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참여수업 계획안- Level1 Book3 ‘Where is the Fly?’

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Presentation on theme: "참여수업 계획안- Level1 Book3 ‘Where is the Fly?’"— Presentation transcript:

1 참여수업 계획안- Level1 Book3 ‘Where is the Fly?’
Objective My Body Key words Eyes, mouth, ears, nose, neck, arms, bottom, legs Key sentence Where is the fly? My ______! Don’t tickle me!/ Material Big Book or Hybrid CD, 포스트 잇, 파리 붓 교구, 안대 2, 미니 선풍기, 교사용 material(L1-B5), 동물 옷, ‘Pom, pom popper!’, CD Player. Contents Warm up Building Background Knowledge Greeting: Weather Post it Sensory bottle Story Story telling : L1 B3 ‘Where is the fly?’ - 교사 빅북 활용 Animation Playing Big book Hybrid CD 교구재 미니 북 카드 Word Key words Matching Word Beat 시연 Word Game 원 그림카드 미니선풍기 안대 붓 파리 Activity 문장 완성 my ______! Don’t’ tickle me! :동물 캐릭터의 옷을 있고 ‘pom pom popper’ 의 파리를 쏘아 문장완성 게임을 진행 한다. 동물 옷 ‘Pom - pom popper’ Wrap-up Musical Story – ‘Where is the fly? Good bye song

2 참여수업 계획안- - Level1. Book3 ‘Where is the Fly?’
Objective My Body Key words Eyes, mouth, ears, nose, neck, arms, bottom, legs, muscles, bones, brain, heart, lung, stomach Key sentence Where is the fly? My ______! Don’t tickle me!/ In my body, there are muscles, bones, brain, heart, lung and stomach. Material Big Book or Hybrid CD, POST IT, 파리 붓 교구, CD player, 미니 선풍기, 교사용 material(L1-B5), 골프 교구 Warm up Brainstorming (교사는 잠시 뒤 돌아 사진의 예제처럼 신체 다양한 부위에 포스트 잇을 붙인다. – 보조교사 혹은 담임교사의 도움) T: 헴롬, 프렘~~ Woo, I want to say ‘Hello’ to my friends but I can’t. Can you help me? Please take off the paper on my mouth. (어린이 한 명이 나와 입에 붙은 종이를 떼어 준다.) T: Thank you. Now, I can say ‘Hello’. Hello! Ss: Hello! T: Hmm? Is someone missing today? Hello, kids!(손을 귀로 가져간다) Ss: Hello, teacher! T: I want see my beautiful friends but I can’t! Can you help me? Please take off the papers on my eyes! (어린이 한 명이 나와 두 눈에 붙어있는 종이를 떼어준다.) T: Thank you! Now, I can see my lovely class. T: (교사는 코를 찡긋 거리며 코에 붙어있는 종이 때문에 간지러운 듯 표정을 지어본다.) A~choo! Something on my nose, too. Can you take off the paper? (어린이 한 명이 나와 코에 붙은 포스트잇을 떼어준다.) T: Thank you so much! (이때, 뒤돌아가는 어린이의 다리에 포스트잇을 붙여준다.) Oops! What’s on your leg, Suzy? Where is Suzy’s family? Can you take off the paper on Suzy’s leg? (어린이의 가족이 다리에 붙어있는 포스트잇을 떼어준다.) T: Okay, repeat after me! Eyes, eyes, eyes, to read a book by. Ss: Eyes, eyes, eyes, to read a book by. T: Nose, nose, nose. To breathe in and out. Ss: Nose, nose, nose. To breathe in and out. T: Mouth, mouth, mouth, to say this and that. Ss: Mouth, mouth, mouth, to say this and that. T: Ears, ears, ears, to listen to songs. Ss: Ears, ears, ears, to listen to songs.

