40쪽 6번 목적격 보어 분사 목적어와 목적격보어의 관계가 능동, 진행이면 ________, 수동, 완료이면 ________

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Presentation on theme: "40쪽 6번 목적격 보어 분사 목적어와 목적격보어의 관계가 능동, 진행이면 ________, 수동, 완료이면 ________"— Presentation transcript:

1 40쪽 6번 목적격 보어 분사 목적어와 목적격보어의 관계가 능동, 진행이면 ________, 수동, 완료이면 ________
I saw you (crossing/crossed) the street yesterday. She had her decayed tooth (pulling/pulled) out. You should get the work (doing/done) by tomorrow. Paul kept me (waiting/waited) for forty minutes in the rain)

2 41쪽 A. 주격보어 밑줄 He looked surprised at the news. Freedom is what makes the world a better place. My hope is that this project will motivate everybody. The only way to learn to swim is to jump in the water. Our photography club is to meet at the park at 3 p.m. The children stood singing a song with beautiful voices.

3 41쪽의 B. 어법 판단 I was shocked to find my bag (stealing/stolen)
I heard him (talking/talked) with Janet the other day. Do you want him (make/to make) acting his career? Social networks help people (finding/find) jobs more easily. Don’t let the child (put/to put) his head out of the car window. I couldn’t make myself fully (understanding/understood) in French.

4 41쪽의 C. 문장완성 We had our baggage carried by a porter. The old man stood waving his hat on the platform. I saw the wall covered with the children’s drawings. I have noticed her wear the same clothes day after day. She made me believe that everything is going to be fine. Most schools don’t permit students to use their phones at school.

5 42쪽 Words & Phrases learned invite 3. confidence moon 5. go around Saturn 7. discouraged over and over 9. immediately bill 12. purse

6 42쪽 Words & Phrases 박식한 초대하다, 청하다 3. 신뢰, 자신감 달, 위성 5. 돌다 토성 7. 낙심함 여러 번, 거듭 9. 즉시, 곧바로 청구서, 계산서, 지폐12. 지갑

7 42쪽의 1. A woman was sitting looking out of an airplane window. A learned young man saw her sit there and invited her to play a quiz game. All she would have to do would be to ask and answer questions. Full of confidence, he even suggested that if she couldn’t answer his question, she’d pay $5, but if he couldn’t answer hers, he’d pay $500. The woman became interested in playing and agreed. The man asked, “How many moons go around Saturn?” Discouraged, the woman gave him $5. Then she asked, “What goes up a mountain with three legs and comes down with four?” Though he thought over and over, he couldn’t find the answer and finally paid her $500. “What’s the answer?” he asked her. Immediately, the woman gave him a five-dollar bill from her purse.

8 42쪽의 1. A woman was sitting looking out of an airplane window. A learned young man saw her sit there and invited her to play a quiz game. All (she would have to do) would be to ask and answer questions. Full of confidence, he even suggested that if she couldn’t answer his question, she’d pay $5, but if he couldn’t answer hers, he’d pay $500. The woman became interested in playing and agreed.

9 42쪽의 1. The man asked, “How many moons go around Saturn?” Discouraged, the woman gave him $5. Then she asked, “What goes up a mountain with three legs and comes down with four?” Though he thought over and over, he couldn’t find the answer and finally paid her $500. “What’s the answer?” he asked her. Immediately, the woman gave him a five-dollar bill from her purse.

10 Free Talking with Foreigners~~
한 박식한 젊은 남자가 그녀가 거기에 앉는 것을 보았고 그녀에게 퀴즈 게임을 하자고 청했다. A learned young man saw her sit there and invited her to play a quiz game.

11 숙제 44쪽까지 단어암기 해석 (동사 밑줄) 예습으로 실력을

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