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영어 Golden Bell 대회에 참여해주신 여러분~

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1 영어 Golden Bell 대회에 참여해주신 여러분~
정말로 감사 드리고 축제의 일환인 만큼 즐거운 마음으로 대회에 참여해주시기 바랍니다. 떨어져도 좋아 ㅎㅎ

2 각 조 13팀중 5팀을 선발합니다. 바로 채점하여 10팀이 리허설을 갖습니다. 결선대회는 7월 16일(화) 오후 3시 이 자리에서 개최됩니다. 최우수 1팀(학교장상, 문상 3장씩) 우수 3팀(학교장상, 문상 2장씩) 장려 5팀(학교장상, 문상 1장씩) 방청객도 맞추면 영어도서를 상품으로 드립니다.

3 총 15문제 중 다득점 순으로 선발합니다. 문제당 2점씩 입니다. 영어로 써야 하며 철자가 틀리면 1점 우리말로 쓰면 1점을 부여합니다. 시간이 부족하다고 해도 퀴즈대회인 만큼 누구나 동일한 시간입니다. 자, 그러면 시작합니다.

4 1. What’s this? 1. I was born on the first day of a year. 2. I have twelve children. 3. I only live one year and die. 4. I tell you what day is today.

5 2. 다음 ___에 공통으로 알맞은 말은 ? 1. What's today's ________? 2. She's a very ________ friend. 3. Nothing _______. 4. I have no ________ reason. 5. The movie was made using a lot of ________ effects.

6 3.다음 단어 앞에 공통적으로 붙일 수 있는 색깔이나 말은?
Collar Monday print chip 그렇습니다. Blue… Blue collar 노동자계층 Blue Monday 우울한 월요일 blue print 청사진 blue chip 우량주, 우량기업 자, 그러면 문제입니다. side going standing spoken rage skirts

7 4. 다음은 함께 사용되는 두 낱말입니다. __에 알맞은 말은 ?
EX 1) cause and _____ cause and effect 원인과 결과 Ex 2) here and ______ here and there 여기저기에 자, 그러면 문제입니다. back and _____

8 5. 우리말처럼 사용되는 실용 영 단어를 알아봅시다.
1. (연예인 등의) 출연료, 보증 개런티    guarantee 2. 비법, 기술정보 노하우 know-how 3. (공식적인) 문서, 서류 다큐멘트  document 그렇다면 문제입니다. 화랑,미술관, 관중, 방청객

9 6. 이번에는 이어 동사를 알아봅시다. 포기하다 give ___ give up (=abandon) 믿다, 의지하다 depend ____ depend on(upon)(=count on) 그렇다면 문제입니다. 실행하다 carry _____

10 7.This color means… 2. It also means desire and love.
1. It is associated with energy, war, danger, power. 2. It also means desire and love. 3. It is the color of fire and bl____. * bl로 시작하는 단어를 쓰시오.

11 8. 날씨와 관련된 속담 표현을 알아봅시다. 예 It rains ____ and _____. = It rains very heavily. It rains cats and dogs. 비가 억수같이 온다. 자, 그러면 문제입니다. Every ____ has a silver lining. Hint) 검은 ____이라도 뒤쪽에는 은빛으로 빛난다. 괴로움의 이면에는 기쁨도 있다.

12 예1. eter tree 2. psoh shop 3 . myifal family 문제입니다. stnrpees
9.These words are about Christmas. But they are scrambled. So unscramble them. * Unscramble ; 제대로 해놓아라 예1. eter tree 2. psoh shop 3 . myifal family 문제입니다. stnrpees

13 10. 동음이의어가 무엇인지 아십니까? 그렇죠? 음은 같게 소리 나는데 뜻은 다른 단어를 말합니다. For example see sea right write 그렇다면 다음 단어의 동음이의어는 무엇입니까? aloud ?

14 Brain Survivor

15 u q n u i e unique 유일한

16 11. 다음 단어는? f s r u o i u

17 12. What Vegetable ? 1. I am sad because people call me ugly. 2. My body is dark yellow in autumn. 3. My flower looks like a big golden bell. 4. My flower is often compared with a girl who is not pretty in Korea.

