Overview of Guidelines 2010

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1 Overview of Guidelines 2010
원주의대 황성오

2 CPR Guidelines and Organizations
American Academy of Science 1st Guidelines for CPR and ECC (1966) American Heart Association European Resuscitation Council 1974, 1980, 1986, Guidelines for CPR and ECC 1992, 1996, 1998 Guidelines for CPR and ECC International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) (1993) International Consensus on Science For Guidelines 2000 International Guidelines 2000 for CPR and ECC International Consensus on Science And Treatment Recommendation For Guidelines 2005 International Guidelines 2005 for CPR and ECC Resuscitation Council Of Asia (RCA) (2004): Korea, Japan, Sn’pore, Taiwan, Phillip. International Consensus on Science And Treatment Recommendation For Guidelines 2010 International Guidelines 2010 for CPR and ECC Korean Association of CPR (KACPR) (2004) Korean Guidelines for CPR and ECC 2006

3 ILCOR: International Committee on Resuscitation
American Heart Association (AHA) European Resuscitation Council (RCA) Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (HSFC) Australian and New Zealand Committee on Resuscitation (ANZCOR) Resuscitation Council of Southern Africa (RCSA) InterAmerican Heart Foundation (IAHF) Resuscitation Council of Asia (RCA)

4 2010 CoSTR (2010 Consensus on Science and Treatment Recommendations)
Developed by ILCOR based on scientific evidence evaluation process Adaptive process to generate own Guidelines of individual country

5 ILCOR 2010 Process Consensus meeting Guidelines Writing & Publication
ILCOR Taskforces: BLS, ALS, ACS, PLS, NLS, EIT Establish worksheet questions Recruit worksheet authors Assign worksheet/Register COI Worksheet review process Expert reviews, conference, web Web posting Consensus meeting Guidelines Writing & Publication

6 General Principle for 2010 CoSTR
Confirm the safety and effectiveness of G2005 and introduce new treatment Extension of Chain of Survival from prevention of cardiac arrest to postresuscitation care Achievement of higher rate of lay rescuer CPR and establishment of AED programs in the community Willingness Importance of high quality CPR Education PAD

7 Chain of Survival Immediate recognition and activation Integrated
post-cardiac arrest care Rapid defibrillation Effective advanced care Early CPR

8 Building Blocks of CPR

9 Most Significant Development in Resuscitation From 2005 to 2010
CPR sequence From A-B-C to C-A-B Emphasis on lay rescuer CPR performance and CPR quality High-quality CPR Insufficient evidence on devices and ALS drugs Importance of post-cardiac arrest care Education and implementation, including retraining

10 Universal Algorithm

11 한국 심폐소생술 지침 개정 계획 전문위원회: 각 유관단체로부터 연구원 추천 기본소생술지침 개발위원회 구성 전문심장소생술지침 개발위원회 구성 소아소생술지침 개발위원회 구성 교육지침 개발위원회 구성 기본소생술 패널구성 문헌검색, 자료수집 지침항목개발 전문심장소생술 패널구성 문헌검색, 자료수집 지침항목개발 소아소생술 패널구성 문헌검색, 자료수집 지침항목개발 교육지침 패널구성 문헌검색, 자료수집 지침항목개발 기본소생술 지침 항목별 Worksheet작성 전문심장소생술 지침 항목별 Worksheet작성 소아소생술 지침 항목별 Worksheet작성 교육 지침 항목별 Worksheet작성 기본소생술 지침 개발회의 전문심장소생술 지침 개발회의 소아소생술 지침 개발회의 교육지침 개발회의 가이드라인 공개토론회 Writing conference 개최 각 위원회별 지침 수정, 보완 가이드라인 공개발표회 공용 심폐소생술 가이드라인 최종안 작성 및 배포 새 가이드라인의 적용 ~

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