Understanding and Using

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1 Understanding and Using
English Grammar Ch 17. Adverbs 정샘 영어 Academy

2 Context Adverb & Adverb Particles 형용사를 부사로 부사 vs. 전치사
Positions of Adverbs 부사의 종류: 일반부사, 의문부사, 관계부사, 복합관계부사, 접속부사 주의해야 할 부사 : Yet, Already, Still, Ever, and Anymore 주의해야 할 부사: 강조의 부사: very, too, such, so, this, that 주의해야 할 부사 : 기타

3 1. Adverb & Adverb Particles
// 부사의 역할 He completely forgot my birthday. // 부사 + 동사 They were talking very quietly. // 부사 + 부사 It's terribly cold today. // 부사 + 형용사 This steak is very badly cooked. // 부사 + 형용사(과거분사) Jim left shortly before 9:00 AM. // 구 수식 I arrived long after the party began. // 절 수식 Usually, the shop opens 9:00 to 5:00 PM. // 문장 수식 부사란? : 부사는 명사를 제외한 동사,형 용사 또는 다른 부사를 수식하 며, 또한, 구,절, 문장을 수식해 서, 시간, 장소, 방법, 빈도(량), 정도, 강조등의 부가적인 정보 를 제공하는 단어 ( a word which describes or adds to the meaning of a verb, adjective or another adverb) // 부사란 주로 how 에 대한 답 Jim speaks English fluently. ( How does she speak English? ) Anna drinks too much coffee. (How much coffee does she drink? ) She listened to him carefully. (How did she listen to him?) 부사란 주로 how 에 대한 답 // 부사의 종류 1) 일반부사(단순부사): 동사,형용사, 부사, 또는 문장저체를 수식하는 부사 2) 의문부사: 시간,장소,이유,방법에 대한 의문사: when, where, why, how, 3) 관계부사: 의문사가 이끄는 절이 문장내에서 명사절, 형용사절, 부사절 역할을 하면 서 시간,장소,이유,방법에 대한 정보를 제공할때: when, where, why, how, that 4) 복합관계부사: 의문사가 이끄는 절이 명사절, 부사절 역할을 하는 경우: Whenever, wherever, however 5) 접속부사: 접속사 와 부사의 역할을 동시에 하는 단어 ex) however, therefore

4 2. 부사 vs. 전치사 // preposition (전치사) I ran down the road.
He's in his office. Something's climbing up my leg. // adverb (particles) Please sit down. You can go in. She's not up yet. adverb particle vs. preposition - down, in, up 같은 단어는 전치사 로서 목적어를 가진다. - down, in, up 같은 단어가 목적어 를 가지지 않는 경우 전치사가 아닌 부사로서 기능 // 동사구(phrasal verbs) Break down, Put off, Give up // 부사구(adverb particle with be) Why are all the light off? The game will be over by 2:00 PM. I’m glad you are back. Phrasal verbs - adverb particle 는 동사와 결합해 서 동사구를 이루며, 이 경우 완전히 다른 의미를 가지는 경우가 많다 adverb particle with be - 부사구(adverb particle)가 be동사 와 결합하면 형용사역할을 하며, be 동사의 보어가 된다.

5 3. 형용사를 부사로 Large  largely Kind  kindly Common  commonly
Heavy  heavily Lucky  luckily Happy  happily y + ly = ily Full  fully Dull  dully ll + y True  truly Due  duly e + ly = ly

6 4. 부사의 종류 (Types of Adverb): 1) 일반부사
recently, lately, previously, once, presently, later, afterwards 시간부사 forward(s), outward, aside, right, there, here, around, far, up, back, away 장소부사 (방향, 위치) badly, well, safely, kindly, hard, quietly, superficially, earnestly He look at me superficially. = He look superficially at me. 방법부사 - 주로 how에 대한 답 occasionally, normally, regularly, always, frequently, annually, often, sometimes never, hardly, scarcely, rarely, barely, seldom // 부정형 빈도 entirely, very, much, enough, entirely, deeply, extremely, greatly //정도부사 빈도 / 정도 부사 pretty, almost, even, just, only, nearly, very, much, too, almost, nearly, all but: all almost (X), almost all (O) 강조부사 - 주로 수식하는 단어 앞 에 옴 아마 probably, supposedly 분명히 certainly, surely, undoubtedly 보기에 apparently, seemingly, 대게 mostly, normally 들리는 바에 의하면 reportedly, allegedly 기타 regrettably, actually, (un)fortunately 문장부사