18 13. What’s this? It is usually located in or near the sea.
This is a very tall building.  It helps boats at sea.  When it is too cloudy to see, a horn blows.  The sound is very important.  It tells boats to stay away from the rocks.

19 14. Anagram quiz? 단어의 순서를 바꾸어 다른 단어로 만들어 보는 퀴즈입니다. 자 .. 연습해볼까요? 1. are ear 2. keen knee 그렇다면 문제입니다. inch?

20 15. 다음 시의 __에 알맞은 말은? My heart Leaps up - William Wordsworth My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky: So was it when my life began, So is it now I am a man, So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die! The c______ is father of the man: And I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety. piety n. 신에 대한 경건한 마음

21 수고하셨습니다. 이제 자리에서 일어나 뒷편에서 서있어 주십시오. 바로 채점에 들어가겠습니다.

22 16. Nonsense Quiz Shall we introduce our family? Father is short and stout. Mother is taller than he. Brother is taller than he. Sister is shorter than he. Baby is growing now. Who is the tallest?

23 17.빈칸에 공통으로 알맞은 말은? 1. population _________s
2. Kennedy is a great political _______ 3. He _______d out his daily sales. 4. She could not _____ out how to do it. 힌트 1. 인구수치, 숫자 2. 인물, 형체 

24 18. Fruit 1. It’s a fruit that was first cultivated in South Asia. *cultivate; 경작하다 2. It was first cultivated in Korea in It’s a fruit with a lot of sugar and vitamin A. 4. If you keep it in the refrigerator it goes bad quicker. 5. Monkeys like it very much.

25 19. What’s this? Everybody has this. But nobody has the same thing.
Not even this of twins are the same.  The ones you have now will be the same when you are sixty years old.  This identifies a person for a lifetime. 

26 20. What am I ? 2. I have no ears but I can hear.
1. I have no mouth but I can talk. 2. I have no ears but I can hear. 3. I have numbers on my body. 4. I let you talk with your friend without going to her. 5. I let you know when your friend calls you.

27 12. What am I? 1. I am a root of a plant. 2. I am round. 3. I have strong but nice smell and taste. 4. I am made of many layers. 5. Usually you can find me on the table of Chinese restaurant.

28 13. What’s this? When this takes off, it goes straight up.
When this lands, it comes straight down.  This needs only a small place for both taking off and landing.  This is sometimes more useful than a big plane. 

29 In Europe from the 8th century to the 12th century.
14. World History This is what we call the Normans who were very active. In Europe from the 8th century to the 12th century. As a group of people who enjoyed adventure they often invaded areas along Europe’s northern and western coasts. Nowadays, their actions are being reevaluated as having had a big influence on Europe during the middle ages. Who are these people?

30 15. What’s this? (two words)
All around the world large cities have the same problem.  Cars are one reason for this.  The factories also cause this.  These factories put a lot of smoke into the air.  It is not easy to clean up the air in these large cities.

31 수고하셨습니다. 이제 자리에서 일어나 뒷편에서 서있어 주십시오. 바로 채점에 들어가겠습니다.

32 16. What is it? It's convenient because you can pay for expensive things in installments. Even if you don't have cash, you can use this to buy things. However, you can spend too much if you use it too often. You're creating a debt  so you have to be careful. What is this that decides a person's credit rating?

33 17. What am I? 1. I like windy days. 2. I have no wings but I can fly. 3. I have ears and a long tail. 4. I am a good friend to children. 5. I am made of paper and bamboo sticks.

34 19. What’s this? People have always been interested in the moon.
But long, long ago, people had no way to find out the moon.  They just looked at it.  Scientists could study the moon through this and they learned many things.  What is this?

35 20. What’s this? This is a device for safety. It has a feature that inflates when there is an accident. It’s inside a car. It’s usually installed on the steering wheel, but it’s also being installed on the passenger’s seat and the sides of the car. It helps protect the driver and passengers in case of an accident.

36 5. 우리말처럼 사용되는 영 단어를 알아봅시다. 예) -틀, 사고방식, -사물을 보는 견해 또는 생각하는 방식 -21세기를 살아가는 우리들에게 새로운 사고방식으로의 전환이 필수적 패러다임(paradigm) 문제입니다. -1+1이 2 이상의 효과를 낼 경우 - 신제품에 유명 상표를 붙여서 판매한다면 선전비용은 절감 _______ 효과 * 우리말로 가능합니다.

