Understanding and Using

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1 Understanding and Using
English Grammar Appendix I. Inversion 정샘 영어 Academy

2 Context Inversion in Preparatory Subjects Inversion with Auxiliary
Inversion with Adverb Phrases Inversion with Negative adverbs Inversion with Subject Complements Inversion with Objects Inversion in Question Sentences Inversion in Conditional and Reporting Sentences

3 1. Inversion with Preparatory Subjects
Here/ There 가 이끄는 문장 Here comes Anna. Here come your friends. There goes your brother. 주의: Here she comes. Here/There가 이끄는 문장은 도 치 그러나 대명사가 주어인경우 도치가 안일어남.

4 2. Inversion with Auxiliary: May
With May May all your wishes come true! May he rot in hell! May God bless you! 상대방에게 축원/저주할때

5 3. Inversion with Adverb Phrases
부사구가 문 두에 오는 경우 Under a tree was lying one of the biggest men I had ever seen. On the grass sat an enormous frog. Directly in front of them stood a strange man. Along the road came a strange procession. 부사구가 문두에 오면 주어와 동사 가 도치 so 다음에 Anna is hungry and I am hungry too.  Anna is hungry, so am I. Anna isn’t studying on Sunday, and Jim isn’t studying on Sunday.  Anna isn’t studying on Sunday, neither is Jim. 긍정형에서는 So, 부정형에서는 Neither가 사용 She looked so ridiculous that everyone burst out laughing.  So ridiculous did she look that everyone burst out laughing. Hair styling in Assyria was so important.  So important was hair styling in Assyria. So + 형용사 도치 일반동사 look이 사용되엇기에 도치 시 조동사 do 사용 as, than 다 음에 선택적 도치 She was very religious, as most of her friends were.  She was very religious, as were most of her friends. My brother spends more time in the library than John does.  My brother spends more time in the library than does John. City dwellers have a higher death rate than do country people.

6 3. Inversion with Adverb Phrases (Cont.)
Only가 문두 로 오는경우 You can learn only by asking questions.  Only by asking questions can you learn. Law made Labor Day a legal holiday only in Washington.  Only in Washington did the Law make Labor day a legal holiday. We go on a picnic only if it stops raining.  Only if it stops raining do we go on a picnic. 조동사/be동사 + 부정형 빈도부사 일경우 주어가 조 동사 다음에 옴 일반동사 + 부정 형빈도부사가 도치 될 경우 조동사 do 가 추가 // 참고: Only 가 문두에 오더라도, comma 다음의 문장은 도치 안됨. Only at the Wild Park, people can see emus. 순서부사가 문두에 오는 경우 The Persians had come first and then the Muslim Arabs.  First had come the Persians and then the Muslim Arabs. 순서부사가 문장 내에 나열될 경우 기타 short adverb 나 adverb particles The door opened and out came Anna’s boyfriend. I stopped the car and up walked a policeman.

7 4. Inversion with Negative Adverbs
부정적 인 부사 구/절이 문두에 올경우, He was never silly.  Never was he silly. We have never seen her sing a song.  Never have we seen her sing a song. I rarely see such polite children.  Rarely do I see such polite children. 부정형빈도부사 - be+부정형빈도부사 - 조동사/be동사 + 부 정형 빈도부사일경우 주어가 조동사 다음에 옴 일반동사 + 부정형빈 도부사가 도치될 경우 조동사 do가 추가 Under no circumstance can we cash cheques. At no time was the president aware of what was happening. Hardly had I arrived when trouble started. (BrE) Seldom have I seen such a remarkable creature. Little did he realize the danger he faced. Never ... was so much owed by so many to so few. (Churchill) Only then did I understand what she meant. Only after her death was I able to appreciate her. Not only did we lose our money, but we were nearly killed. Not a single word did he say. hardly, seldom, rarely, little, never, only, not 이 문두에 오 는 경우

8 4. Inversion with Negative Adverbs (Cont.)
Not Until Until the 19th century the construction of higher buildings did not become possible.  Not until the 19th century did the construction of higher buildings become possible. Until he received her letter, he did not fully understand her feelings.  Not until he received her letter did he fully understand her feelings. Not Until은 Not until절이 아닌 주 절에서 도치가 일 어남 No Sooner ~ than No sooner had they seen the police, than they ran away. = As soon as they saw the police, they ran away. = Hardly had they seen the police, than (or when) they ran away. No sooner will he arrive, than he will want to live. No sooner had she entered the building, than she felt the presence of somebody else. Hardly ~when (than) = as soon as No sooner, Hardly 절은 주로 과거완료 Not far Not long Not far from here you can see foxes. Not far from here can you ... (X) Not long after that she got married. Not far와 not long은 제외 Nor, neither 가 I don’t like opera.  Neither do I. Nor do I.

9 5. Inversion with Subject Complements
Tom was very happy.   Very happy was Tom.  The issue of woman’s suffrage was untouched.  Untouched was the issue of woman’s suffrage. The novelist Charles Dickens was writing in English.  Writing in English was the novelist Charles Dickens. The country’s impressive population growth is basic to any understanding of China.  Basic to any understanding of China is the country’s impressive population growth. be동사 다음에 오는 주격보어 가 문두에 오는 경우, 주어 동사 가 도치 가능

10 6. Inversions with Objects
He built the wonderful house.  The wonderful house he built. (O)  The wonderful house did he build. (X) //긍정문에선 주어와동사 안바뀜 He did not build the house. //부정문  Not the house did he build. He built it.  It he built. (X) // 목적어가 대명사인 경우 도치 안됨 목적어 강조하고 싶을 때 - 긍정문: O+S+V - 부정문: Not+O+조동사 +S+V 목적어가 대명사일 경우 에는 긍정이건 부정이건 도 치 안됨

11 7. Inversion in Question Sentences
I have read the book. Have you read the book? The concert is taking place at the front of city hall. Where is the concert taking place? 조동사, Have, Be동사는 의 문문을 만들때, 주어 앞에 온다 I want to know when he arrived. 의문문이라도 Indirect speech 에서는 도치가 일어나지 않는다. I wonder how reliable was the information I had been given. Indirect speech라도 주어가 길경우 도치가 돨수있다. Isn’t it cold? Hasn’t she got blonde hair? Negative question

12 8. Inversion in Conditional & Reporting Sentences
In Conditional sentence If she were my daughter, I would buy her a sport car.  Were she my daughter, I would buy her a sport car. If I had realized what she intended,…  Had I realized what she intended, … 참고: 가정법에 서 if가 생략시 도 치가 되며, were/had/should + 주어 형태 부정형 문장일 경우 Not은 주어 다음에 옴. Had we not spent all our money already, ... Hadn't we spent ... (X) / Had we not spent (O) If it had not been for Russian Help, the sultan could have lost his throne.  Had it not been for Russian Help, … In Reporting Sentences ‘What do you mean?’ asked Jim. (Or Jim asked) ‘I love you,’ whispered Jim. ‘What do you mean?’ he asked. 인용문에서 주어 가 주격대명사가 아닐경우, 주어/동 사 가 도치가능. 그러나 주어가 대 명사인 경우 도치 가 안일어 남.

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