표현 정리 구문 정리.

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1 표현 정리 구문 정리

2 『allow + 목적어 + 목적보어(to부정사)』
교과서 p. 15 We Call It Friendship A friend is someone who knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still gently allows you to grow. ─ William Shakespeare What are friends for? What makes a good friends? How do you define friendship? There may be different definitions of friendship, but it is hard to deny that a true friend can brighten up your day. The following two stories are about the beauty of friendship. 동사의 병렬구조 의문사가 이끄는 명사절 → 목적어 역할 의문사가 이끄는 명사절 → 목적어 역할 『allow + 목적어 + 목적보어(to부정사)』 v. 정의하다, 규정하다 가주어 진주어 명사절(목적어 역할)을 이끄는 접속사

3 교과서 p. 16 Mirae’s Story Whenever it was time to get ready for a new school year, I was nervous about making new friends. I tried to make some friends in my first year of high school, but it wasn’t easy because I cannot hear or speak. In order to communicate, I need someone to speak sign language or use writing. As not many people would do that, I was usually alone at school. 복합관계부사 (= at any time when) ~을 준비하다 try to ~: ~하는 것을 노력하다 cf. try + -ing: 시험 삼아 해보다 ~하기 위해 to부정사 형용사적 용법 to speak과 병렬(to 생략) 이유 접속사 → ~때문에

4 교과서 p. 16 My second year in high school was somewhat different though. It all started when Minju sat next to me on the first day of school. My heard leapt when she asked if she could sit next to me because everyone had told me about her kindness. Instead of judging me by my disability, she accepted me for who I was. And just like that, we became the best friends in our school. Thanks to her, I became more open-minded adv. 약간, 다소 adv. 그러나, 하지만 ~의 옆에 명사절을 이끄는 if → ask의 목적어 역할 『had + p.p』 → 과거완료 ~대신에 n. 장애 accept A for B: A를 B로 받아들이다 의문사가 이끄는 명사절 → 전치사의 목적어 역할 마음이 열린

5 조건 부사절에서는 현재시제가 미래시제를 대신함
교과서 p. 16 and made some other close friends. Then one day, Minju gave me a note. It said, “If we learn how to use sign language, we will be able to talk with each other! Why don’t you teach us?” I was shocked and deeply touched because it was the first time someone other than the people in my family wanted to learn my way of communication. 친구를 사귀다 = a note 조건 부사절에서는 현재시제가 미래시제를 대신함 n. 수화 감정을 나타내는 분사형용사 → 감정을 느끼는 대상이 주어이므로 과거분사 사이에 관계부사 when 생략 ~을 제외하고

6 교과서 p. 17 Since learning sign language takes a long time, I started by teaching my friends fingerspelling, the hand representation of Hangeul. Then, a miracle happened. More and more of my classmates started using fingerspelling to talk to me. Getting to know and communicating with a broader range of classmates was a thrilling experience. Of course, there were some difficulties, ~ 때문에 동명사 주어는 단수 취급하므로 동사의 단수형 n. 지화 n. 묘사, 표현 비교급 and 비교급 → 점점 더 ~한 to부정사 부사적 용법 알게 되다, 알아 가다 getting과 병렬 다양한, 폭넓은 a. 황홀한, 흥분 되는

7 = Because I knew this must have taken ~
교과서 p. 17 especially because I couldn’t understand when more than two people were talking at the same time. But it must have been hard for my classmates to communicate with me, too. So I was more than grateful. As it turned out, my friends had been secretly teaching the whole class fingerspelling whenever they had the chance. Knowing this must have taken a long time and a lot of effort, I asked them one day, “Why did you adv.특히 동시에 가주어 『must + have + p.p』 → ~했음에 틀림없다 (과거의 추측) 진주어 a. 감사하는 나중에 알고 보니 과거완료 진행형 복합관계부사 (= at any time when) = Because I knew this must have taken ~