3 Warm up Story T: Can you sing this? Let’s sing it together!
Eyes, eyes, eyes, to read a book by. Nose, nose, nose. To breathe in and out. Mouth, mouth, mouth, to say this and that. Ears, ears, ears, to listen to songs. T: Good job! Now, everyone. Look! Look, look at the window!(손유희와 함께) Ss: Look! Look, look at the window! (손유희와 함께) (교사는 자리에서 일어나 창 밖을 본다. 이때, 교사의 엉덩이에 눈에 띌만한 우 스꽝 스러운 종이조각 등이 붙어있고 아이들은 소근거린다.) T: What did you say? On my where? Oh, my bottom! I’m sorry! Can you take off the paper? (어린이가 나와 마지막 종이를 떼어 준다.) Thank you! Greeting – Days of the week - Weather : Sensory bottle T: Okay, Now is time you to say how is the weather today? Here I have some bottles and it show the weather. (교사는 weather bottle을 보여주며 말한다.) Sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, windy! T: How is the weather today? Who can do it? Ss: I can do it! T: Okay, Dylan! Come on out please. And tell me how is the weather using these bottles. (어린이는 Weather bottle을 활용하며 날씨를 표현해 본다.) Ss: It is sunny today. T: 잘행다는 의미로 잘(짝!) 했(짝!) 다(짝!) Good job! Good job! Gooooood job! Story Story telling : L1 B3 ‘Where is the fly?’ - 교사 빅북 활용 ( 교구재와 미니북카드 활용) (교사는 첨부하는 영상을 참고로 하여 스토리 텔링한다.) T: Okay did you enjoy the story? Great, let’s watch the story by playing animation. Dance your fingers up! Dance your fingers down. Dance your fingers to the side. Dance them all around! Dance them on your head. Dance them on your shoulders. Dance them on your tummy. And put them on to back! And show me your butterfly arms. 텔링을 마친 후 하이브리드 CD나 영상펜을 활용하여 Story animation을 재생 Animation Playing (Optional)

4 Word Key words Matching – 미니 선풍기 활용(동그란 단어카드를 미니선풍기에 부착) T: (교사는 단어카드를 나란히 보드 위에 붙이며 단어를 소개한다.) Repeat after me. eyes/ mouth/ ears/ nose/ neck/ legs/ arms/ bottom Ss: eyes/ mouth/ ears/ nose/ neck/ legs/ arms/ bottom T: Good job. Guess what? This mini fan has the words. While the fan is spinning guess what word it is. Are you ready? Ss: Yes I am. T: Guess what? (선풍기를 동작시켜 퀴즈를 낸다.) who can do it? Ss: I can do it! T: Alright, Julie. What is it? Ss: It is arms! T: Okay, let’s check this out! Julie, say stop! S1: Stop! T: Wow, it is arms! Excellent! (이러한 방식으로 3명 정도 기회를 준다.) Word Beat T: Alright! I think you ready to do the word beat! Are you ready? Ss: Yes I am! T: ‘Word beat’ start! ( Word Beat에 맞추어 단어별 동작을 함께 활동한다.) Word Game 문장 완성 <my ______! > (교사는 준비 해 놓은 파리 교구와 예쁜 안대를 준비 해 활용한다.) T: Wang~ Oh, what sound is it? Wang!~ Ah, what sound is it? (파리는 교사의 코 위에 앉는다.) 간질간질 !Tickle, tickle! Tickle! Oh, it’s a fly! My nose! Don’t’ tickle me! (문장 완성을 하면서)

5 Word Activity Game - 문장 완성 my ______! Don’t’ tickle me! ‘pom pom popper’ 안의 파리를 동물 캐릭터 옷을 입은 가족(친구)에게 쏘아 맞춘다. 가족(친구)에 몸에 붙은 파리폼폼이를 떼어주면서 문장완성 활동을 해 본다. ( - 교구 제작법) T: Let’s play ‘pom pom popper’! Inside of the popper there are flies. Once you pop the fly, it will flying to the animal friends. Then you need to find out where is the fly. And say the sentence what he needs to say. Just like this. (교사가 pom pom을 쏘아 시연을 보여준다.) Where is the fly? And what she needs to say? Reap after me! ‘My arms! Don’t tickle me!’ Ss: My arms! Don’t tickle me! T: Very good! My arms! Don’t tickle me! 문장 완성을 시연한다.) (이와 같은 방법으로 가족 or 친구들 3쌍씩 나와 활동 해 본다.) T: Alright, Who wants to play? Two of you will come out and wear these ‘eye -pad’. To guess where is the fly? Who can do it? Ss: I can do it! T: Okay, Annie and Luke. Sit down and ’Rock! Scissors! Paper!’ (진 사람 안대착용) Any, you wear the eye-pad first. Luke tickle any. Are you ready? Luke:’ Yes! T: While Luke tickles Annie, Why don’t we make the fly sounds? Ready go! Ss: Wang~~ Wang~~ T: 그대로 멈춰 stop! Any, where is the fly? Any: My, ears. (안대를 벗고 문장완성을 하며) T: Luke, was the fly on Annie's ears? Luke: Yes! T: Well done, Annie! Now, let’s take turns. (이러한 패턴으로 2그룹이 앞으로 나와 활동 해 본다.)

6 Warm-up T: Okay, Did you enjoy the class today? Ss: Yes.
T: Great! Now its time to say good bye. Why don’t we sing the ‘Where is the fly’ story to warp up the class. Are you ready? Ss: Yes, I am. (어린이와 함께 뮤지컬스토리 ‘Where is the fly’를 부르며 시간을 마무리 한다.)





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