7 4. 부사의 종류 (Types of Adverb) (Cont.): 2) 의문부사
When 의문문(의문부사): When did you meet him? 간접의문문(명사절, 관계부사): Do you know when Jim left the hotel? 장소, 시간, 이유, 방법 을 묻 는 관계사가 의문문에 사용되 면 이를 이문부사라 하고, 명사 절, 부사절, 간접의문문을 만드 는 경우 이를 관계부사라 함. Where 의문문(의문부사): Where did you go yesterday? 간접의문문(명사절, 관계부사): Do you know where Jim went yesterday? who, whom, whose, which, what이 의문문에 사용되면 의 문대명사 라고 하며, 형용사절, 명사절, 간접의문문을 이끄는 경우 관계대명사라고 함. How 의문문(의문부사): How did you get there? 간접의문문(명사절 , 관계부사): Do you know how Jim solve the problem? Why 의문문(의문부사): Why did you go there? 간접의문문(명사절 , 관계부사): Do you know why Jim went there?

8 4. 부사의 종류 (Types of Adverb) (Cont..) : 3) 관계부사
선행사 주격 비고 시간: day, month, year, time, times When 명사절 형용사절 부사절 명사절: I don’t know where Anna lives. 형용사절: Do you know the time? + He is going to start at that time.  Do you know the time at which he is going to start? // 형용사젏  Do you know the time when he is going to start?// 형용사젏  Do you know the time that he is going to start? // 형용사절  Do you know when he is going to start?  // 명사절 부사절: When I was a child, I could speak Chinese. 장소: Building, Place, where = a place in/at/on/through which 명사절: I don’t know where I am now. 형용사절: I'm looking for a place where I can live. (O) = I’m looking for Ø where I can live. (O)  // 명사절 = I'm looking for a place where I can live in. (X) // where = in which = I'm looking for a place in which I can live. (O) = I'm looking for a place which I can live in. (O) = I'm looking for a place that I can live. (O) //선행사가 place이면전치사생 략가능 = I'm looking for a place that I can live in. (O) = I'm looking for a place Ø I can live. (O) // 관계사 생략 가능 이유: Why = for which = that 명사절: This is why he doesn’t want to go with us. 형용사절: Do you know the reason why she doesn't like me? = Do you know the reason for which she doesn’t like me? = Do you know the reason that she doesn’t like me? // = Do you know the reason Ø she doesn’t like me? // informal 방법: How 명사절: I don’t know how to use it. 형용사절: This is the way how they made it possible.

9 4. 부사의 종류 (Types of Adverb) (Cont..): 4) 복합관계부사
선행사 주격 소유격 목적격 비고 Ø Whenever 부사절: = at any time when (언제든지), every time (매번, ~ 할때마다) Whenever he sees me, he says hi. = Every timer he sees me, he says hi. You can use my car whenever you need. Wherever 부사절: = No matter where(비록, 아무리 어디에(를) ~할/일지라도) Wherever you may go, you should take care of your family. (네가 어디를 가 더라도 ~) = Go where you may, you should take care of your family. = No matter where you may go, you should take care of your family. 부사절: = Any place where(어디든지) Go wherever you like. = Go anyplace where you like. However 부사절: = No matter how (아무리 ~ 하든/이든 간에 ) However a clever boy you may be, you can't solve the problem. (×) However clever a boy you may be, you can't solve the problem. (○) 접속부사: = but We have not found him yet; however, we shall keep trying. Whether 명사절: = if (인지 아닌지를 ) I don’t know whether she likes roses (or not). 부사절: = if (이든 아니든 간에) I will go swimming whether the weather is cold or not.

