2개소(태백산, 문경새재), 천연보호구역 2개소(천연기념물 171호 설악산, 천연기념물 247호 향로봉․건봉산) 등 다양한 보호지역과 중복 지정

24 Forest gene resources protected area management master plan(5years)
Forest protected area(forest gene resources PA); category VI items content Law related Forest protection law Goal of the law Manage forest protected area, monitor and prevent forest infest spread, prevent forest fire and land slide Criteria of designation ∙forest gene resources protected area: area in which gene and species of plant in the forest should be conserved; ∙living environment protected area: area recognized necessary for sanitation and living environment of people around hospitals and healing places in the city or industrial complex; ∙scenic view protected area: surrounding of scenic view, relic, tourist sites, park, resort area and their access road; ∙water resources containing area: keeping water resources, prevention of flood or water quality management of drinking water resources ∙disaster prevention protected area: prevention of soil slip, rock fall, and damage from wind, sand, or tsunami definition area designated out of forest to protect living environment, scenic view, water resources and to prevent natural disaster Current state Forest gene resources protected area(1,499.37㎢) Living environment protected area(0.11㎢) Scenic view protected area(194.12㎢) Water resources upholding protected area(2,705.52㎢) Natural disaster prevention area(48.21㎢) Planning cycle Forest gene resources protected area management master plan(5years) 산림보호구역(산림유전자원보호구역): 산림보호법에 의해 지정‧관리되며 5가지 유형(산림유전자원보호구역, 생활환경보호구역, 경관보호구역, 수원함양보호구역, 재해방지보호구역)으로 구분 - 산림보호구역 중 대표적인 보호지역은 산림유전자원보호구역으로 “산림에 있는 식물의 유전자와 종(種) 또는 산림생태계의 보전을 위하여 필요하다고 인정되는 구역”에 지정

25 The 3rd national bio diversity strategy 2014-2018 (jointly by related ministries, 2014)
Expansion of protected area by 2020 to the goal of CBD (land․fresh water; 17%, marine; 10%) Establish “national protected area master plan”: achieve national goal by pan ministerial cooperation, develop monitoring index of protected areas, evaluate value of eco-system service and identify the best use of the service Expand MEE(management effectiveness evaluation) to 70% of national protected areas by 2018

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