Persons aged 15 years or more

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1 Persons aged 15 years or more
3. EU의 노동력 구주 EU-25 (2005) Persons aged 15 years or more 312.6 million (82.2%) Persons in employment 163.0 million (52.1%) Unemployed persons 13.5 million (7.65%) Inactive persons 136.2 million (43.6%) Part-time job 29.6 million (18.2%) Full-time job 133.3million (81.8%) Self-employed 20.0 million (15%) Employees 111.4 million (83.6%) Family workers 1.8 million (1.35%) Permanent job 97.8 million (87.8%) Temporary job 13.2 million (11.8%) EU-15 (2002) Population 380.5 million 380.3 million(82.4%) 197.5 million (51.9%) 19.5 million (8.99%) 163.3 million (42.9%) 36.2 million (18.3%) 161 million (81.5%) 25.5 million (15.8%) 133.8 million (83.1%) 1.7 million (1.06%) 116 million (86.7%) 17.7 million (13.2%) 461.5 million (Source: Eurostat, EU Labour Force Survey Principal results 2002, 2005)

2 가. definition Active population Inactive population Employed persons
employed and unemployed persons. Inactive population persons who neither classified as employed nor as unemployed. Employed persons persons aged 15 year and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. Unemployed persons persons aged who were without work during the reference week, were currently available for work and were either actively seeking work in the past four weeks or had already found a job to start within the next three months. Employees persons who work for a public or private employer and who receive compensation in the form of wages, salaries, fees, gratuities, payment by results or payment in kind; non-conscript members of the armed forces are also included. Self-employed persons who work in their own business, farm or professional practice for the purpose of earning profit, spends time on the operation of a business or is in the process of setting up it business. Family workers persons who help another member of the family to run a farm or other business, provided they are not classed as employees.

3 나. Temporary jobs type Fixed-term contracts Temporary agency workers
persons having a specified duration or predetermined ending date. Temporary agency workers persons who are placed by a temporary work agency (TWA) to perform work at the premises of a third-party customer enterprise. Contracts for a specific tasks a contract of work that lasts only as long as is necessary to complete a specified task. Replacement contracts for example, persons hired to replace workers on leave for family-related reasons. Seasonal work persons taking place only at certain periods of the year On-call work persons who is performed only on an as-needed basis Daily workers persons who are hired on a daily basis Trainees apprentices and other workers with a training contract that qualifies them for a salary but does not guarantee them a permanent position at the end of the training period. Persons in job creation schemes individuals hired under public programmes to stimulate the employment of disadvantaged categories of workers (e.g. youth, the long-term unemployed, and the disabled), when these jobs are of limited duration.

4 다. EU labor Force (2002 & 2005) +1.3 +0.8 +1.4 (million)
2002 (EU-15) data 2005 (EU-25) data Variation (%) GDP Growth 1.1% 1.7% +0.6 Population 380.5 461.5 Population of 15 years and over 312.6 (82.2%) 380.3 (82.4%) +0.2 Active population 176.5 (56.4%) 217.0 (57.1%) +0.5 Employed persons 163.0 (52.1%) 197.5 (51.9%) -0.2 Unemployed persons 13.5 (7.65%) 19.5 (8.99%) +1.3 Inactive population 136.2 (43.6%) 163.3 (42.9%) -0.7 Full-time employment 133.3 (81.8%) 161.0 (81.5%) -0.3 Employees 111.4 (83.6%) 133.8 (83.1%) -0.5 Self-employed 20.0 (15.0%) 25.5 (15.8%) +0.8 Family workers 1.8 (1.35%) 1.7 (1.06%) Part-time employment 29.6 (18.2%) 36.2 (18.3%) +0.1 Temporary (fixed-term) employees 13.2 (11.8%) 17.7 (13.2%) +1.4

5 EU Labor Force Analysis (2002&2005)
1 2 GDP 성장률(1.1%->1.7%)과 15세 이상 노동력 인구(82.2->82.4%), 경제활동인구(56.4%->57.1%)는 증가하였음. 반면, 취업자(52.1->51.9%)는 오히려 약간 감소하였으며, 실업자는 현저히 증가하였음(7.65%->8.99%). Full-time employees (81.8%->81.5%)은 감소하였으며, Part-time employees 비율(18.2->18.3%)은 약간 증가하였음. 3 자영업자(15.0%->15.8%)와 Temporary employees(13.2->17.7%)은 현저히 증가하였음. 4

6 라. 취업자 및 실업저 Employment 와 Unemployment 비율은 GDP 성장률에 크게 영향을 받지 않으며, 실업률이 계속 증가하고 있는 추세에 있음.

7 마. Full –time 과 part -time
대체로 Full-time employment는 GDP 성장률이 증가함에 따라 늘어난 반면, Part-time employment는 감소하였으며, 그 비율이 2002년 이후 잠시 줄었다가 다시 증가하는 추세에 있음.

8 바. 근로자 비율 자영업자의 비율은 계속 증가하고 있으며, Employees 또한 GDP 성장률에 크게 영향을 받지 않는 것으로 나타남.

9 사. Permanent vs temporary worker
Temporary employees은 2001년 이후 잠시 줄었다가 2003년 이후 계속 증가하는 추세에 있음.

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