10 4. 부사의 종류 (Types of Adverb) (Cont…): 5) 접속부사
1) 동격 접속 부사 : namely, that is, in other words  접속부사 - 품사는 부사, 의미는 접속사 2) 결과: accordingly, consequently, therefore, hence, thus, so, concurrently 3) 부가: besides, also(문장 처음과 중간에 온다. 문미에 올 수 없다.), moreover              likewise(마찬가지로), in addition 4) 대조: nevertheless, yet, still, however, though 5) 조건: otherwise 6) 열거: to conclude, to begin with 7) meantime, meanwhile : 그 동안 // 접속부사 사용 예 I'm starved; besides I'm thirsty. (O) = I'm starved and besides I'm thirsty. (O) = I'm starved. Besides, I'm thirsty. (O) = I'm starved, besides, I'm thirsty. (X) The weather was so cold. Therefore, we stayed home. The weather was so cold. We, therefore, stayed home. The weather was so cold. We stayed home, therefore. It was hot; therefore, we went swim. It was hot; we, therefore, went swim. It was hot; we went swim, therefore. 접속부사는 접속사로서 절 을 연결할 수 있으나, 직접 연결하지 못하고,  2개의 독 립된 문장을  연결하거나, 접 속사 역할을 하는 세미콜론(;) 을 앞에 써야 한다.

11 5. Positions of Adverbs 일반적인 위치
일반적인 위치 I often get headaches. (I get often headaches. (X)) She speaks English well. (She speaks well English. (X)) 부사는 일반적으로 - 동사 앞 - 목적어 다음 Could you switch off the light? //부사위치: 목적어 앞(일반명사) Could you turn it off? //부사위치: 대명사 다 음 phrasal adverb인경우 부사는 동사와 목적어 사 이. 단 목적어가 대명사 면 전치사는 대명사 다음 에 부사의 순 서 She sang beautifully in the town hall last night. Put the butter in the fridge at once. ( at once in the fridge. (X)) Let's go to bed early. ( early to bed. (X)) I worked hard yesterday. 부사는 adverbs of manner, place and time 부사 순으로 장소 시간 방법

12 5. Positions of Adverbs (Cont..): 문두에 오는 경우
However, not everybody agreed. I worked until five o'clock. Then I went home. Next, I want to say something about the future. Suddenly the door opened. however같은 connecting adverb는 문 두에 올 수 있음: then, next, besides, anyway, suddenly, however. Fortunately, she has decided to help us. Stupidly, I forgot my keys. comment adverbs: fortunately, surprisingly, Maybe I'm right and maybe I'm wrong. Perhaps her train is late. Adverbs of certainty: - maybe, perhaps는 문두에 - probably, definitely, certainly는문중앙 Today I'm going to London. In June we went to Cornwall. Yesterday morning something very strange happened. Afterwards we sat round and talked. Soon everything will be different. Every week she has a new hairstyle. 시간부사(Adverbs of time): - today, afterwards, in June, soon, every week - weekly, daily 는 문미 Here comes your bus. Here it comes. (Here comes it. (X)) //진주어가 대명사면 도치 안됨 There's Jim. There goes our train! There she is. (There is she. (X)) 장소부사(Adverbs of place): - There, here 장소의 부사(구)가 문두에 오면 도치 - under ~, along ~ - at ~, on ~, down ~ At the end of the garden stood a very tall tree. On the grass sat an enormous frog. Down came the rain. At no time was the president aware of what was happening. Along the road came a strange procession. Sometimes I think I'd like to live somewhere else. Usually I get up early. 빈도부사:Usually, normally, often, frequently, sometimes, and occasionally 부정형 빈도부사 또는 부정형 부사가 문 두에 오면 도치 Never was he silly Never have we seen her sing a song. Hardly had I arrived when trouble started. (BrE) Only then did I understand what she meant.

