Heavenly Father I appreciate You

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Presentation on theme: "Heavenly Father I appreciate You"— Presentation transcript:

1 Heavenly Father I appreciate You
모든 영광을 하나님께

2 I love You adore You 온 맘과 뜻 다해 I bow down before You 주 사모합니다

3 Heavenly Father I appreciate You
모든 영광을 하나님께

4 Son of God what a wonder You are
예수님 찬양 받으소서

5 You cleansed my soul from sin You set the Holy Ghost within
죄 사했네 You set the Holy Ghost within 우리 위해 성령 주셨네

6 Son of God what a wonder You are
예수님 영광 받으소서

7 Holy ghost what a comfort You are
위로의 성령님이시여

8 You live right inside us
You lead us You guide us 우리 안에 계셔서 You live right inside us 인도하시네

9 Holy Ghost what a comfort You are
위로의 성령님이시여

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