8 선행사를 포함한 관계대명사 what (=the thing that)
교과서 p. 17 spend so much time learning and teaching fingerspelling?” I can still remember what Minju said. She said, “In fifth grade, I had to be in a wheelchair for a whole year after a car accident. Back then, my friends pushed the chair for me, hung out with me, and never found it embarrassing to be with me. That’s what friends are for, Mirae. They stay together and have fun whatever may happen. 『spend + time + -ing』 learning과 병렬 선행사를 포함한 관계대명사 what (=the thing that) 그 당시에 동사의 병렬구조 ~와 시간을 보내다 가목적어 진목적어 선행사를 포함한 관계대명사 what 복합관계대명사 (= no matter what)

9 교과서 p. 18 Jenny’s Story “Will you be my date for homecoming?” When one of my best friends Alan asked me this question, it didn’t take me more than a second to say, “Yes!” The night turned out to be great as I expected. We had so much fun, dancing and enjoying each other’s company. Alan was even more excited than I was, introducing me to all his friends. Walking me home, he told me it was his first time at a school dance, and he felt like 홈커밍 (미국의 고등학교에서 열리는 비격식적인 댄스파티) 가주어 진주어 접속사 → ~대로 서로 함께 있음을 즐기다 비교급 강조 감정을 느끼는 대상이 주어 → 과거분사형 형용사 사용 = I was (excited) =While he was walking me home

10 교과서 p. 18 any other student. Listening to this broke my heart since I was one of the bullies who had given him a hard time. I am deeply ashamed of this, but until last year, I foolishly had made fun of students with disabilities. I thought there was nothing to learn from them, and I was afraid that my friends would turn against me if I talked to an intellectually challenged boy. So, when I first saw Alan last year in the school it was ~ student까지 앞 문장 전체 ~의 마음을 아프게 하다 괴롭히는 사람 주격관계대명사 감정을 느끼는 대상이 주어이므로 과거분사형 형용사 과거완료 ~을 놀리다, 비웃다 to 부정사 형용사적 용법 = students with disabilities ~에게 등을 돌리다 지적장애가 있는

11 교과서 pp cafeteria and he asked if he could sit next to me, I made fun of him. The people around us laughed so much that he ran away. The next time I saw Alan was at a Special Olympics Unified basketball match. Since my teacher knew that I had bullied some classmates, she told me to participate in the program. Although I didn’t like the idea, I promised that I would give it a try. It felt awkward at first, but Alan made me feel comfortable n. 구내식당 if가 이끄는 명사절 → ask의 목적어 역할 『so + 형용사/부사 + that절』 → 너무 ~해서 ~하다 관계부사 when 생략 ~ 때문에 과거완료 참가하다 (=take part in) 시도해보다 (=give it a shot) 2형식 동사 + 형용사

12 impressed가 아닌 impressive 사용
by asking me how I was and handing me water whenever I looked tired. During the game, Alan’s moves were so impressive that I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Everyone cheered as he made a basket. I felt terrible that I had looked down on him. So I apologized after the game. We have become very close since then. As it turned out, Alan loves hiphop just like me. When we listen to music together, he dances with 의문사가 이끄는 명사절 asking과 병렬 (by 생략) 복합관계부사 (= at anytime when) 감정을 유발하는 대상이 주어이므로 impressed가 아닌 impressive 사용 (농구 경기에서) 슛을 넣다, 득점하다 과거완료 ~를 얕보다, 무시하다 나중에 알고 보니

13 시간 부사절에서는 현재시제가 미래시제를 대신함
교과서 p. 19 such freedom that I can’t help myself from joining him. Alan shows his emotions in the most honest way. Being with him has taught me how to be true to myself whatever other people may think of me. Now, we are planning to participate in the school talent show. I will sing and Alan will dance to our favorite hiphop music. When we are together, we will shine as one. 『such + (a) + 명사 + that』 → ~해서 ~하다 ~하지 않을 수 없다 매우 솔직한 방법으로 동명사 주어이므로 동사의 단수형 복합관계대명사 (= no matter what) 참가하다 (=take part in) 시간 부사절에서는 현재시제가 미래시제를 대신함


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