13 5. Positions of Adverbs (Cont…): 문 중앙에 오는 경우
My brother completely forgot my birthday. I have never understood her. 문중앙에 오는 경우는 주로 동사와 결 합한 phrasal adverb인 경우 주로 동사 앞에 오는 경우 이를 문 중 앙으로 판단 My boss often travels to America. I've definitely decided to change my job. 빈도부사 와 adverb of certainty 인 경 우 문 중앙에 We all thought she sang very well. Everybody was extremely annoyed with Tom. I'm terribly sorry about last night. I'll see you in the pub just before eight o'clock. He threw the ball almost over the house. I'm really tired today. She walked right past me. 강조하는 부사는 항상 강조하는 단어 앞에 옴:very, extremely, terribly, just (meaning 'exactly' or 'a short time'), almost, really, right. She danced happily into the room. She sang badly in the hall. I don't remember him very well. (very good. (X)) Adverb of manner 는 동사 다음에 옴: happily, terribly, fast, badly, well. It's terribly cold today. // 부사+형용사 This steak is very badly cooked. // 부사+형용사(과거분사) He was madly in love with her. // 부사+부사구 They're playing unusually fast. // 부사+부사 Adverb + 형용사 구조 Adverb + 형용사(과거분사) 구조 Adverb + adverbial phrase Adverb + adverb

14 5. Positions of Adverbs (Cont….): 문미에 오는 경우
I go there occasionally. We see her quite often. I get very depressed sometimes. 빈도부사가 문장의 핵심인 경우 문미 가 능 : usually, normally, often, frequently, sometimes and occasionally 빈도부사는 주로 문중에 She brushed her hair slowly. // manner - how John works really hard. She angrily tore up the letter. I slowly began to feel better again. Manner 부사(how): angrily, happily, fast, slowly, well, badl y, nicely, noisily, quietly, hard, softly. 매너부사가 문장의 핵심이 아닌 경우 – ly 형태의 부사는 문 중앙에 올 수 있음 The children are playing upstairs. I called Jim this morning. Tomorrow I've got a meeting in Seoul. Come and sit here. Don't throw orange peel out of the window. She's sitting at the end of the garden. At the end of the garden there was a very tall tree. // 문두 가능 At the end of the garden stood a very tall tree. // 도치 가능 장소부사(where)는 주로 문미에 : upstairs, around, here, to bed, in Seoul, out of the window. 장소의 부사구가 문장의 핵심이 아닌경 우 문두 가능 I'm going to Seoul today. What did you do afterwards? She has a new hairstyle every week. 시간부사(when): today, afterwards, in June, last year, finally, before, eventually, already, soon, still, last, daily, weekly, every year.

15 6. 주의해야 할 부사 : Yet // 부정문: 아직 ~ 않다 , 아직, 아직까지는,
I haven’t finished it yet. = I still haven’t finished it. As yet, no man has set foot on Mars. // 지금(아직)까지는 누구도 화성에 간적이 없다 Don’t go yet // 아직 가지마. yet: 부정문: 아직 ~ 않다 긍정문: 여전히(=still) - 의문문: 벌써 - have/has + not + PP + yet 주의: yet이 긍정문에서 to 부정사와 함께 쓰이면 부정의 의미: 아직 ~하지 않았다 - has/have + yet + to부정사 = hasn’t PP + yet //긍정문: 아직도, 여전히 (= still) He is yet alive. = He is still alive. // 그는 아직도 살아 있다 He has yet much to do. // 그는 아직도 할 일이 많다 You must study yet harder. // 비교급과 함께: 더욱 더 공부해야 한다 We may win yet. // 조동사와 함께: 그래도(하지만) 이길지도 몰라 //의문문: 벌써(= already), 아직도/지금도 (= still) Is your baby crawling yet? // 벌써 기어 다니냐? Is it raining yet? = Is it still raining? // 지금도(아직도) 비가 오고 있습니까? Have you finished with the paper yet? // 벌써 신문을 다 읽었습니까? = Have you finished with the paper already? (놀라면서) 벌써 신문을 다 읽었습니까? Jim has yet to learn the chapter. // 이직 배우지 못했다 = Jim hasn’t learned the chapter yet. We have yet to decide what to do with the money. = We haven’t decided what to do The new OS is yet to be announced. // 곧(이제) 발표될 것이다(아직 발표되지 않았다) We will win yet. // 곧(이제) 이길 것이다. (아직 이기도 못했다) // 접속사 yet He is rich, yet he is unhappy. = Though he is rich, he is unhappy. 접속사Yet = but - 그럼에도 불구하고 (양보)