37 Brain Survivor

38 furious a. 몹시 화가 난 (=very angry)

39 o a t s i u c c

40 cautious a.조심스러운 n. caution! 주의!

41 자… 그러면 다음주 결선대회 리허설을 시작합니다. 1. 팀 별 1회만 기회가 주어집니다. 2. 문제당 점수가 다를 수도 있습니다. 3. 팀을 소개하는 번호판을 만들어 오십시오.

42 What’s this? Answer : Gum 2. It’s popular with children.
1. It comes in different shapes. 2. It’s popular with children. 3. It originally means a sticky substance that comes from plants. 4. No matter how much you chew it, it stays the same. 5. The idea for this came from seeing children chewing on rubber for fun. Answer : Gum

43 What’s this? People have always been interested in the moon.
But long, long ago, people had no way to find out the moon.  They just looked at it.  Scientists could study the moon through this and they learned many things.  What is this? Answer : telescope

44 Who am I ? Answer : Columbus 2. I tried to find a shortcut to India.
1. Everybody knows me by my name. 2. I tried to find a shortcut to India. 3. I believed the fact that the earth was round. 4. I made a great discovery for human history. 5. I discovered the new land, "America". Answer : Columbus

45 Movie This is an American movie that was made in 1982 and was a big box office success. It was directed by Steven Spielberg. It is a kind of scientific fiction movie. It is a story of friendship between a boy, and girl and an alien from outer-space who was left alone on Earth? What is the title of this movie? Answer : ET

46 I served 4 years in prison for the 1911 '105 people incident'.
Who Am I ? As revenge for the death  of 민비, I killed a Japanese officer and was  sentenced to death.   However, a messenger  from Kojong (고종) got my sentence  reduced. *sentence; 법의 집행, 선고 I served 4 years in prison for  the 1911 '105 people  incident'. I was  one of the main  leaders of the  independence movement in Korea. I was murdered in 1949  by 안두희. I wrote my autobiography “Baekbeom Ilji(Diary).

47 5. What’s this? It would be difficult to imagine life without this.
This has made it possible to talk over great distances.  This has made the world smaller and smaller. It was invented by Grim Bell. Answer : Telephone

48 book 1. This book is published in Sweden. 2. The year in this book is important. 3. The reason is that it is revised every year. 4. Contests are held for people who want to get their names in this book. 5. It has novel facts and records about places, animals and people from all over the world Answer : Guiness Book revise 수정하다 novel(=new) 새로운

49 Who Am I ? 1. I was born in 1906 and died in When I was 30years old, I went to Austria and studied the art of conducting from Johann Straus. 3. I was a conductor and composer as well. 4. I composed 'Korean Fantasy' 5. My music is always sung at every official ceremony. 6. That's because it is our national anthem. 안 익 태

50 Who Am I ? 1. I was born in Seoul in 1899 and died in I founded a children's magazine . 3. And also formed an organization for children called `색동회'. 4. I'm a children's story writer who first suggested that one day a year should be Children's Day. 5. My pen name is 소파. 방 정 환

51 What’s this? About 3,500 years ago, the root of this was first made by the Semites.  They invented 22 sound symbols.  Before long, the Phoenicians also began to use the same symbols.  They lived near the Semites.  They were sea merchants who sailed to many parts of the world.  As a result, they spread this writing system to people of other nations. Answer : Alphabet

52 Who Am I ? 1. I was a painter of the late Choson Dynasty era. 2. I broke from the traditional Chinese style scenery painting and painted the many mountains and rivers in Korea. 3. I was different from the painter 신윤복 who painted scenes from the lives of the aristocracy. *aristocracy 귀족 4. I painted mainly peasants at work. * peasant 시골사람 5. My pen-name is 단원. 김 홍 도 Which is his painting? Right, Right!

