소프트웨어 종합설계 (Software Capstone Design)

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Presentation on theme: "소프트웨어 종합설계 (Software Capstone Design)"— Presentation transcript:

1 소프트웨어 종합설계 (Software Capstone Design)
March, 2017 Jongmoo Choi

2 Introduction What is Capstone Design (종합설계)? Three essentials
Source: Three essentials Open-ended problem: based on SW knowledge learned from courses Collaboration: teamwork, design methodology Communication: presentation, discussion

3 Objective Open problem Design topic: anything each team wants
Need to be related to the recent hot topics such as IoT, Bigdata, Cloud, Deep learning and so on Also need to be based on the courses you’ve already taken in the Department of Software Not recommend to develop an App alone. (Modifying Android framework is welcomed) 2016년 2학기 예

4 Objective Team 3 persons per a team (possibly 2 or 4) Role
Team leader and members Role Team leader: communicate with a professor ( , submit) Team members: need to have his/her own role in team activities Team activities Design and Implementation Presentation and Document Demonstration at exhibition Background knowledge survey Notice Members in the same team may have different grade. Anyone who has his/her own role has a favorable position for good grade

5 Objective Communication Presentations: around 6 times
Team introduction, Brain storming, Design proposal, Progress, Evaluation, Final presentation Documents: 2 times Design report, final report Demonstration: the final exhibition day Poster Fundamental knowledge survey One topic per each team Candidates: IoT, Cloud, Big data, Deep learning, …. Discuss with a professor (or professors) Strongly recommend all members to participate survey presentation

6 Expected Schedule 3/08: Introduction
3/15: Team introduction, Team presentation 3/22: Brain storming (RA), Team presentation, Peer evaluation 3/29: Proposal, Team presentation, Design report 4/05: Individual team meeting  이동 (3/29 또는 4/12 오후) 4/12: Survey 1 4/19: Survey 2 4/26: Survey 3 5/10: Progress, Team presentation 5/17: Invite talk 5/24: Individual team meeting 5/31: Evaluation, Team presentation 6/07: Final presentation with video clip 6/14: Demonstration with Poster 6/15: Final report, Team discussion Notice: 강의 진행에 따라 일정은 조정될 수 있음 Peer review: 6/4/2만원

7 Presentation Requirement
Team introduction Team name, Each member’s characteristics, plan Brain storming Idea proposal, Business Model Canvas Proposal How to design. Based on Design methodology Progress Component test results Evaluation Integrated system test results Final presentation All what you do Notice: include humor slide

8 Expected output Presentations Documents Design results Poster
Submit to before the 6 PM on the previous day of the due day Design results SW, HW, Mockup, … Poster Video clip Demonstration day

9 Evaluation 강의 평가 팀별 평가 개인별 평가
시스템 완성도(20%), 창의성 (15%) Fundamental knowledge survey (15%) Survey는 중간 고사/기말 고사 대치 자료임 (중요) 발표 내용, 보고서 완성도 (10%) 개인별 평가 발표 횟수, 발표 내용 (10%) 질의 응답 (10%) 보고서 기여도 (10%) Team leadership (10%) Notice: 1) 평가 기준은 강의 진행에 따라 변경 가능, 2) 같은 팀이라도 다른 점수를 받을 수 있음

10 Reference 공학설계의 원리와 실제 I부: 공학 설계 프로세스 II부: 설계 도구 III부: 전문가 기술 부록 공학 설계
프로세스 선택 및 필요성 인식 요구사항 명세서 개념 생성 및 평가 II부: 설계 도구 시스템 설계: 기능 분할 시스템 설계: 동적 모델 테스트 시스템 신뢰성 III부: 전문가 기술 팀과 팀워크 프로세스 관리 윤리와 법적인 문제들 프레젠테이션 부록 제안서, 최종 발표 예시

11 To do 다음 수업 준비 사항: 팀 구성 Team introduction PPT 준비
팀 이름: 신중하게 작명 하시고.. (가능하면 설계 주제를 나타낼 수 있도록) 관심 분야: Initial proposal if possible 팀원 소개 컴퓨터 전공 분야 중 관심 있는 것 및 이유 자신이 지금까지 수행한 대표적인 과제 or 작성한 프로그램 미래의 모습 Humor Slide 추가 수업 전날 오후 6시까지 전송

12 Discussion

13 Team up Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Name: Consoler
윤주성 (09), 이윤희(12), 노지혜 (15) Team 2 Name: J.A.R.V.I.S. 전영재(11), 이민권(12), 박병용(12), 서승민(14) Team 3 Name: 김준호 (14), 이제헌 (14)

14 Brain Storming Business Model Canvas
Customer segment: identify which customers it tries to serve (mass market, niche market. Team members) Value proposition: The collection of products and services a business offers (특히 경쟁자와 차별되는) Channels: deliver its value proposition to its targeted customers (direct, distributor, online, …) Customer Relationships: CRM. 예를 들어 after service, 어떻게 소비자를 자신의 고객으로 유지? Important for the survival and success of any businesses. Revenue stream: The way a company makes income from each customer segment. Naver의 revenue는? Android의 revenue는? Key Activities: The most important activities in executing a company's value proposition. Key resource: necessary to create value for the customer. Key Partners: business alliances, in order to optimize operations and reduce risks of a business model (애플과 삼성)  Cost Structure: Fixed Costs, Variable Costs, …

15 Proposal Presentation Report Design topic (설계 주제) Use case (시연 시나리오)
Output (최종 산출물) Design Hardware component Software component Required items Role (멤버의 역할) Milestone (스케줄, 평가항목) Discussion Report Same items Items: 구매 리스트

16 Proposal: Presentation example
Milestone example Items: 구매 리스트

17 Proposal: Presentation example
Milestone example Items: 구매 리스트

18 Proposal: Report example
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