16 6. 주의해야 할 부사 : Already, Still, Ever, and Anymore
//긍정문: 항상, 늘 an ever-present danger. // 늘 존재하는 위험 She married the prince and they lived happily ever after. // 내내 행복하게 살았다 It's my best ever score. // 비교급의 강조: 역대 최고의 점수 부사Ever 1) 긍정문: 늘, 항상 2) 의문문: 도대체(의문사와 함께) 3) 의문문 ,부정문,조건문: 어느때고, 한번이라도, 언제든 // 의문문, 부정문, 조건문: 어느 때고/언제든/한번이라도 (= at any time) // 의문문: 도대체 (의문사와 함께) If you're ever in Korea, come and see us. // 조건문: 언제든 한국에 올 경우 Have you ever been to Korea? // 의문문: 한국에 (한번이라도) 가본적 있어요? Why ever did you agree? // 의문사의문문: 도대체 왜 동의 한거야? I'll never ever do that again. // 부정문: 절대로 안 하겠다 We have already written our reports. // 이미, 벌써 Is it 10 o'clock already? // 벌써 (놀람) 부사 Already - 긍정문: 이미 - 의문문: 벌써 //부사 I wrote to them last month and I'm still waiting for a reply. //아직 The weather was cold and wet. Still, we had a good time. //접속부사: 그럼에도 불구하고 //형용사 The kids found it hard to stay still. // 가만히 있기가 힘들었다. // 주의: still은 의미에 땨라 완료형인지 현재형인지 구분 We still haven't solved the main problem. // 아직 = yet I still don't understand the contract. Can you take me through it again? //여전히 He still suffers considerable discomfort from his injury. //아직도, 여전히 부사 Still - 아직, 여전치, 계속해서 - 그럼에도 불구하고(=여전히) 형용사 Still - 고요한, 정지한 He doesn’t live here anymore. I will not smoke anymore. 부사 Anymore - 부정문: 더 이상 ~않다

17 7. 주의해야 할 부사: 강조의 부사: very, too, such, so, this, that
The paper is very long, but you can do it. The paper is too long. You can’t do it. Anna likes music. I like it too. // too = also (또한) very vs. too: ‘매우’ - very와too는 일반 부사와 달리 동사를 수식하지 않고 오직 형용사나 부사만을 수식 - very 는 항상 긍정 - too는 항상 부정적 결과 He is very rich. // 원급강조: very + 형 He speaks very slowly. // 원급강조 very + 부사 I am much afraid of dogs. // much + a-로 수직하는 형용사 He doesn’t talk much. // 동사강조: 동사 + much It doesn’t much matter. // 동사강조: much + 동사 very vs. much: ‘매우’ - very + 원급 형/부사수식 - the,소유격 + very + 최상급: best, first, next, last 등을 수식 - very + 현재분사 - much + 동사 - much + 비교급/최상급 - much + 과거분사 주의: delighted, disappointed, excited, frightened, pleased, satisfied, surprised, worrid 따위처럼 정신 상태/ 감정상태를 나타내는 단어는 과거분사 지만 much대신 very를 사용가능 주의: tired처럼 완전히 형용사화된 과 거분사는 very로 수식 주의: a-로 시작되는 형용사 afraid, alone, awake, aware, alike 는 much로 수식 Anna is much taller than Tom. // 비교급 강조 Anna is very taller than I am. (X) // 비교급에서 very 못사용 She is the very first customer to visit my shop. // 최상급 강조 This is your very last chance. // This is a very interesting book. // very + 현분 He is much delighted // much + 과분 I am very tired. // very+완전형용사화된 PP He is very delighted. // very + 정신/감정상태 PP도 가능 The car is much damaged. // 서술용법일 경우 much 사용 a very damaged car // 주의: 한정용법일 경우 very사용 17 17