53 Who Am I ? 1. I was a scholar in mid-term of Choson Dynasty. 2. I wrote a lot of books about innovation of politics. 3. I suggested to the king, “Let's train 100,000 soldiers against Japanese invasion." 4. Do you know my mother's name? 5. Thank you very much. She is now the model of Korean women. 6. What books did I write about politics? 7. There are '성학집요‘ and '동호문답’

54 Flower If you made paper flowers when you were a child, you must have made one of these. It's a flower that is easy to make and use. The price of this flower usually increases tremendously in April and May. The month of May is the busiest time for people who grow this flower. Originally, an American woman in the early 20th century gave white ones to other ladies when they were leaving church, in memory of her mother. Every year, people give them to their parents on parent's day. It is the national flower of Spain. Answer : Carnation

55 Grain This originated in America.
When Christopher Columbus discovered the new world in 1492, he brought this plant back to Europe along with tobacco, tomatoes and other items. You will come across this and potatoes if you go to Kangwon province. People eat it after boiling if or roasting it, and it can also be used to make liquor, snacks and oil. It has been included in the aid that has been recently sent to North Korea. There's a nursery rhyme that says eating this looks like playing a harmonica. What is it? Answer : corn 

56 common sense In 1966 there was a tailor who was really busy with orders from his many customers. In his haste he mistook an for an 8 for a 3 and cut the clothing too short. Of course, the customer got angry. But when the tailor saw the customer's legs he got a good idea. He made the clothing even shorter  and it became a popular clothing for women. It has something to do with dieting. What is this piece of clothing? Answer : Miniskirt

57 What color is this ? 1. It produces a warming effect. 2. It is the color of sunshine. 3. In Europe it means coward and hope. *cowardice 소심, 비겁 coward:겁쟁이 4. It is associated with joy, happiness, and energy.

58 What color is this ? 1. It is the color of cleanness and nature. 2. It also means sa____ safety 3. It is associated with g_____, cleanness, f_______. growth, freshness

59 Where is this nice place out of Cheongju? Answer : Hwayangdong Valley
1. It will take about 1 hour from Cheongju by car. 2. There are many historic remains related to the great Confucian scholar in the Chosun Dynasty. 3. This consists of 9 most beautiful scenery including ‘Haksodae’ 4. This valley is the place of scenic beauty spread up in both sides along ‘Hwayangcheon’ Stream. 5. Especially this is the place where Uam Song Si-yeol lived in retirement in his old times. Answer : Hwayangdong Valley

60 Sangdang Mountain Fortress

61 Where is it ? Answer : 상당산성
1. It will take 1hour 40minutes walk to enjoy this place as climbing course. 2. Its length is 4.2 kilometers. 3. It is a typical valley-surrounding fortress. 4. There are 3 big gates(East-West-South gates). 5. This Fortress was constructed in 1596, namely in the midst of Hideyosi’s invasion of Korea. 6. On the ‘Citizen’s day of April every year, people enjoy ‘ fortress-stepping festival’, praying for the development of our city. Answer : 상당산성

62 Sangdang Mountain Fortress

63 2. Who is this person? Answer : Shakespeare
This person was born in Stratford-on-Avon on April 16, 1564.  For a few years He studied at a school near home.  He moved to London when he was still young.  By the age of 35, he was already a well-known writer.  He was a genius.  He had many ideas about life and he had a wonderful way with words.  He wrote many famous plays like Macbeth, A midsummer Night's Dream. Answer : Shakespeare

64 Answer : vending machine(자동 판매기)
1) Someone said that this is a salesman that works for 24 hours a day and doesn't sleep a wink. 2) It's a machine that's smart enough to tell the difference between coins an slugs. 3) You can buy things without saying a word. 4) You can often see them in public places. 5) From this you can buy coffee, beverages, ramyun etc. Answer :  vending machine(자동 판매기)

65 Answer : Cinderella Who am I ?
My mother died when I was young, so I had to live with my step mother and sister, and they mistreated me. However, my life changed 180 degrees when a fairy and prince came into my life. A lot of people say my name these days because a TV drama has been named after me. My name is also used to describe a psychological condition when a woman doesn't have the confidence to become independent, so she waits for a man to come along and change her life. This condition is named after the star cartoon character in an animated film and is called... complex. Answer : Cinderella 

66 Organization(단체는?) 1.This is an organization that now located in France. 2. It was established to solve various crimes in places all over the world and to exchange information. 3.Police from many countries ask this organization for help in preventing crime. Ans : Interpole

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