18 7. 주의해야 할 부사: 강조의 부사: very, too, such, so, this, that
Jim made Anna this crazy. // this = 이정도로, 이토록 I don’t think she is that stupid. // that = 그정도로, 그만큼 this vs. that - this+형: 이토록 - that+형: 그만큼 It was such an interesting book (that) I couldn’t put it down. (O) It was such cold weather that we stayed home. such vs. so: 너무나 - such + a + 형 + 단명 - such + 형 + 복명 - so +형/부사 + that - so +수량형 + 명사 + that - so + 형 + a + 단명 주의: such 다음에는 수량 형용사 가 올 수 없으며, 반드시 ‘형+명사’ 가 옴 주의: so는 수량형용사없이 불가 산 명사와 결합 불가 I was so hungry (that) I couldn’t wait for my friend. //so+형용사 He walked so quickly that I could not follow him up. //so+부사 She made so many mistakes that she failed the exam.//so+수량형 용사+명사 She has so much money that she can afford anything.//so+수량형 용사+명사 It was so interesting a book that he couldn’t put it down. (o) 18 18

19 7. 주의해야 할 부사: Adverb or Adjectives?
She gave me a friendly smile. (O) // friendly는 형용사 She smiled friendly. ( X) // friendly는 부사 자체가 존재하지 않 음 He gave a silly laugh. (O) He laughed silly. (X) // silly라는 부사 없음 Her singing was lovely. // lovely는 형용사 -ly 로 끝나는 형용사: costly, cowardly, deadly, friendly, likely, lively, lonely, lovely, silly, ugly, unlikely. It's a daily paper. // 형용사 It comes out daily.// 부사 I took an early train. // 형용사(이른) I got up early // 부사 (일찍) Far 먼/ 멀리 near 가까운/ 가까이 high 높은/ 높게 Long 오랜/ 오래 fast 빠른 / 빨리 late 늦은 / 늦게 형용사 와 부사가 같은 폼인경 우: Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, early and leisurely I had a late dinner yesterday. // late 형용사: ‘늦은’ I arrived late for the train // late 부사: ‘늦게,늦게까지, 지각하여’ I arrived lately. (X) // lately 부사로서 최근에, 요즈음 이라는 의미 I haven’t seen Anna lately. Many Indian languages become dead languages. // dead 형용사: ‘죽은’ He’s dead in love with her. // dead 부사: ‘전적으로’ It’s a deadly weapon // deadly 형용사:’치명적인’, I’m deadly tired. // deadly 부사: ‘몹시, 매우 ‘ 부사가 2가지 폼으로 존재하 는 경우: 이 경우 의미가 다름 - late & lately - dead & deadly Go easy! (= Not too fast!) Take it easy! (= Relax!) Easy come, easy go. The plane goes direct from LA to NY without stopping. 50% cheaper - order direct from the factory! To play fair, to fight fair, to hit something fair and square 형용사가 부사적으로 사용되 는 경우 - easy - direct - fair

20 6. 주의해야 할 부사 (Cont.) 형용사 부사 Close (거리, 시간적) 가까운, 친한 (공간) 가까운, 가까이, 짧게, 빽빽하게 Closely 꼭 (닮은), 단단히, 꽉(잠그다), 검소하게 형용사와 스펠링이 같은 부사및 파생된 부사 Hard 단단한, 어려운, 사나운 심히, 세차게, 단단하게 Hardly 거의 ~ 않다 (부정형 빈도부사) High (높이,목표) 높은 높게 Highly (평가,위상,금액) 높게, 매우, 비싸게 Late 늦은, 최근의 late news 늦게, arrive late for the train, go to bed late Lately 최근에 Have you seen her lately? Most 매우/가장 많은 가장 큰 가장 많이, 최대로 What pleased him most? Mostly 대체로,주로 Near (거리,시간적)가까운 가까이 Nearly 거의(=almost) Great 큰, 중요한 잘 Greatly 매우

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